Gastric Balloon Procedure Cost Comparison: Qatar vs Turkey

Le 24 June 2024

In the realm of medical treatments for weight loss, the gastric balloon procedure has gained popularity as a non-surgical intervention.

This comprehensive guide explores and contrasts the costs associated with gastric balloon procedures in Qatar and Turkey, two nations recognized for their advanced healthcare facilities and growing prominence in medical tourism.

Understanding the Gastric Balloon Procedure

Before delving into cost specifics, it’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of the gastric balloon procedure. The gastric balloon is a temporary device inserted into the stomach to aid weight loss by reducing hunger and promoting earlier satiety.

It is particularly recommended for individuals struggling with obesity who have not achieved desired results through conventional methods such as diet and exercise alone.

Types of Gastric Balloon Procedures

Orbera Gastric Balloon

Definition and Information:

The Orbera gastric balloon is a non-surgical, temporary weight loss device designed to assist individuals with obesity or those struggling with significant weight loss.

It is made from soft, durable silicone and is inserted into the stomach where it is filled with saline solution.

The balloon occupies space in the stomach, reducing its capacity and promoting earlier feelings of fullness.

This helps patients consume smaller portions and adopt healthier eating habits to facilitate weight loss.

The Orbera balloon remains in place for approximately 6 to 12 months, during which time patients undergo comprehensive lifestyle counseling to maximize weight loss results.

Steps Before and During the Procedure:

  • Pre-procedure Assessment: Patients undergo a thorough medical evaluation, including physical examinations, blood tests, and imaging studies (such as ultrasound or endoscopy), to assess their suitability for the procedure.
  • Balloon Insertion: The Orbera balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscopic procedure while the patient is under mild sedation or anesthesia.
  • Balloon Filling: Once in place, the balloon is filled with saline solution through a small filling tube attached to the balloon. The amount of saline used determines the size of the balloon within the stomach.
  • Monitoring and Recovery: Patients are monitored closely after the procedure to ensure safety and manage any initial discomfort. They typically return home the same day or after a short observation period.
  • Post-procedure Support: Comprehensive support includes dietary counseling, exercise programs, and regular follow-up appointments to monitor weight loss progress and address any concerns.


  • Non-surgical: The Orbera balloon offers a non-surgical approach to weight loss, minimizing risks associated with traditional surgical interventions.
  • Effective Weight Loss: Clinical studies have shown that patients using the Orbera balloon can achieve significant weight loss, typically between 10% to 15% of their initial body weight.
  • Temporary and Reversible: The procedure is temporary, with the balloon removed after 6 to 12 months, allowing patients to reassess their weight loss goals or consider additional treatments as needed.
  • Comprehensive Support: Patients benefit from a structured support program that includes dietary counseling, exercise guidance, and psychological support to promote long-term lifestyle changes.


  • Side Effects: Common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort during the initial days after balloon placement.
  • Commitment to Lifestyle Changes: Successful weight loss with the Orbera balloon requires commitment to dietary and behavioral modifications throughout the treatment period.
  • Cost: While generally less expensive than surgical options, the Orbera balloon procedure involves costs for the balloon itself, insertion, and follow-up care, which should be considered when planning treatment.

Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Definition and Information:

The Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon is an innovative weight loss device designed to be adjustable in size after insertion.

Made from durable silicone, the balloon is placed in the stomach and filled with saline solution to occupy space and reduce stomach capacity.

What sets the Spatz3 balloon apart is its capability to be adjusted through a small external port, allowing healthcare providers to optimize the balloon’s volume according to individual patient needs and responses.

This adjustment feature enhances its effectiveness in promoting weight loss and accommodating patient comfort.

Steps Before and During the Procedure:

  • Pre-procedure Evaluation: Similar to other gastric balloon procedures, patients undergo a thorough medical evaluation to assess their eligibility and suitability for the Spatz3 balloon.
  • Balloon Placement: The Spatz3 balloon is inserted into the stomach endoscopically under mild sedation or anesthesia, guided by a flexible tube equipped with a camera (endoscope).
  • Adjustment Process: After insertion, the balloon is filled with saline solution to a predetermined volume. Adjustments to the balloon’s size can be made during subsequent outpatient visits by adding or removing saline through the external port.
  • Recovery and Monitoring: Patients are monitored closely following the procedure to manage any initial discomfort and ensure proper placement and function of the balloon.
  • Follow-up Care: A structured follow-up plan includes regular visits with healthcare providers for monitoring weight loss progress, adjusting the balloon as needed, and providing ongoing support and guidance.


