The Ultimate Comparison: Beard Transplant Costs in Dubai vs. Turkey

Le 24 June 2024

Facial hair has become a symbol of style and masculinity, leading many men to seek beard transplants to achieve their desired look.

Two prominent destinations for this procedure are Dubai and Turkey, both known for their advanced medical facilities and skilled surgeons.

This comprehensive article will delve into the costs associated with beard transplants in these two locations, examining various factors influencing the prices and providing a detailed comparison to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Beard Transplant Procedures

Before diving into the cost comparison, it is essential to understand what a beard transplant entails. The procedure typically involves extracting hair follicles from a donor area (usually the back of the scalp) and transplanting them to the beard region.

What are the types of the beard transplant procedure?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is an advanced hair transplant technique where individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area (usually the back of the scalp) using a specialized micro-punch tool ranging from 0.6mm to 1.0mm in diameter. These follicles are then transplanted into the beard area to achieve natural-looking results.

FUE is particularly favored for beard transplants due to its minimally invasive nature and ability to harvest follicles without leaving a linear scar, making it ideal for those who prefer to maintain shorter hair styles.

Procedure Steps:

  • Initial Consultation: The process begins with a detailed consultation where the surgeon assesses the patient’s beard goals, examines the donor area, and discusses expectations.
  • Preparation: On the day of the procedure, the donor area is typically shaved to facilitate easier extraction of follicles. Local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort.
  • Extraction of Follicles: Using a micro-punch tool, follicular units containing 1-4 hairs each are extracted from the donor site. The surgeon carefully selects follicles based on their quality and suitability for transplantation.
  • Graft Preparation: Once extracted, the follicular units are meticulously examined and trimmed under a microscope to prepare them for implantation. This step ensures that each graft is intact and positioned correctly for optimal growth.
  • Recipient Site Creation: Tiny incisions or slits are made in the beard area where the follicles will be implanted. The angle, depth, and density of these incisions are crucial to achieving a natural-looking beard pattern.
  • Implantation: The prepared follicular units are delicately inserted into the recipient sites using specialized implantation tools. The surgeon pays careful attention to the orientation and placement of each graft to mimic natural hair growth.
  • Post-Operative Care: After the procedure, patients are provided with detailed instructions on how to care for their newly transplanted beard area. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress and ensure optimal healing.


  • Minimally Invasive: FUE involves tiny punctures rather than a linear scar, leading to quicker healing and less discomfort post-surgery.
  • Natural-Looking Results: The individual placement of follicles allows for a realistic distribution and angle of hair growth, creating a natural beard appearance.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various beard styles and hair textures, accommodating specific aesthetic preferences.
  • Short Recovery Period: Patients typically experience minimal downtime and can resume normal activities within a few days after the procedure.


  • Time-Consuming: FUE procedures can be lengthy, especially for larger beard areas requiring a higher number of grafts.
  • Higher Cost Per Graft: Compared to some other methods, FUE can be more expensive due to the labor-intensive nature of extracting and implanting individual follicles.
  • Limited Donor Supply: The number of grafts available for extraction is finite, which may limit the extent of beard coverage for some individuals seeking denser results.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)


Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), also known as strip harvesting, is a hair transplant technique involving the surgical removal of a strip of scalp tissue from the donor area (typically the back of the scalp).

The strip is then dissected into individual follicular units under a microscope before being transplanted into the recipient beard area.

FUT is suitable for patients requiring larger quantities of hair grafts to achieve significant beard coverage and density.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Planning: Detailed consultation to determine beard restoration goals, donor hair availability assessment, and surgical planning.
  • Pre-Surgery Preparation: The donor area is trimmed, and local anesthesia is administered to numb the area for strip harvesting.
  • Strip Harvesting: A strip of scalp tissue, typically measuring 8 to 12 inches in length and 1 to 1.5 centimeters in width, is surgically excised from the donor site. The incision is closed with sutures or staples, leaving a linear scar that can be concealed by surrounding hair.
  • Graft Dissection: Technicians dissect the strip under a microscope, meticulously separating it into individual follicular units (containing 1-4 hairs each) for transplantation.
  • Recipient Site Creation: Small incisions are made in the recipient beard area where the dissected follicular units will be implanted. The placement and angle of these incisions are critical to achieving a natural-looking beard pattern.
  • Implantation: The dissected follicular units are carefully inserted into the recipient sites using specialized tools. Attention is paid to the natural angle and direction of hair growth for optimal aesthetic results.
  • Post-Operative Care: Patients receive detailed instructions on post-operative care, including medication, wound care, and follow-up appointments to monitor healing and growth.


