Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Wakefield vs. Denizli: A Comprehensive Comparison

Le 20 June 2024

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a popular weight loss procedure that has gained widespread acceptance due to its effectiveness and relatively low complication rates. Choosing the right location for this procedure is crucial, as it can significantly impact the overall experience, outcomes, and costs.

This article provides an in-depth comparison between undergoing gastric sleeve surgery in Wakefield, UK, and Denizli, Turkey.

We will explore every aspect, including medical facilities, surgeons’ expertise, pre- and post-operative care, cost, patient satisfaction, and more.

Types of Gastric Sleeve Procedures.

Standard Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy


The standard laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, often referred to simply as the gastric sleeve, is a bariatric surgery that involves the removal of approximately 75-80% of the stomach, leaving a tube-like structure or “sleeve.”

This new, smaller stomach size restricts food intake and reduces hunger by removing the part of the stomach that produces the hunger hormone ghrelin.


Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is performed using minimally invasive techniques. During the procedure, a surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen and inserts a laparoscope (a small camera) and surgical instruments.

The laparoscope sends images to a monitor, allowing the surgeon to perform the surgery with precision.

The stomach is divided vertically, and the larger, curved part of the stomach is removed. The remaining portion is stapled together, forming a banana-shaped sleeve. This reduces the stomach’s capacity to about 150-200 milliliters.

One of the main advantages of the laparoscopic approach is the reduced recovery time compared to open surgery. Patients typically stay in the hospital for 2-3 days and can return to normal activities within a few weeks.

The procedure also has a lower risk of complications, such as infections and hernias, compared to open surgery.


  • Significant weight loss: Patients typically lose 60-70% of their excess weight within the first year.
  • Reduced hunger: Lower levels of ghrelin result in decreased appetite.
  • Improved comorbid conditions: Conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea often improve or resolve.
  • Minimally invasive: Laparoscopic surgery leads to shorter recovery times and less post-operative pain.

Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (SILS)


Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (SILS) is a variation of the standard laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy where the procedure is performed through a single incision, usually at the navel. This approach aims to reduce visible scarring and may offer a quicker recovery time.


In a SILS procedure, the surgeon makes a single small incision, typically in the patient’s navel, through which all surgical instruments and the laparoscope are inserted.

This technique requires specialized equipment and a high level of surgical skill due to the limited working space and visibility.

The rest of the procedure mirrors the standard sleeve gastrectomy, where a significant portion of the stomach is removed, leaving a narrow sleeve.

The primary advantage of SILS is cosmetic, as the single incision is less noticeable than multiple incisions, resulting in minimal scarring.

Additionally, some patients report less post-operative pain and a quicker return to daily activities. However, not all patients are suitable candidates for SILS, particularly those with a higher body mass index (BMI) or complex abdominal anatomy.


  • Cosmetic benefits: Less visible scarring due to a single incision.
  • Potentially reduced pain: Some patients experience less post-operative pain.
  • Faster recovery: Patients may return to normal activities sooner.
  • Psychological benefits: Improved body image and self-esteem due to minimal scarring.

Robot-Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy


Robot-assisted sleeve gastrectomy utilizes robotic systems to assist surgeons in performing the sleeve gastrectomy with greater precision and control.

This advanced technology allows for more complex movements and enhanced visualization during surgery.


In a robot-assisted sleeve gastrectomy, the surgeon controls a robotic system equipped with multiple articulated arms that hold surgical instruments and a high-definition 3D camera.

The surgeon operates the robot from a console, manipulating the instruments with precise, controlled movements.

The robotic system provides a magnified, three-dimensional view of the surgical area, allowing for improved accuracy.

This approach can be particularly beneficial for complex cases where enhanced precision is required. The robotic arms can make finer movements than the human hand, reducing the risk of accidental damage to surrounding tissues.

Robot-assisted surgery also allows for greater dexterity in confined spaces, which can lead to fewer complications and a smoother recovery.


