Ultimate Comparison of Teeth Whitening Procedures: Bristol vs. Bursa

Le 18 June 2024

In the quest for a brighter smile, teeth whitening procedures have become increasingly popular worldwide.

Whether you find yourself in the historic city of Bristol, UK, or the bustling metropolis of Bursa, Turkey, there are unique considerations to weigh when deciding where to undergo this cosmetic dental treatment.

This comprehensive guide will delve into every aspect of teeth whitening in these two distinct locations, covering costs, procedures, effectiveness, and more.

woman teeth before and after whitening. Over white background. Dental clinic patient. Image symbolizes oral care dentistry, stomatology

Types of the teeth whitening procedure.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening, also known as professional or chairside whitening, is a cosmetic dental procedure performed by a qualified dentist or dental hygienist in a clinical setting.

This method involves the application of a high-concentration bleaching gel, typically containing hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, directly onto the teeth.

The gel is then activated by a special light, laser, or heat, which enhances the whitening process.

Details about In-Office Teeth Whitening:

  • Procedure: The dentist begins by isolating the teeth and applying a protective barrier to the gums to prevent irritation. A potent bleaching gel is then applied to the teeth and activated using a light source to accelerate the whitening process.
  • Duration: The entire procedure usually takes about 1-2 hours, depending on the degree of whitening desired and the specific method used by the dentist.
  • Effectiveness: In-office whitening is highly effective, often achieving noticeable results of several shades lighter in just one session.

Benefits of In-Office Teeth Whitening:

  • Immediate Results: Obtain visibly whiter teeth in a single appointment.
  • Customized Treatment: Dentists can tailor the treatment to address specific tooth discoloration concerns.
  • Supervised Process: Conducted under the supervision of dental professionals, ensuring safety and optimal results.
  • Long-lasting Effects: Results can last for a year or longer with proper maintenance.
  • Minimal Sensitivity: Advanced techniques and formulations help minimize sensitivity during and after the procedure.

At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

At-home teeth whitening kits offer a convenient and flexible approach to achieving a brighter smile from the comfort of home.

These kits typically include custom-fitted trays made from dental impressions and a bleaching gel containing a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide compared to in-office treatments. Users apply the gel to the trays and wear them for a specified period each day, usually ranging from 30 minutes to overnight, depending on the product’s instructions.

Details about At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits:

  • Usage: Users fill the trays with whitening gel and place them over their teeth for the recommended duration. The trays help ensure even application of the gel across all teeth surfaces.
  • Duration: Results are achieved gradually over several weeks of consistent use, typically 1-2 weeks for noticeable improvement and up to a month for optimal results.
  • Maintenance: Some kits include desensitizing agents to minimize tooth sensitivity, a common side effect of teeth whitening.

Benefits of At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits:

  • Convenience: Whiten teeth at your own pace and convenience, without multiple dental visits.
  • Affordability: Generally more cost-effective than in-office treatments.
  • Customizable Application: Custom-fit trays ensure uniform whitening and minimize gum irritation.
  • Continued Use: Kits often include enough gel for touch-ups, extending the longevity of results.
  • Gradual Whitening: Achieve natural-looking results without sudden changes in tooth color.

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are a popular over-the-counter option for teeth whitening that offer simplicity and ease of use. These thin, flexible strips are coated with a bleaching gel containing hydrogen peroxide and are applied directly onto the teeth.

They adhere to the teeth’s surface and are left in place for a specified period, usually between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the product’s instructions.

Details about Whitening Strips:

  • Application: Users apply the strips directly to dry teeth, pressing them gently into place to ensure good contact with the enamel.
  • Usage Frequency: Most whitening strip kits are designed for daily use over a span of 7-14 days to achieve desired results.
  • Effectiveness: While generally effective for mild to moderate staining, results may vary based on individual tooth discoloration and adherence to usage instructions.

Benefits of Whitening Strips:

  • Accessibility: Widely available without a prescription at pharmacies and online retailers.
  • Ease of Use: Simple application process suitable for at-home use without dental supervision.
  • Affordability: Generally more economical than professional treatments and some at-home kits.
  • Portability: Compact packaging makes them convenient for travel or use on the go.
  • Minimal Sensitivity: Many strips are formulated with gentler whitening agents to reduce sensitivity.

Whitening Toothpaste and Mouthwashes

Whitening toothpaste and mouthwashes offer a gradual approach to teeth whitening as part of daily oral hygiene routines. These products contain mild abrasives and low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or other whitening agents designed to help remove surface stains and prevent new ones from forming.

Details about Whitening Toothpaste and Mouthwashes:

  • Usage: Use toothpaste and mouthwash as directed, typically brushing twice daily with the toothpaste and rinsing with mouthwash once or twice daily.
  • Ingredients: Whitening toothpastes often contain silica, baking soda, or activated charcoal to polish teeth and remove stains, while mouthwashes may include hydrogen peroxide or fluoride for additional whitening and cavity protection.