  • High Graft Yield: FUT allows for the transplantation of a large number of follicular units in a single session, making it suitable for extensive beard reconstruction.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to FUE for large areas, FUT may be more cost-effective due to the efficiency of harvesting and transplanting multiple grafts simultaneously.
  • Predictable Results: The technique has a long-established track record with predictable outcomes in terms of graft survival and natural hair growth.


  • Linear Scar: FUT leaves a linear scar in the donor area, which may be visible if the surrounding hair is shaved short.
  • Longer Recovery: Recovery from FUT may take slightly longer due to the nature of the incision and wound closure.
  • Potential for Nerve Damage: As with any surgical procedure, there is a small risk of nerve damage or post-operative complications, although these are rare with experienced surgeons.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)


Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is an advanced hair transplant technique that involves the direct implantation of extracted hair follicles into the recipient area without the need for creating recipient sites beforehand.

DHI uses a specialized tool called a Choi implanter pen, which simultaneously extracts and implants hair follicles in a single step, preserving their viability and enhancing the precision of placement.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation of beard restoration goals, donor hair suitability, and planning for the DHI procedure.
  • Preparation: Shaving the donor area and administering local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.
  • Extraction: Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using the Choi implanter pen, which creates tiny punctures and simultaneously implants the follicles into the recipient site.
  • Recipient Site Implantation: The Choi implanter pen is used to implant the extracted follicles directly into the beard area, maintaining their natural orientation and density.
  • Post-Implantation Care: Patients receive instructions for post-operative care, including medication, wound care, and follow-up appointments to monitor progress and growth.


  • Minimally Invasive: DHI minimizes trauma to the scalp and ensures quicker healing compared to traditional methods.
  • High Precision: The Choi implanter pen allows for precise control over the depth, angle, and direction of follicle implantation, resulting in natural-looking beard growth.
  • Fast Recovery: Patients experience minimal downtime and can resume normal activities sooner after DHI compared to other techniques.


  • Cost: DHI may be more expensive than traditional FUE or FUT due to the specialized equipment and technique involved.
  • Skill and Experience: The success of DHI depends heavily on the surgeon’s skill and experience with the Choi implanter pen.
  • Limited Donor Supply: Like other techniques, DHI is limited by the availability of donor hair for transplantation.

Robotic Hair Transplant (ARTAS)


Robotic Hair Transplant, utilizing the ARTAS system, is an advanced hair restoration technique where robotic technology assists surgeons in harvesting hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them into the recipient site.

The ARTAS system uses precision robotics and digital imaging to identify and select optimal donor hair follicles, ensuring natural-looking results with minimal scarring and downtime.

Procedure Steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Detailed discussion of beard restoration goals, donor hair assessment, and planning for the robotic hair transplant procedure.
  • Preparation: The donor area is shaved to facilitate robotic harvesting. Local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.
  • Robotic Harvesting: The ARTAS system utilizes image-guided robotics to identify and harvest hair follicles from the donor area with micron-level precision. The system’s algorithms calculate the optimal angle, depth, and spacing for extraction to preserve donor area aesthetics.
  • Recipient Site Creation: The surgeon creates recipient sites in the beard area where the harvested follicles will be transplanted. The ARTAS system assists in planning and creating these sites based on aesthetic goals and natural hair growth patterns.
  • Robotic Implantation: Using the ARTAS system, the harvested follicles are meticulously implanted into the recipient sites. The robotic technology ensures accurate placement for natural-looking results.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Patients receive instructions for post-operative care, including medication, wound care, and follow-up appointments to monitor healing and growth.


  • Precision and Accuracy: ARTAS robotics offer precise harvesting and implantation, minimizing trauma to the scalp and maximizing graft survival.
  • Natural Results: The system’s advanced imaging and planning capabilities help achieve natural-looking beard growth with uniform density.
  • Minimized Scarring: Compared to traditional methods, ARTAS leaves minimal scarring in the donor area, allowing for quicker healing and less noticeable results.