  • Enhanced precision: Robotic systems allow for more precise movements, reducing the risk of complications.
  • Improved visualization: High-definition, 3D imaging provides a better view of the surgical area.
  • Reduced trauma: Finer movements minimize damage to surrounding tissues.
  • Better outcomes: Enhanced precision can lead to improved surgical outcomes and faster recovery.

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)


Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that reduces the size of the stomach using an endoscope.

This method involves suturing the stomach from the inside, creating a sleeve-like shape without the need for external incisions.


ESG is performed using an endoscope, a flexible tube with a camera and suturing device, which is inserted through the mouth and into the stomach.

The procedure involves placing multiple sutures along the stomach’s inner walls, reducing its volume and altering its shape to resemble a sleeve.

ESG is typically performed on an outpatient basis, meaning patients can go home the same day.

One of the main advantages of ESG is its non-surgical nature, which eliminates the risks associated with incisions and general anesthesia. Recovery time is shorter compared to traditional surgical methods, and patients usually experience less pain and a quicker return to normal activities.

ESG is suitable for patients with a lower BMI or those who prefer a less invasive weight loss option.


  • Non-surgical: No external incisions or general anesthesia required.
  • Quick recovery: Shorter recovery time and less post-operative pain.
  • Outpatient procedure: Patients can typically go home the same day.
  • Effective weight loss: Significant weight loss with lower risk of complications.

Revisional Sleeve Gastrectomy


Revisional sleeve gastrectomy is a secondary surgery performed on patients who have previously undergone a different bariatric procedure but did not achieve desired weight loss or experienced complications.

This surgery converts or modifies the original procedure to a sleeve gastrectomy.


Revisional sleeve gastrectomy can be performed on patients who have had various types of bariatric surgeries, such as gastric banding, gastric bypass, or even a previous sleeve gastrectomy that failed. The procedure involves modifying the existing surgical alterations to form a sleeve-like stomach.

This may include removing a failed gastric band, converting a gastric bypass to a sleeve, or resizing an inadequately small stomach sleeve.

Revisional surgeries are more complex than primary bariatric procedures due to the presence of scar tissue and alterations from the previous surgery.

They require highly experienced surgeons with expertise in revisional bariatric surgery. The goal is to achieve effective weight loss while addressing any complications or side effects from the initial procedure.


  • Improved outcomes: Addresses issues from the previous surgery, leading to better weight loss results.
  • Resolution of complications: Corrects complications such as slippage, erosion, or inadequate weight loss.
  • Tailored approach: Customized surgery based on the patient’s unique needs and previous procedures.
  • Enhanced quality of life: Improved overall health and well-being by achieving effective weight loss.

Mini Sleeve Gastrectomy


Mini sleeve gastrectomy is a simplified version of the standard sleeve gastrectomy.

It is designed to reduce surgical time and potentially lower the risk of complications by utilizing fewer steps and surgical interventions.


Mini sleeve gastrectomy follows the basic principles of a standard sleeve gastrectomy but aims to streamline the process.

The procedure involves creating a smaller stomach pouch by removing a portion of the stomach, but it is done using fewer surgical tools and incisions.

The goal is to minimize surgical trauma and reduce the duration of the operation.

This method may be particularly beneficial for patients who are at higher risk for complications due to comorbid conditions or who prefer a quicker surgical experience.

The recovery time is similar to that of a standard sleeve gastrectomy, with patients typically staying in the hospital for a couple of days and resuming normal activities within a few weeks.


  • Reduced surgical time: Quicker operation compared to standard sleeve gastrectomy.
  • Lower risk of complications: Simplified procedure may lower the risk of surgical complications.
  • Minimally invasive: Fewer incisions and surgical interventions.
  • Effective weight loss: Achieves similar weight loss results as standard sleeve gastrectomy.

Open Sleeve Gastrectomy


Open sleeve gastrectomy is a traditional surgical approach to sleeve gastrectomy where a large incision is made in the abdomen to access the stomach.

This method is typically reserved for cases where minimally invasive techniques are not feasible or safe.