  • Adjustability: The ability to adjust the balloon’s volume allows for personalized treatment, optimizing weight loss and managing any discomfort or side effects.
  • Non-surgical: Like other gastric balloons, the Spatz3 balloon offers a non-surgical approach to weight loss, reducing risks associated with invasive procedures.
  • Longer Duration: The Spatz3 balloon can remain in the stomach for up to 12 months, providing extended support for sustained weight loss and lifestyle changes.
  • Comprehensive Support: Patients benefit from a comprehensive support program that includes dietary counseling, exercise recommendations, and psychological support to promote successful weight loss outcomes.


  • Adjustment Process: While the adjustable feature enhances treatment efficacy, patients may experience discomfort or minor side effects during the adjustment process.
  • Cost and Affordability: Consider the total cost of the procedure, including insertion, adjustments, and follow-up care, when evaluating the financial commitment of the Spatz3 balloon.
  • Patient Compliance: Success with the Spatz3 balloon requires adherence to dietary and behavioral modifications throughout the treatment period to achieve and maintain weight loss goals.

Elipse Gastric Balloon

Definition and Information:

The Elipse gastric balloon is a unique type of weight loss device that does not require endoscopic insertion or anesthesia for placement. Instead, it is swallowed in capsule form and then inflated with a sterile saline solution via a thin catheter.

Once filled, the balloon remains in the stomach for approximately 4 months, promoting weight loss by occupying space and inducing feelings of fullness.

After this period, the balloon self-deflates and passes naturally through the digestive tract without the need for removal procedures.

Steps Before and During the Procedure:

  • Initial Consultation: Patients undergo a thorough evaluation to determine their suitability for the Elipse balloon, including medical history review, physical examination, and discussion of treatment expectations.
  • Swallowing the Capsule: The Elipse balloon is swallowed like a pill with water during a brief outpatient visit. A small tracking device is attached to monitor the balloon’s position and ensure proper inflation.
  • Balloon Inflation: Once in the stomach, the balloon is inflated with saline solution through a thin catheter attached to the tracking device. The inflation process takes a few minutes and is guided by real-time imaging technology.
  • Monitoring and Follow-up: Patients are monitored closely following balloon placement to manage any initial discomfort and ensure proper function. Regular follow-up visits are scheduled to monitor weight loss progress and provide ongoing support.


  • Non-invasive: The Elipse balloon procedure does not require sedation, anesthesia, or endoscopy for placement, reducing procedural risks and discomfort.
  • Temporary and Self-removal: After approximately 4 months, the Elipse balloon self-deflates and passes naturally through the digestive tract, eliminating the need for additional removal procedures.
  • Effective Weight Loss: Clinical studies have shown that patients using the Elipse balloon can achieve significant weight loss, typically between 10% to 15% of their initial body weight.
  • Convenience: The non-surgical nature of the Elipse balloon allows for outpatient placement, minimal recovery time, and quick return to daily activities.


  • Monitoring and Follow-up: Regular monitoring and follow-up visits are essential to assess weight loss progress and provide support throughout the treatment period.
  • Cost: Evaluate the overall cost of the Elipse balloon procedure, including consultation fees, balloon placement, and follow-up care, when considering treatment options.
  • Patient Selection: The Elipse balloon may not be suitable for all patients, particularly those with certain gastrointestinal conditions or anatomical considerations. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to determine eligibility.

Obalon Gastric Balloon System

Definition and Information:

The Obalon gastric balloon system consists of multiple balloons swallowed in capsule form over a series of weeks to gradually achieve weight loss goals.

Each balloon is filled with gas (nitrogen) rather than saline solution and remains in the stomach for about 6 months.

This sequential approach allows for progressive weight loss as the number of balloons increases, with up to three balloons placed over a 3-month period.

Steps Before and During the Procedure:

  • Initial Consultation and Planning: Patients undergo a comprehensive evaluation to assess their eligibility for the Obalon balloon system, including medical history review and physical examination.
  • Swallowing Balloon Capsules: Balloon capsules are swallowed individually with water during outpatient visits scheduled several weeks apart. A healthcare provider monitors the process to ensure proper positioning and inflation.
  • Balloon Activation: Once in the stomach, each balloon is activated by filling it with gas through a thin tube attached to the balloon. Activation takes place during brief, non-invasive procedures performed without sedation or anesthesia.
  • Monitoring and Follow-up: Patients are monitored closely following each balloon placement to manage any initial discomfort and ensure proper function. Regular follow-up visits are scheduled to monitor weight loss progress and adjust treatment as needed.