  • Cost: Robotic hair transplants, such as ARTAS, tend to be more expensive due to the advanced technology and equipment involved.
  • Technological Dependence: Success depends on the surgeon’s skill in operating the ARTAS system and interpreting digital imaging for optimal results.
  • Limited Availability: ARTAS systems may not be widely available in all clinics, limiting accessibility for some patients.

Stem Cell FUE (Direct Hair Implantation Plus)


Stem Cell FUE, also known as Direct Hair Implantation Plus (DHI Plus), incorporates stem cell therapy into the traditional FUE technique.

This advanced procedure enhances the survival rate of transplanted hair follicles and promotes faster healing and hair growth by using the patient’s own stem cells extracted from adipose tissue (fat cells) or bone marrow.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation to determine beard restoration goals, donor hair suitability, and eligibility for stem cell therapy.
  • Preparation: The donor area is shaved, and local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort during both extraction and implantation.
  • Stem Cell Extraction: Stem cells are harvested from the patient’s own adipose tissue (fat cells) or bone marrow using minimally invasive techniques.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using the traditional FUE technique, ensuring minimal damage to the follicles.
  • Stem Cell Activation: The extracted stem cells are processed and activated before being mixed with the harvested hair follicles.
  • Recipient Site Implantation: The stem cell-enriched follicles are implanted into the recipient sites in the beard area using specialized tools, ensuring precise placement and maximum viability.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Patients receive instructions for post-operative care, including medication, wound care, and follow-up appointments to monitor healing and growth.


  • Enhanced Graft Survival: Stem cell therapy enhances the survival rate of transplanted hair follicles by providing a nourishing environment and promoting cell regeneration.
  • Faster Healing: Stem cells accelerate the healing process and reduce recovery time compared to traditional FUE techniques.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Combined with FUE, stem cell therapy helps achieve natural beard growth with improved density and texture.


  • Cost: Stem Cell FUE is typically more expensive than traditional FUE due to the additional cost of stem cell extraction and processing.
  • Specialized Expertise: Surgeons performing Stem Cell FUE require specialized training and expertise in both hair transplantation and stem cell therapy.
  • Long-Term Benefits: While promising, the long-term benefits of stem cell-enriched hair transplants for beard restoration are still being studied.

Long Hair FUE


Long Hair Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a specialized technique where hair follicles are harvested from the donor area without trimming or shaving the hair beforehand. This allows the surgeon to transplant long hair directly into the recipient sites, providing immediate visual feedback on the placement and natural appearance of the beard.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Planning: Comprehensive evaluation of beard restoration goals, donor hair assessment, and planning for Long Hair FUE procedure.
  • Preparation: The donor area is left unshaven, preserving the length of hair follicles for transplantation.
  • Extraction: Individual hair follicles are extracted from the unshaven donor area using the FUE technique, maintaining the natural length of the hair strands.
  • Recipient Site Creation: Small incisions or slits are made in the beard area where the long hair follicles will be implanted. The surgeon ensures precise placement to achieve natural-looking results.
  • Implantation: Long hair follicles are carefully inserted into the recipient sites, allowing for immediate visual confirmation of placement and aesthetics.


  • Immediate Aesthetics: Allows for immediate assessment of the beard’s appearance during and after the procedure.
  • Natural Result: Long hair provides a realistic preview of the final beard growth pattern and density.
  • Minimal Disruption: Avoids the need for shaving the donor area, preserving existing hair and reducing visible scarring.


  • Length Limitations: Limited by the length of hair available in the donor area for transplantation.
  • Skill Requirement: Requires skill and precision in handling long hair follicles during extraction and implantation.
  • Cost: Long Hair FUE may be more expensive due to the specialized technique and longer procedure time.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a non-surgical adjunct treatment often combined with hair transplant procedures to enhance graft survival, promote faster healing, and stimulate hair follicle growth.

PRP therapy involves extracting a small amount of the patient’s blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting the PRP solution into the transplanted and donor areas to support hair follicle health.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Evaluation: Assessment of beard restoration goals, discussion of PRP therapy benefits, and integration with hair transplant procedure planning.
  • PRP Extraction: A small volume of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed using a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the platelet-rich plasma.
  • PRP Activation: The concentrated PRP solution is activated to release growth factors that stimulate hair follicle regeneration and healing.
  • Injection: The activated PRP solution is injected into the transplanted and donor areas of the beard to enhance graft survival and promote natural hair growth.
  • Post-Treatment Care: Patients receive instructions for post-PRP care, including limitations on activities and follow-up appointments to monitor progress.