In an open sleeve gastrectomy, the surgeon makes a large incision in the patient’s abdomen to gain direct access to the stomach.

This approach is often used in cases where the patient has extensive scar tissue from previous surgeries, severe obesity, or other anatomical challenges that make laparoscopic surgery difficult.

The procedure involves removing a substantial portion of the stomach, similar to the laparoscopic method, and creating a sleeve-shaped stomach.

Because it is an open surgery, the recovery time is longer, and the risk of complications such as infections and hernias is higher compared to minimally invasive techniques.

However, it remains a viable option for patients who cannot undergo laparoscopic surgery.


  • Direct access: Provides a clear view and direct access to the stomach.
  • Suitable for complex cases: Ideal for patients with extensive scar tissue or severe obesity.
  • Effective weight loss: Similar weight loss results to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
  • Comprehensive approach: Allows for additional procedures if necessary during surgery.

Sleeve Plus Procedures


Sleeve plus procedures refer to combinations of sleeve gastrectomy with other bariatric surgeries or treatments to enhance weight loss outcomes.

These combined approaches are tailored to patients who may benefit from a multi-faceted surgical strategy.


Sleeve plus procedures involve performing sleeve gastrectomy in conjunction with other bariatric surgeries, such as duodenal switch or gastric bypass, to achieve more significant weight loss and metabolic benefits.

For instance, a duodenal switch involves combining sleeve gastrectomy with intestinal bypass to limit both food intake and nutrient absorption.

These combined procedures are often recommended for patients with severe obesity or those with specific metabolic conditions like type 2 diabetes that require more aggressive treatment.

The dual approach can lead to more substantial weight loss and improved resolution of comorbid conditions. However, these procedures are more complex and require longer surgical times and recovery periods.


  • Enhanced weight loss: Greater weight loss results compared to sleeve gastrectomy alone.
  • Improved metabolic outcomes: Better control of conditions like type 2 diabetes.
  • Tailored treatment: Customized approach based on individual patient needs.
  • Comprehensive care: Addresses both restriction of food intake and nutrient absorption.

Adolescent Sleeve Gastrectomy


Adolescent sleeve gastrectomy is a bariatric surgery option specifically designed for teenagers who struggle with severe obesity and related health conditions.

This procedure is adapted to address the unique needs of younger patients.


Adolescent sleeve gastrectomy follows the same principles as adult sleeve gastrectomy but is tailored for patients typically aged 13 to 18.

This surgery involves removing a portion of the stomach to create a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach, thereby restricting food intake and reducing hunger.

The procedure is considered for adolescents who have not responded to traditional weight loss methods and are facing serious health risks due to obesity.

Special considerations are taken into account for adolescent patients, including their ongoing physical and emotional development.

A comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach is crucial, involving pediatricians, endocrinologists, dietitians, and mental health professionals. The goal is not only to achieve weight loss but also to support the overall well-being and growth of the adolescent.


  • Effective weight loss: Helps adolescents achieve significant weight loss.
  • Improved health: Reduces risk of obesity-related health conditions.
  • Enhanced quality of life: Supports better physical and mental health.
  • Multidisciplinary support: Comprehensive care from a team of specialists.

Price Comparison of Gastric Sleeve Procedures in Wakefield and Denizli.

Standard Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: £150-£250
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): £300-£500
  • Dietitian Consultation: £100-£200
  • Psychological Assessment: £200-£300
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: £8,000-£10,000
  • Anesthesia Fee: £1,000-£1,500
  • Hospital Stay (2-3 days): £1,500-£2,000 per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: £150-£250 per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): £50-£100
  • Dietitian Follow-up: £100-£200 per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): £200-£400
  • Total Estimated Cost: £12,500-£16,500


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): €200-€400 (£180-£360)
  • Dietitian Consultation: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Psychological Assessment: €100-€200 (£90-£180)
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: €4,000-€6,000 (£3,600-£5,400)
  • Anesthesia Fee: €500-€1,000 (£450-£900)
  • Hospital Stay (2-3 days): €300-€500 (£270-£450) per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): €20-€50 (£18-£45)
  • Dietitian Follow-up: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Total Estimated Cost: €6,000-€9,500 (£5,400-£8,550)