  • Gradual Weight Loss: The Obalon system allows for progressive weight loss as additional balloons are swallowed and activated over time.
  • Non-surgical: The procedure does not require surgery, endoscopy, or anesthesia for balloon placement, reducing procedural risks and recovery time.
  • Convenience: Patients can undergo balloon placement during outpatient visits, minimizing disruption to daily activities and allowing for flexibility in treatment scheduling.
  • Effective Results: Clinical studies have demonstrated significant weight loss outcomes with the Obalon system, supporting its efficacy as a non-surgical weight loss option.


  • Cost and Affordability: Evaluate the overall cost of the Obalon system, including consultation fees, balloon capsules, activation procedures, and follow-up care, when considering treatment options.
  • Patient Compliance: Successful weight loss with the Obalon system requires adherence to the treatment schedule, including swallowing balloon capsules and attending follow-up visits as recommended.
  • Safety Monitoring: Regular monitoring and follow-up visits are essential to assess balloon placement, manage potential side effects, and optimize weight loss outcomes throughout the treatment period.

Reshape Duo Gastric Balloon

Definition and Information:

The Reshape Duo gastric balloon is a dual-balloon system designed to occupy space in the stomach and promote weight loss through portion control and early satiety.

Made from soft, flexible silicone, the Reshape Duo system consists of two connected balloons filled with saline solution.

The balloons are inserted into the stomach endoscopically and remain in place for approximately 6 months, during which time patients engage in comprehensive lifestyle modifications and support programs to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Steps Before and During the Procedure:

  • Pre-procedure Evaluation: Patients undergo a thorough medical evaluation, including physical examinations, laboratory tests, and imaging studies, to determine their candidacy for the Reshape Duo system.
  • Balloon Insertion: The Reshape Duo balloons are inserted into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscopic procedure while the patient is under mild sedation or anesthesia.
  • Balloon Filling and Placement: Once in position, the balloons are filled with saline solution to occupy space in the stomach and induce feelings of fullness. Placement is guided by real-time imaging to ensure proper positioning and function.
  • Monitoring and Recovery: Patients are monitored closely after the procedure to manage any initial discomfort and ensure proper function of the balloons. They typically return home the same day or after a brief observation period.
  • Follow-up Care: A structured follow-up plan includes regular visits with healthcare providers for monitoring weight loss progress, adjusting the balloons as needed, and providing ongoing support and guidance.


  • Dual-balloon Design: The Reshape Duo system offers the combined benefits of two connected balloons to enhance weight loss outcomes through increased stomach filling and early satiety.
  • Non-surgical: Like other gastric balloons, the Reshape Duo system provides a non-surgical approach to weight loss, minimizing risks associated with invasive procedures.
  • Comprehensive Support: Patients benefit from a comprehensive support program that includes dietary counseling, exercise recommendations, and psychological support to promote successful long-term weight loss.


  • Cost: Evaluate the overall cost of the Reshape Duo system, including consultation fees, balloon insertion, follow-up care, and any additional services, when considering treatment options.
  • Side Effects: Common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort during the initial days after balloon placement. These symptoms typically subside as patients adjust to the balloons.
  • Patient Commitment: Success with the Reshape Duo system requires commitment to dietary and lifestyle modifications throughout the treatment period to achieve and maintain weight loss goals.

ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon

Definition and Information:

The ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon system consists of two connected balloons made from soft, flexible silicone.

These balloons are inserted into the stomach endoscopically and filled with saline solution to occupy space and promote early feelings of fullness.

The ReShape Dual Balloon system remains in place for approximately 6 months, during which time patients participate in a structured weight loss program to achieve sustainable results.

Steps Before and During the Procedure:

  • Initial Consultation: Patients undergo a comprehensive evaluation to assess their eligibility for the ReShape Dual Balloon system, including medical history review, physical examination, and discussion of treatment goals.
  • Balloon Insertion: The balloons are inserted into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscopic procedure while the patient is under mild sedation or anesthesia.
  • Balloon Filling: Once in place, the balloons are filled with saline solution to occupy space in the stomach and reduce hunger. The filling process is guided by real-time imaging to ensure proper positioning and function.
  • Monitoring and Recovery: Patients are monitored closely after the procedure to manage any initial discomfort and ensure proper function of the balloons. They typically return home the same day or after a brief observation period.
  • Follow-up Care: A structured follow-up plan includes regular visits with healthcare providers for monitoring weight loss progress, adjusting the balloons as needed, and providing ongoing support and guidance.


  • Dual-balloon System: The ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon system offers the combined benefits of two connected balloons to enhance weight loss outcomes through increased stomach filling and early satiety.
  • Non-surgical: The procedure is non-surgical, reducing risks associated with invasive weight loss procedures.
  • Comprehensive Support: Patients receive comprehensive support, including dietary counseling, exercise recommendations, and psychological support, to promote successful long-term weight loss.