Benefits of Whitening Toothpaste and Mouthwashes:

  • Daily Maintenance: Integrate whitening into your daily oral care routine for ongoing stain prevention.
  • Accessibility: Readily available at grocery stores, pharmacies, and online retailers.
  • Cost-Effective: Generally affordable compared to other whitening options.
  • Minimal Disruption: Incorporate seamlessly into existing oral hygiene habits.
  • Maintenance of Results: Support and extend the results of professional or at-home whitening treatments.

Natural Remedies for Teeth Whitening

Natural remedies for teeth whitening involve using common household items or natural substances to gently lighten surface stains on teeth.

These methods are often sought after for their simplicity, affordability, and perceived safety compared to chemical-based treatments.

Details about Natural Remedies for Teeth Whitening:

  • Examples: Common natural remedies include brushing with baking soda, using activated charcoal, applying hydrogen peroxide diluted with water, or rubbing fruit peels (such as banana or orange peels) on teeth.
  • Mechanism: These remedies work by either mechanically scrubbing away surface stains or through mild bleaching action from natural acids or enzymes present in the substances.
  • Effectiveness: Results vary widely depending on the method used and individual factors such as tooth sensitivity and type of stains.

Benefits of Natural Remedies for Teeth Whitening:

  • Accessibility: Easily accessible ingredients found in most homes or readily available at grocery stores.
  • Affordability: Cost-effective compared to commercial whitening products or professional treatments.
  • Perceived Safety: Many individuals prefer natural remedies for their perceived gentleness and lack of harsh chemicals.
  • DIY Approach: Empowers individuals to experiment and find methods that work best for their unique dental needs.
  • Sustainability: Environmentally friendly compared to products packaged in plastic or containing synthetic ingredients.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening, also known as light-activated or power whitening, is a procedure that enhances the effectiveness of teeth whitening gels applied to the teeth. This method involves using a laser or intense light source to activate the bleaching agent, speeding up the chemical reaction that removes stains from the enamel and dentin.

Details about Laser Teeth Whitening:

  • Procedure: The dentist applies a bleaching gel containing hydrogen peroxide to the teeth, followed by exposure to a laser or LED light for about 15-20 minutes per session.
  • Mechanism: The light or laser energy activates the gel, allowing it to penetrate deeper into the tooth structure and break down stubborn stains.
  • Duration: Typically, the entire procedure takes 1-2 hours, depending on the desired level of whitening and the technology used by the dental clinic.

Benefits of Laser Teeth Whitening:

  • Rapid Results: Achieve significant whitening in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional methods.
  • Precision: Target specific areas of discoloration for more even and consistent results.
  • Minimal Sensitivity: Advanced technologies reduce the risk of sensitivity commonly associated with teeth whitening.
  • Long-lasting Effects: Enjoy a brighter smile that lasts with proper post-treatment care.
  • Professional Supervision: Conducted under the guidance of trained dental professionals for optimal safety and efficacy.

Combination Whitening Techniques

Combination whitening techniques involve using a blend of different methods to achieve customized results tailored to individual needs.

This approach may combine in-office treatments with at-home maintenance or incorporate various whitening products and technologies for enhanced effectiveness.

Details about Combination Whitening Techniques:

  • Customization: Dental professionals may devise treatment plans that begin with an in-office session for immediate results, followed by at-home kits or periodic touch-ups with whitening strips or toothpaste.
  • Sequential Approach: Combining methods can address different types of stains and provide a more comprehensive whitening outcome.
  • Long-term Strategy: By integrating multiple techniques, patients can maintain their results over an extended period and minimize the recurrence of discoloration.

Benefits of Combination Whitening Techniques:

  • Optimized Results: Tailored approach to address specific tooth discoloration and achieve desired brightness.
  • Flexibility: Blend of treatments allows for flexibility in scheduling and maintaining whitening results.
  • Comprehensive Care: Comprehensive approach under professional guidance ensures thorough treatment and follow-up care.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Maximizes results with a strategic mix of treatments, potentially reducing overall costs compared to single-method approaches.
  • Personalized Care: Dental professionals can adjust treatment plans based on individual responses and preferences.