Single Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (SILS)


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: £150-£250
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): £300-£500
  • Dietitian Consultation: £100-£200
  • Psychological Assessment: £200-£300
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: £10,000-£12,000
  • Anesthesia Fee: £1,000-£1,500
  • Hospital Stay (2-3 days): £1,500-£2,000 per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: £150-£250 per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): £50-£100
  • Dietitian Follow-up: £100-£200 per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): £200-£400
  • Total Estimated Cost: £14,500-£18,500


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): €200-€400 (£180-£360)
  • Dietitian Consultation: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Psychological Assessment: €100-€200 (£90-£180)
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: €5,000-€7,000 (£4,500-£6,300)
  • Anesthesia Fee: €500-€1,000 (£450-£900)
  • Hospital Stay (2-3 days): €300-€500 (£270-£450) per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): €20-€50 (£18-£45)
  • Dietitian Follow-up: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Total Estimated Cost: €7,000-€10,500 (£6,300-£9,450)

Robot-Assisted Sleeve Gastrectomy


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: £150-£250
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): £300-£500
  • Dietitian Consultation: £100-£200
  • Psychological Assessment: £200-£300
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: £12,000-£15,000
  • Anesthesia Fee: £1,500-£2,000
  • Hospital Stay (2-3 days): £1,500-£2,000 per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: £150-£250 per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): £50-£100
  • Dietitian Follow-up: £100-£200 per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): £200-£400
  • Total Estimated Cost: £16,500-£21,500


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): €200-€400 (£180-£360)
  • Dietitian Consultation: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Psychological Assessment: €100-€200 (£90-£180)
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: €7,000-€10,000 (£6,300-£9,000)
  • Anesthesia Fee: €500-€1,000 (£450-£900)
  • Hospital Stay (2-3 days): €300-€500 (£270-£450) per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): €20-€50 (£18-£45)
  • Dietitian Follow-up: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Total Estimated Cost: €9,500-€13,500 (£8,550-£12,150)

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG)


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: £150-£250
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): £300-£500
  • Dietitian Consultation: £100-£200
  • Psychological Assessment: £200-£300
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: £7,000-£9,000
  • Anesthesia Fee: £1,000-£1,500
  • Hospital Stay (outpatient): £500-£1,000
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: £150-£250 per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): £50-£100
  • Dietitian Follow-up: £100-£200 per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): £200-£400
  • Total Estimated Cost: £9,450-£12,500


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): €200-€400 (£180-£360)
  • Dietitian Consultation: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Psychological Assessment: €100-€200 (£90-£180)
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: €3,500-€5,000 (£3,150-£4,500)
  • Anesthesia Fee: €500-€1,000 (£450-£900)
  • Hospital Stay (outpatient): €200-€300 (£180-£270)
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): €20-€50 (£18-£45)
  • Dietitian Follow-up: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Total Estimated Cost: €5,570-€7,750 (£5,013-£6,975)

Revisional Sleeve Gastrectomy


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: £150-£250
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): £300-£500
  • Dietitian Consultation: £100-£200
  • Psychological Assessment: £200-£300
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: £12,000-£16,000
  • Anesthesia Fee: £1,500-£2,000
  • Hospital Stay (3-4 days): £1,500-£2,000 per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: £150-£250 per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): £50-£100
  • Dietitian Follow-up: £100-£200 per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): £200-£400
  • Total Estimated Cost: £17,650-£22,950


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): €200-€400 (£180-£360)
  • Dietitian Consultation: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Psychological Assessment: €100-€200 (£90-£180)
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: €6,000-€9,000 (£5,400-£8,100)
  • Anesthesia Fee: €500-€1,000 (£450-£900)
  • Hospital Stay (3-4 days): €300-€500 (£270-£450) per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): €20-€50 (£18-£45)
  • Dietitian Follow-up: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Total Estimated Cost: €8,800-€12,850 (£7,920-£11,565)