  • Cost: Evaluate the overall cost of the ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon system, including consultation fees, balloon insertion, follow-up care, and additional services.
  • Side Effects: Patients may experience temporary side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort following balloon placement. These symptoms typically resolve as patients adjust to the balloons.
  • Patient Commitment: Successful weight loss with the ReShape Dual Balloon system requires dedication to dietary and lifestyle modifications throughout the treatment period to achieve and maintain desired outcomes.

Gastric Balloon Procedure Costs in Qatar

Orbera Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Qatar:

  • Procedure Cost: The cost of the Orbera gastric balloon procedure in Qatar typically ranges from QAR 30,000 to QAR 40,000.
  • Balloon Cost: This includes the cost of the balloon itself, which is approximately QAR 15,000 to QAR 20,000.
  • Endoscopic Procedure: The insertion procedure costs around QAR 5,000 to QAR 8,000, which covers anesthesia and the endoscopic insertion process.
  • Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up appointments, including adjustments and monitoring, are usually included in the overall procedure cost.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to QAR 1,000 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: QAR 30,000 to QAR 40,000.
  • Balloon Cost: QAR 15,000 to QAR 20,000.
  • Endoscopic Procedure: QAR 5,000 to QAR 8,000.
  • Follow-up Care: Included in procedure cost.

Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Qatar:

  • Procedure Cost: The Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon procedure in Qatar ranges from QAR 35,000 to QAR 45,000.
  • Balloon Cost: Typically, the cost of the Spatz3 balloon itself is around QAR 18,000 to QAR 25,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: Costs approximately QAR 6,000 to QAR 9,000, covering the insertion procedure and anesthesia.
  • Adjustment Sessions: Additional costs may apply for balloon adjustments, typically QAR 3,000 to QAR 5,000 per adjustment session.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to QAR 1,000 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: QAR 35,000 to QAR 45,000.
  • Balloon Cost: QAR 18,000 to QAR 25,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: QAR 6,000 to QAR 9,000.
  • Adjustment Sessions: QAR 3,000 to QAR 5,000 per session (if needed).

Elipse Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Qatar:

  • Procedure Cost: The Elipse gastric balloon procedure in Qatar is priced between QAR 25,000 to QAR 35,000.
  • Balloon Capsule: Costs around QAR 12,000 to QAR 18,000 per capsule, with a total of 2 capsules recommended for optimal results.
  • Activation and Monitoring: Additional costs may apply for activation and monitoring, typically QAR 3,000 to QAR 5,000 per session.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to QAR 1,000 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: QAR 25,000 to QAR 35,000.
  • Balloon Capsules: QAR 24,000 to QAR 36,000 (for 2 capsules).
  • Activation and Monitoring: QAR 3,000 to QAR 5,000 per session.

Obalon Gastric Balloon System

Cost Breakdown in Qatar:

  • Procedure Cost: The Obalon gastric balloon system in Qatar ranges from QAR 30,000 to QAR 40,000.
  • Balloon Capsules: Typically, each Obalon balloon capsule costs between QAR 10,000 to QAR 15,000, with a total of 3 capsules recommended for optimal results.
  • Activation and Monitoring: Additional costs may apply for activation and monitoring, approximately QAR 3,000 to QAR 5,000 per session.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to QAR 1,000 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: QAR 30,000 to QAR 40,000.
  • Balloon Capsules: QAR 30,000 to QAR 45,000 (for 3 capsules).
  • Activation and Monitoring: QAR 3,000 to QAR 5,000 per session.

Medsil Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Qatar:

  • Procedure Cost: The Medsil gastric balloon procedure in Qatar is priced between QAR 28,000 to QAR 38,000.
  • Balloon Cost: Typically, the Medsil balloon itself costs around QAR 14,000 to QAR 20,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: Costs approximately QAR 5,000 to QAR 8,000, covering the insertion procedure and anesthesia.
  • Follow-up Care: Included in procedure cost.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to QAR 1,000 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: QAR 28,000 to QAR 38,000.
  • Balloon Cost: QAR 14,000 to QAR 20,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: QAR 5,000 to QAR 8,000.
  • Follow-up Care: Included in procedure cost.