Costs for each type of teeth whitening procedure in Bristol and Bursa.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Bristol, UK

  • Procedure Cost: £300 – £600 per session
  • Consultation Fee: £50 – £100 (may be included in the procedure cost)
  • Follow-up Appointments: Typically included in the procedure cost
  • Travel Costs: Variable based on distance and mode of transport
  • Potential Taxes: VAT may apply to cosmetic procedures in the UK

Bursa, Turkey

  • Procedure Cost: ₺600 – ₺1,200 per session (approximately £50 – £100)
  • Consultation Fee: Often included in the procedure cost
  • Follow-up Appointments: Generally included in the initial cost
  • Travel Costs: Flight and accommodation expenses vary, but medical tourism packages may offer discounts
  • Potential Taxes: Typically lower VAT or none applied to medical procedures for international patients

At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Bristol, UK

  • Cost of Kits: £200 – £400 (including trays and whitening gel for multiple applications)
  • Consultation Fee: Not applicable for at-home kits
  • Shipping Costs: Variable based on supplier and delivery options
  • Postage and Packaging: Typically included in the total cost

Bursa, Turkey

  • Cost of Kits: ₺400 – ₺800 (approximately £30 – £70)
  • Consultation Fee: Not applicable for at-home kits
  • Shipping Costs: Domestic or international shipping charges may apply
  • Customs Fees: Depending on the country of delivery, customs duties may apply

Whitening Strips

Bristol, UK

  • Cost of Strips: £10 – £50 (per pack of strips for multiple applications)
  • Consultation Fee: Not applicable for over-the-counter products
  • Purchase Location: Prices may vary between pharmacies and online retailers

Bursa, Turkey

  • Cost of Strips: ₺50 – ₺250 (approximately £4 – £20)
  • Consultation Fee: Not applicable for over-the-counter products
  • Purchase Location: Prices may vary slightly between local pharmacies and online platforms

Whitening Toothpaste and Mouthwashes

Bristol, UK

  • Cost of Toothpaste/Mouthwash: £5 – £15 (per tube or bottle)
  • Consultation Fee: Not applicable for retail products
  • Purchase Location: Prices vary between supermarkets, pharmacies, and specialty stores

Bursa, Turkey

  • Cost of Toothpaste/Mouthwash: ₺10 – ₺30 (approximately £1 – £3)
  • Consultation Fee: Not applicable for retail products
  • Purchase Location: Prices may differ slightly between local retailers and online platforms

Natural Remedies for Teeth Whitening

Bristol, UK

  • Cost: Minimal to moderate, depending on ingredients used (e.g., baking soda, activated charcoal, fruit peels)
  • Purchase of Ingredients: Typically inexpensive and readily available in supermarkets or online
  • Consultation Fee: Not applicable as these remedies are self-administered
  • Potential Sensitivity Treatments: Over-the-counter products if sensitivity occurs

Bursa, Turkey

  • Cost: Low to moderate, similar to Bristol due to availability of common household items
  • Purchase of Ingredients: Affordably priced, often sourced locally or online
  • Consultation Fee: Not applicable for self-administered treatments
  • Sensitivity Management: Accessible over-the-counter options if needed

Laser Teeth Whitening

Bristol, UK

  • Cost: £400 – £1,000 per session, depending on clinic and technology used
  • Consultation Fee: £50 – £100 (may be included in the procedure cost)
  • Follow-up Appointments: Typically included in the initial cost
  • Travel Costs: Variable based on distance and mode of transport
  • Potential Taxes: VAT applicable to cosmetic procedures

Bursa, Turkey

  • Cost: ₺1,000 – ₺2,500 per session (approximately £80 – £200)
  • Consultation Fee: Usually included in the procedure cost
  • Follow-up Appointments: Generally part of the package
  • Travel Costs: Flight and accommodation expenses may vary, but medical tourism options can offer savings
  • Potential Taxes: Lower VAT or none applied to medical procedures for international patients

Combination Whitening Techniques

Bristol, UK

  • Cost: £500 – £1,200, depending on the combination of treatments and clinic pricing
  • Consultation Fee: £50 – £100 (may be included)
  • Follow-up Appointments: Typically included in the initial cost
  • Travel Costs: Variable depending on location and mode of transport
  • Potential Taxes: VAT may apply to cosmetic procedures

Bursa, Turkey

  • Cost: ₺800 – ₺1,800 (approximately £65 – £150), depending on the combination and clinic
  • Consultation Fee: Often part of the overall package
  • Follow-up Appointments: Generally included in the initial cost
  • Travel Costs: Flight and accommodation expenses vary; medical tourism packages may offer discounts
  • Potential Taxes: Lower VAT or none applied to medical procedures for international patients

Financial Planning Considerations

Bristol, UK

  • Currency: British Pound (£)
  • Payment Methods: Cash, credit/debit cards; inquire about installment plans with the dental clinic
  • Insurance Coverage: Dental insurance may cover part of the costs, depending on the policy
  • Additional Expenses: Factor in accommodation, meals, and local transportation if traveling from outside Bristol

Bursa, Turkey

  • Currency: Turkish Lira (₺)
  • Payment Methods: Cash (in local currency), credit/debit cards (check international transaction fees), or medical tourism packages offering comprehensive deals
  • Insurance Coverage: International travel insurance might cover medical expenses abroad; confirm coverage for elective procedures
  • Additional Expenses: Include costs for flights, accommodation, meals, and local transportation; consider medical tourism packages that may offer bundled services at discounted rates

Overview of Teeth Whitening Procedures

Bristol, UK

Bristol, known for its vibrant culture and rich history, offers a variety of options for teeth whitening treatments.