  • Improved Graft Survival: PRP therapy enhances the survival rate of transplanted hair follicles by providing essential growth factors and nutrients.
  • Accelerated Healing: PRP accelerates the healing process in both the donor and recipient areas, reducing downtime and discomfort.
  • Natural Hair Growth Stimulation: Stimulates dormant hair follicles, promoting thicker, healthier hair growth in the beard area.


  • Multiple Sessions: May require multiple PRP sessions to achieve optimal results, depending on individual response and treatment goals.
  • Adjunct Treatment: PRP therapy is typically used in conjunction with hair transplant procedures, adding to overall treatment costs.
  • Patient-Specific Results: Results vary based on individual hair characteristics, overall health, and adherence to post-treatment care instructions.

Sapphire FUE


Sapphire Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is an advanced hair transplant technique where the extraction of hair follicles from the donor area and their implantation into the recipient area is performed using sapphire blades instead of traditional steel blades.

Sapphire blades are known for their precision and ability to create smaller, more precise incisions, enhancing the overall quality and naturalness of the hair transplant results.

Procedure Steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Comprehensive evaluation to assess beard restoration goals, donor hair characteristics, and suitability for Sapphire FUE.
  • Preparation: The donor area is shaved, and local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.
  • Extraction: Hair follicles are extracted using sapphire blades, which create smaller, cleaner incisions compared to traditional steel punches. This minimizes trauma to the scalp and improves healing.
  • Recipient Site Creation: Small, precise incisions are made in the beard area where the extracted follicles will be implanted. The angle, depth, and density of these incisions are crucial for natural-looking results.
  • Implantation: The extracted follicles are carefully implanted into the recipient sites using specialized tools, ensuring optimal orientation and density for natural beard growth.


  • Enhanced Precision: Sapphire blades create finer incisions, resulting in less trauma to surrounding tissues and improved graft survival.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Smaller incisions mimic natural hair growth patterns, achieving a more aesthetically pleasing beard appearance.
  • Faster Healing: Reduced trauma and cleaner incisions contribute to quicker recovery times compared to traditional FUE techniques.


  • Cost: Sapphire FUE may be more expensive than traditional FUE due to the specialized equipment and technique involved.
  • Skill Requirement: Surgeons require specific training and expertise in using sapphire blades for optimal results.
  • Availability: Not all clinics offer Sapphire FUE, limiting accessibility for some patients seeking advanced hair transplant options.

Body Hair Transplant (BHT)


Body Hair Transplant (BHT) is a specialized hair restoration technique where hair follicles are harvested from areas of the body other than the scalp, such as the chest, back, or legs, and transplanted into the beard area.

BHT is particularly useful for patients with limited donor hair on the scalp or those seeking additional grafts to achieve fuller beard density.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Evaluation: Detailed assessment of beard restoration goals, donor hair availability on the body, and planning for BHT procedure.
  • Preparation: The donor area on the body is shaved, and local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort during follicle extraction and implantation.
  • Extraction: Hair follicles are harvested from the body using FUE or other extraction techniques suitable for body hair, ensuring minimal trauma and maximum graft viability.
  • Recipient Site Creation: Small incisions are made in the beard area where the harvested follicles will be transplanted. The surgeon ensures natural placement and density for aesthetic results.
  • Implantation: The extracted body hair follicles are meticulously implanted into the recipient sites in the beard area, mimicking natural beard growth patterns and density.


  • Expanded Donor Pool: BHT utilizes hair from various body areas, expanding the donor pool for patients with limited scalp hair.
  • Increased Graft Availability: Provides additional grafts for achieving fuller beard density and coverage.
  • Versatility: Suitable for patients requiring extensive beard restoration or those with specific hair texture preferences.


  • Hair Characteristics: Body hair may differ in texture, color, and growth cycle compared to scalp hair, requiring careful selection and planning for natural-looking results.
  • Procedure Duration: Harvesting and transplanting body hair may be more time-consuming compared to using scalp hair, impacting procedure length and cost.
  • Patient Expectations: Managing expectations regarding hair characteristics and growth patterns from body hair transplantation is crucial for patient satisfaction.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant


Eyebrow Hair Transplant is a specialized procedure where hair follicles are transplanted from the scalp to the eyebrow area to enhance shape, thickness, and definition.