Mini Sleeve Gastrectomy


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: £150-£250
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): £300-£500
  • Dietitian Consultation: £100-£200
  • Psychological Assessment: £200-£300
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: £6,000-£8,000
  • Anesthesia Fee: £1,000-£1,500
  • Hospital Stay (2-3 days): £1,500-£2,000 per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: £150-£250 per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): £50-£100
  • Dietitian Follow-up: £100-£200 per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): £200-£400
  • Total Estimated Cost: £9,550-£12,750


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): €200-€400 (£180-£360)
  • Dietitian Consultation: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Psychological Assessment: €100-€200 (£90-£180)
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: €3,000-€5,000 (£2,700-£4,500)
  • Anesthesia Fee: €500-€1,000 (£450-£900)
  • Hospital Stay (2-3 days): €300-€500 (£270-£450) per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): €20-€50 (£18-£45)
  • Dietitian Follow-up: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Total Estimated Cost: €4,970-€7,950 (£4,473-£7,155)

Open Sleeve Gastrectomy


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: £150-£250
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): £300-£500
  • Dietitian Consultation: £100-£200
  • Psychological Assessment: £200-£300
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: £9,000-£11,000
  • Anesthesia Fee: £1,500-£2,000
  • Hospital Stay (4-5 days): £1,500-£2,000 per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: £150-£250 per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): £50-£100
  • Dietitian Follow-up: £100-£200 per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): £200-£400
  • Total Estimated Cost: £15,450-£19,750


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): €200-€400 (£180-£360)
  • Dietitian Consultation: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Psychological Assessment: €100-€200 (£90-£180)
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: €5,000-€7,000 (£4,500-£6,300)
  • Anesthesia Fee: €500-€1,000 (£450-£900)
  • Hospital Stay (4-5 days): €300-€500 (£270-£450) per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): €20-€50 (£18-£45)
  • Dietitian Follow-up: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Total Estimated Cost: €7,700-€11,500 (£6,930-£10,350)

Sleeve Plus Procedures


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: £150-£250
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): £300-£500
  • Dietitian Consultation: £100-£200
  • Psychological Assessment: £200-£300
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: £15,000-£20,000
  • Anesthesia Fee: £2,000-£3,000
  • Hospital Stay (4-5 days): £1,500-£2,000 per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: £150-£250 per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): £50-£100
  • Dietitian Follow-up: £100-£200 per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): £200-£400
  • Total Estimated Cost: £21,950-£28,750


Pre-operative Costs
  • Consultation Fee: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Pre-operative Tests (blood work, ECG, imaging): €200-€400 (£180-£360)
  • Dietitian Consultation: €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Psychological Assessment: €100-€200 (£90-£180)
Operative Costs
  • Surgery Fee: €8,000-€12,000 (£7,200-£10,800)
  • Anesthesia Fee: €500-€1,000 (£450-£900)
  • Hospital Stay (4-5 days): €300-€500 (£270-£450) per day
Post-operative Costs
  • Follow-up Consultations: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Medications (pain relief, supplements): €20-€50 (£18-£45)
  • Dietitian Follow-up: €50-€100 (£45-£90) per visit
  • Additional Tests (if needed): €50-€100 (£45-£90)
  • Total Estimated Cost: €10,920-€16,650 (£9,828-£14,985)

Medical Facilities and Infrastructure


Wakefield, located in West Yorkshire, UK, boasts several well-established medical facilities known for their high standards and comprehensive care.

The city’s hospitals and private clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and adhere to stringent healthcare regulations set by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).

  • Pinderfields Hospital: This hospital is part of the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and offers a wide range of surgical procedures, including bariatric surgery. It is known for its advanced medical equipment and highly qualified staff.
  • The Spire Methley Park Hospital: A private hospital offering various surgical treatments with a focus on personalized care. It is equipped with modern surgical suites and offers a comfortable environment for patients.