Dental clinics in Bristol typically provide professional whitening services that utilize advanced techniques and materials. Common procedures include:

  • In-office Whitening: Conducted under the supervision of dental professionals, in-office whitening in Bristol often involves the use of hydrogen peroxide-based gels and specialized light activation to accelerate the whitening process.
  • Take-home Kits: Many dental practices in Bristol offer customized take-home kits with trays molded to fit individual patients’ teeth. These kits include professional-grade whitening gel for gradual whitening over a period of weeks.
  • Whitening Toothpaste and Strips: Over-the-counter options are also available in Bristol, though these are generally less effective than professional treatments.

Bursa, Turkey

  • Bursa, a city renowned for its historic landmarks and thermal spas, has emerged as a popular destination for medical and dental tourism. The teeth whitening procedures available in Bursa are similar to those in Bristol but may offer distinct advantages:
  • Clinic-Based Whitening: Dental clinics in Bursa often provide in-office whitening treatments using the latest technologies. The procedures are typically performed by experienced dentists who may offer a combination of light-activated and non-light-activated whitening methods.
  • At-Home Solutions: Like in Bristol, dental practices in Bursa may offer take-home whitening kits that allow patients to whiten their teeth at their convenience.
  • Affordability: One notable advantage of choosing Bursa for teeth whitening is potentially lower costs compared to Bristol, making it an attractive option for international patients seeking quality dental care at a competitive price.

Comparing Effectiveness and Safety

When it comes to the effectiveness and safety of teeth whitening procedures, both Bristol and Bursa uphold high standards of dental care. However, there are nuances to consider:

  • Professional Supervision: Dental regulations in Bristol and Bursa ensure that whitening procedures are conducted under professional supervision, minimizing risks and maximizing results.
  • Product Standards: Both locations adhere to stringent standards for dental products and equipment, ensuring that patients receive safe and effective treatments.

Choosing the Right Option

  • Selecting where to undergo teeth whitening involves considering personal preferences, budget constraints, and desired outcomes. Factors to weigh include:
  • Quality of Care: Both Bristol and Bursa offer reputable dental services, but it’s essential to research clinics, read patient reviews, and verify credentials.
  • Travel Considerations: For international patients, traveling to Bursa may involve additional planning, such as accommodation and transportation arrangements.
  • Post-Treatment Care: Ensure that your chosen clinic provides adequate follow-up care and instructions to maintain your newly whitened smile.

Additional Considerations and Recommendations

Both Bristol and Bursa boast modern dental facilities equipped with advanced technologies for teeth whitening procedures. When selecting a clinic, consider:

  • Dentist Qualifications: Check the credentials and experience of the dentists performing the whitening procedure. Look for certifications and memberships in professional organizations.
  • Technology: Evaluate the types of equipment and technologies used for teeth whitening. Clinics that invest in cutting-edge dental technology may offer more efficient and comfortable treatment options.

Patient Experience and Reviews

Reading patient reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the quality of care and outcomes experienced at different dental clinics.

Websites, forums, and social media platforms often feature reviews from patients who have undergone teeth whitening treatments in Bristol or Bursa.

Travel Logistics and Convenience

For international patients considering treatment in Bursa:

  • Visa Requirements: Check visa requirements and ensure all necessary travel documents are in order before planning your trip.
  • Accommodation: Research nearby hotels or accommodations that offer convenient access to your chosen dental clinic in Bursa.
  • Transportation: Arrange transportation from the airport to your accommodation and from your accommodation to the dental clinic for added convenience.

Long-Term Maintenance

Maintaining a bright smile after teeth whitening involves proper oral hygiene practices and occasional touch-ups. Dental clinics in both Bristol and Bursa typically provide guidance on:

  • Post-Whitening Care: Follow instructions provided by your dentist to prolong the results of your teeth whitening treatment.
  • Touch-Up Treatments: Discuss options for touch-up treatments to maintain the brightness of your smile over time.


Choosing between teeth whitening procedures in Bristol and Bursa involves weighing factors such as cost, quality of care, convenience, and personal preferences.

Whether you opt for the historical charm of Bristol or the cultural allure of Bursa, both destinations offer reputable dental clinics and effective teeth whitening solutions.

By conducting thorough research, consulting with dental professionals, and considering your individual needs, you can make a confident decision to achieve a radiant smile that enhances your confidence and appearance.

For more information on teeth whitening options in Bristol and Bursa, consult with dental professionals in both locations to determine the best course of action for your dental care needs.