This technique is suitable for patients with sparse or thin eyebrows due to genetics, over-plucking, trauma, or medical conditions, aiming to restore natural-looking eyebrows that frame the face.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Planning: Detailed discussion of eyebrow restoration goals, assessment of donor hair suitability from the scalp, and planning for the transplant procedure.
  • Donor Hair Selection: Hair follicles are carefully selected from the scalp donor area, ensuring they match the natural texture and growth pattern of eyebrow hair.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Individual follicular units containing 1-2 hairs each are extracted from the donor area using the FUE technique, ensuring minimal damage to surrounding hair.
  • Recipient Site Preparation: Small incisions or slits are made in the eyebrow area where the extracted follicles will be implanted. The surgeon ensures precise placement to achieve natural eyebrow shape and density.
  • Implantation: The extracted follicles are meticulously implanted into the recipient sites in the eyebrow area, following the natural direction and angle of eyebrow hair growth.


  • Customized Results: Allows for precise shaping and enhancement of eyebrow shape, thickness, and arch based on individual aesthetic preferences.
  • Permanent Solution: Transplanted hair follicles continue to grow naturally in the eyebrow area, providing long-term results.
  • Improved Self-Confidence: Enhances facial symmetry and appearance, boosting self-esteem for patients with sparse or thin eyebrows.


  • Hair Characteristics: Scalp hair may differ in texture and growth rate compared to eyebrow hair, requiring careful selection and placement for natural-looking results.
  • Maintenance: Regular grooming and trimming may be necessary to maintain desired eyebrow shape and appearance post-transplant.
  • Patient Expectations: Managing expectations regarding final eyebrow appearance and growth timeline is essential for patient satisfaction and realistic outcomes.

Prices of each type of the beard transplant.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)


  • Procedure Cost: The cost of FUE in Dubai typically ranges from $3,000 to $8,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: Approximately $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $200 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: FUE in Turkey is generally more affordable, ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: Approximately $50 to $150 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $100 USD per visit.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)


  • Procedure Cost: FUT in Dubai ranges from $3,500 to $10,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $400 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $300 to $800 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $300 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: FUT in Turkey is generally priced between $2,000 to $7,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $300 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $200 USD per visit.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)


  • Procedure Cost: DHI costs in Dubai range from $3,500 to $9,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $200 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: DHI in Turkey is generally priced between $2,000 to $6,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $150 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $100 USD per visit.

Robotic Hair Transplant (ARTAS)


  • Procedure Cost: Robotic hair transplant (ARTAS) in Dubai ranges from $5,000 to $12,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $400 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $300 to $800 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $300 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: ARTAS in Turkey is generally priced between $3,000 to $8,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $300 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $200 USD per visit.

Stem Cell FUE (Direct Hair Implantation Plus)


  • Procedure Cost: Stem Cell FUE in Dubai ranges from $4,000 to $10,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $400 USD.
  • Stem Cell Extraction: $500 to $1,500 USD (additional cost).
  • Post-Operative Care: $300 to $800 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $300 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: Stem Cell FUE in Turkey is generally priced between $2,500 to $7,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $300 USD.
  • Stem Cell Extraction: $300 to $1,000 USD (additional cost).
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $200 USD per visit.

Long Hair FUE


  • Procedure Cost: Long Hair FUE in Dubai typically ranges from $4,000 to $9,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $400 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $300 to $800 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $300 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: Long Hair FUE in Turkey is generally priced between $2,500 to $6,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $300 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $200 USD per visit.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy


  • Procedure Cost: PRP Therapy in Dubai ranges from $500 to $1,500 USD per session.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Multiple Sessions: Typically recommended, costing $1,000 to $3,000 USD for a package of sessions.
  • Post-Procedure Care: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $200 USD per visit.

·         Turkey:

  • Procedure Cost: PRP Therapy in Turkey is generally priced between $300 to $1,000 USD per session.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Multiple Sessions: Package costs range from $500 to $2,000 USD, depending on the number of sessions.
  • Post-Procedure Care: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $100 USD per visit.

Sapphire FUE


  • Procedure Cost: Sapphire FUE in Dubai ranges from $4,500 to $10,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $400 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $300 to $800 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $300 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: Sapphire FUE in Turkey is generally priced between $3,000 to $8,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $300 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $200 USD per visit.