The UK healthcare system is known for its robust regulatory framework, ensuring high standards of patient safety and care.


Denizli, a city in southwestern Turkey, has become a notable destination for medical tourism, particularly for bariatric surgeries.

The city’s healthcare facilities combine modern technology with cost-effective treatments, attracting patients from around the world.

  • Pamukkale University Hospital: This is a leading medical institution in Denizli, offering a wide range of medical and surgical services. It is known for its specialized departments and experienced medical professionals.
  • Private Hospitals and Clinics: Denizli has several private hospitals and clinics that cater to international patients. These facilities often offer comprehensive packages that include accommodation, transportation, and post-operative care.

Turkey’s healthcare system is regulated by the Ministry of Health, ensuring that facilities meet specific standards and regulations.

Many hospitals in Denizli are accredited by international bodies, such as the Joint Commission International (JCI), which further assures quality and safety.

Surgeons’ Expertise and Qualifications


In Wakefield, bariatric surgeons typically undergo rigorous training and are members of professional organizations such as the British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS) and the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS).

  • Experience: Surgeons in Wakefield often have extensive experience in performing gastric sleeve surgeries, with many having completed hundreds of procedures.
  • Training: UK surgeons usually complete a comprehensive training program, including medical school, surgical residency, and specialized fellowship in bariatric surgery.
  • Reputation: Surgeons in Wakefield are known for their adherence to evidence-based practices and continuous professional development, ensuring they stay updated with the latest advancements in bariatric surgery.


Surgeons in Denizli are also highly qualified and often have international training and certification.

  • Experience: Many surgeons in Denizli have significant experience in bariatric surgery, having treated a large number of international patients.
  • Training: Turkish surgeons typically complete their medical education and surgical training in Turkey, with many pursuing additional training and fellowships abroad.
  • Reputation: Denizli’s surgeons are recognized for their proficiency in bariatric procedures and their ability to deliver personalized care. Many are members of international professional organizations, such as the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO).

Pre-Operative Care


Pre-operative care in Wakefield is comprehensive and involves a multidisciplinary approach.

  • Consultations: Patients undergo thorough consultations with surgeons, dietitians, and psychologists to ensure they are suitable candidates for the surgery.
  • Medical Evaluations: Detailed medical evaluations, including blood tests, imaging studies, and cardiac assessments, are conducted to assess the patient’s overall health.
  • Dietary Preparation: Patients receive dietary counseling to prepare for the surgery and the post-operative dietary changes.
  • Support Groups: Many hospitals and clinics offer support groups and educational sessions to help patients understand the procedure and set realistic expectations.


Denizli also offers robust pre-operative care, often packaged in comprehensive medical tourism bundles.

  • Consultations: Initial consultations are thorough, and many facilities offer remote consultations for international patients.
  • Medical Evaluations: Pre-operative tests and evaluations are conducted upon the patient’s arrival in Denizli, ensuring all necessary assessments are completed before the surgery.
  • Dietary Preparation: Patients receive detailed dietary guidance and pre-operative instructions to optimize their health for the surgery.
  • Support Services: Facilities often provide support services, including translators and personal coordinators, to assist international patients throughout the process.

Surgical Procedure and Techniques


In Wakefield, the gastric sleeve procedure is typically performed using laparoscopic (minimally invasive) techniques.

  • Procedure: The surgery involves removing approximately 75-80% of the stomach, leaving a sleeve-shaped stomach about the size of a banana. This significantly reduces the stomach’s capacity, helping patients feel full sooner.
  • Technology: Wakefield hospitals are equipped with advanced laparoscopic equipment, ensuring precision and reducing recovery time.
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia is used, and the procedure typically takes 1-2 hours.


Denizli’s medical facilities also utilize the latest laparoscopic techniques for gastric sleeve surgery.

  • Procedure: Similar to Wakefield, the surgery involves removing a large portion of the stomach to create a sleeve-like structure.
  • Technology: Many hospitals in Denizli are equipped with cutting-edge laparoscopic technology, ensuring high standards of care and surgical precision.
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia is administered, and the duration of the surgery is comparable to that in Wakefield.