Body Hair Transplant (BHT)


  • Procedure Cost: Body Hair Transplant in Dubai ranges from $5,000 to $12,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $400 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $300 to $800 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $300 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: BHT in Turkey is generally priced between $3,000 to $8,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $300 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $200 USD per visit.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant


  • Procedure Cost: Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Dubai ranges from $3,000 to $8,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $100 to $300 USD.
  • Medications: $100 to $400 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $300 to $800 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $100 to $300 USD per visit.


  • Procedure Cost: Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Turkey is generally priced between $2,000 to $6,000 USD.
  • Consultation Fee: $50 to $200 USD.
  • Medications: $50 to $300 USD.
  • Post-Operative Care: $200 to $500 USD.
  • Follow-Up Visits: $50 to $200 USD per visit.

Beard Transplants in Dubai

Dubai is renowned for its luxurious lifestyle and high-end medical facilities. The cost of a beard transplant in Dubai can vary significantly based on several factors:

Clinic Reputation and Surgeon Expertise

Dubai is home to numerous clinics offering beard transplant services, ranging from budget-friendly options to high-end facilities.

The reputation of the clinic and the expertise of the surgeon play a crucial role in determining the cost.

Clinics with internationally renowned surgeons and state-of-the-art equipment tend to charge more for their services.

Technique Used

The choice between FUE and FUT techniques can impact the cost. Generally, FUE is more expensive than FUT due to the meticulous nature of the procedure and the time required for individual follicle extraction.

Number of Grafts Required

The cost of a beard transplant in Dubai is often calculated on a per-graft basis. Depending on the extent of the transplant and the density desired, the number of grafts needed can vary, influencing the total cost.

On average, the cost per graft ranges from AED 10 to AED 20.

Additional Services

Some clinics in Dubai offer all-inclusive packages that cover pre-operative consultations, the procedure itself, post-operative care, and follow-up appointments.

These packages can provide added convenience but may come at a higher overall cost.

Location and Facilities

Clinics located in prime areas or those offering luxurious facilities and amenities tend to charge more. The overhead costs associated with maintaining high-end facilities are often passed on to the patients.

Beard Transplants in Turkey

Turkey has emerged as a global hub for hair and beard transplants, attracting patients from all over the world due to its affordable prices and high-quality services.

The cost of a beard transplant in Turkey is influenced by several factors:

Clinic Reputation and Surgeon Expertise

Similar to Dubai, the reputation of the clinic and the expertise of the surgeon significantly impact the cost.

Turkey boasts numerous internationally accredited clinics with experienced surgeons who specialize in hair and beard transplants.

Technique Used

The choice between FUE and FUT techniques also affects the cost in Turkey. FUE is generally more expensive than FUT, but both techniques are available at competitive prices compared to other countries.

Number of Grafts Required

The cost in Turkey is also calculated on a per-graft basis. On average, the cost per graft ranges from $1 to $2, making it substantially cheaper than in Dubai.

The total number of grafts required depends on the desired beard density and coverage.

All-Inclusive Packages

Many clinics in Turkey offer comprehensive packages that include accommodation, airport transfers, pre-operative consultations, the procedure, post-operative care, and even sightseeing tours.

These packages are designed to attract international patients and provide a hassle-free experience.

Economic Factors

Turkey’s lower cost of living and favorable exchange rates contribute to the overall affordability of medical procedures, including beard transplants.

This economic advantage allows clinics to offer high-quality services at a fraction of the cost compared to Dubai and other Western countries.


Both Dubai and Turkey offer excellent options for beard transplants, each with its unique advantages. Dubai is ideal for those seeking luxurious facilities and are willing to pay a premium for high-end services.

On the other hand, Turkey stands out for its affordability, comprehensive packages, and high-quality medical care.

When choosing between Dubai and Turkey for your beard transplant, consider your budget, travel preferences, and the reputation of the clinics and surgeons. Both destinations promise remarkable results, but Turkey’s competitive prices and medical tourism infrastructure make it an increasingly popular choice for men worldwide seeking to enhance their facial hair.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and priorities.

Whether you opt for the luxury of Dubai or the affordability of Turkey, achieving your desired beard is within reach, offering a boost in confidence and style.