Post-Operative Care


Post-operative care in Wakefield is thorough and includes:

  • Monitoring: Patients are closely monitored in the hospital for 2-3 days following the surgery.
  • Follow-Up: Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the patient’s recovery and weight loss progress.
  • Dietary Support: Ongoing dietary counseling is provided to help patients adapt to their new eating habits.
  • Support Groups: Access to support groups and counseling services to address psychological and emotional aspects of weight loss.


Post-operative care in Denizli is designed to accommodate international patients, offering comprehensive support.

  • Monitoring: Patients typically stay in the hospital for 3-4 days for post-operative monitoring.
  • Follow-Up: Follow-up care includes both in-person visits and remote consultations, ensuring continuous support even after the patient returns home.
  • Dietary Support: Detailed dietary plans and nutritional support are provided to help patients transition to their new diet.
  • Support Services: Additional services, such as transportation and accommodation, are often included in the medical tourism packages.

Patient Satisfaction and Reviews


Patients undergoing gastric sleeve surgery in Wakefield generally report high levels of satisfaction.

  • Quality of Care: The high standards of medical care, professional expertise, and comprehensive support services contribute to positive outcomes.
  • Patient Feedback: Reviews often highlight the professionalism of the medical staff, the thoroughness of pre- and post-operative care, and the overall patient experience.


Denizli has also garnered positive reviews from international patients.

  • Quality of Care: Patients appreciate the combination of advanced medical technology, skilled surgeons, and personalized care.
  • Patient Feedback: Reviews often emphasize the affordability of the procedure, the quality of the facilities, and the supportive services provided to international patients.

Travel and Accommodation


  • Accessibility: Wakefield is well-connected by road and rail, making it easily accessible from various parts of the UK.
  • Accommodation: A range of accommodation options is available, from budget hotels to more luxurious stays, catering to different preferences and budgets.


  • Accessibility: Denizli is accessible via Denizli Çardak Airport, with flights connecting to major international hubs. The city is also well-connected by road and rail.
  • Accommodation: Numerous accommodation options are available, often included in medical tourism packages. These range from budget-friendly hotels to more upscale establishments, ensuring comfort for patients and their companions.

Cultural and Language Considerations


  • Language: English is the primary language, which can be beneficial for patients from English-speaking countries.
  • Cultural Familiarity: Patients from the UK and other Western countries may find the cultural environment familiar and comforting.


  • Language: While Turkish is the primary language, many medical professionals and staff in Denizli speak English. Translation services are also commonly available.
  • Cultural Experience: For international patients, undergoing surgery in Denizli can offer a unique cultural experience. The city’s rich history and proximity to tourist attractions like Pamukkale can make the medical trip more enjoyable.

Legal and Regulatory Aspects


  • Regulations: The UK has stringent healthcare regulations overseen by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and other bodies, ensuring high standards of care and patient safety.
  • Legal Protections: Patients have robust legal protections, including the right to seek redress through the NHS complaints procedure or private healthcare ombudsman services.


  • Regulations: Turkish healthcare facilities are regulated by the Ministry of Health, with many hospitals accredited by international organizations like JCI.
  • Legal Protections: While Turkey has legal frameworks to protect patients, the process for seeking redress may differ from that in the UK. International patients often receive additional support from medical tourism facilitators.


Choosing between gastric sleeve surgery in Wakefield and Denizli involves considering various factors, including cost, medical facilities, surgeon expertise, pre- and post-operative care, patient satisfaction, and travel logistics. Both locations offer high-quality care, but the decision will depend on individual preferences and circumstances.

  • Wakefield: Ideal for those who prioritize familiarity with the UK healthcare system, stringent regulatory standards, and ease of communication.
  • Denizli: Attractive for patients seeking cost-effective treatment, comprehensive medical tourism packages, and a unique cultural experience.

Ultimately, thorough research and consultation with medical professionals in both locations are essential to making an informed decision.