Reshape Duo Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Qatar:

  • Procedure Cost: The Reshape Duo gastric balloon procedure in Qatar ranges from QAR 32,000 to QAR 42,000.
  • Balloon Cost: Typically, the cost of the Reshape Duo balloons is around QAR 16,000 to QAR 22,000.
  • Endoscopic Procedure: Costs approximately QAR 6,000 to QAR 9,000, covering the insertion procedure and anesthesia.
  • Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up appointments, including adjustments and monitoring, are usually included in the overall procedure cost.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to QAR 1,000 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: QAR 32,000 to QAR 42,000.
  • Balloon Cost: QAR 16,000 to QAR 22,000.
  • Endoscopic Procedure: QAR 6,000 to QAR 9,000.
  • Follow-up Care: Included in procedure cost.

ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Qatar:

  • Procedure Cost: The ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon procedure in Qatar is priced between QAR 34,000 to QAR 44,000.
  • Balloon Cost: Typically, the cost of the ReShape Dual Balloons is around QAR 17,000 to QAR 23,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: Costs approximately QAR 7,000 to QAR 10,000, covering the insertion procedure and anesthesia.
  • Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up appointments, including adjustments and monitoring, are usually included in the overall procedure cost.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to QAR 1,000 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: QAR 34,000 to QAR 44,000.
  • Balloon Cost: QAR 17,000 to QAR 23,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: QAR 7,000 to QAR 10,000.
  • Follow-up Care: Included in procedure cost.

Gastric Balloon Procedure Costs in Turkey

Orbera Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Turkey:

  • Procedure Cost: The cost of the Orbera gastric balloon procedure in Turkey ranges from TRY 18,000 to TRY 25,000.
  • Balloon Cost: This includes the cost of the Orbera balloon itself, which is approximately TRY 8,000 to TRY 12,000.
  • Endoscopic Procedure: The insertion procedure costs around TRY 3,000 to TRY 5,000, covering anesthesia and the endoscopic insertion process.
  • Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up appointments, including adjustments and monitoring, may be additional.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to TRY 500 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: TRY 18,000 to TRY 25,000.
  • Balloon Cost: TRY 8,000 to TRY 12,000.
  • Endoscopic Procedure: TRY 3,000 to TRY 5,000.
  • Follow-up Care: Additional costs may apply.

Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Turkey:

  • Procedure Cost: The Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon procedure in Turkey ranges from TRY 20,000 to TRY 28,000.
  • Balloon Cost: Typically, the cost of the Spatz3 balloon itself is around TRY 10,000 to TRY 15,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: Costs approximately TRY 4,000 to TRY 6,000, covering the insertion procedure and anesthesia.
  • Adjustment Sessions: Additional costs may apply for balloon adjustments, typically TRY 2,000 to TRY 4,000 per adjustment session.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to TRY 500 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: TRY 20,000 to TRY 28,000.
  • Balloon Cost: TRY 10,000 to TRY 15,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: TRY 4,000 to TRY 6,000.
  • Adjustment Sessions: TRY 2,000 to TRY 4,000 per session (if needed).

Elipse Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Turkey:

  • Procedure Cost: The Elipse gastric balloon procedure in Turkey is priced between TRY 15,000 to TRY 22,000.
  • Balloon Capsule: Costs around TRY 7,000 to TRY 10,000 per capsule, with a total of 2 capsules recommended for optimal results.
  • Activation and Monitoring: Additional costs may apply for activation and monitoring, typically TRY 2,000 to TRY 4,000 per session.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to TRY 500 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: TRY 15,000 to TRY 22,000.
  • Balloon Capsules: TRY 14,000 to TRY 20,000 (for 2 capsules).
  • Activation and Monitoring: TRY 2,000 to TRY 4,000 per session.

Obalon Gastric Balloon System

Cost Breakdown in Turkey:

  • Procedure Cost: The Obalon gastric balloon system in Turkey ranges from TRY 16,000 to TRY 23,000.
  • Balloon Capsules: Typically, each Obalon balloon capsule costs between TRY 6,000 to TRY 9,000, with a total of 3 capsules recommended for optimal results.
  • Activation and Monitoring: Additional costs may apply for activation and monitoring, approximately TRY 2,000 to TRY 4,000 per session.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to TRY 500 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: TRY 16,000 to TRY 23,000.
  • Balloon Capsules: TRY 18,000 to TRY 27,000 (for 3 capsules).
  • Activation and Monitoring: TRY 2,000 to TRY 4,000 per session.

Medsil Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Turkey:

  • Procedure Cost: The Medsil gastric balloon procedure in Turkey is priced between TRY 14,000 to TRY 20,000.
  • Balloon Cost: Typically, the Medsil balloon itself costs around TRY 7,000 to TRY 10,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: Costs approximately TRY 3,000 to TRY 5,000, covering the insertion procedure and anesthesia.
  • Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up appointments, including adjustments and monitoring, may be additional.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to TRY 500 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: TRY 14,000 to TRY 20,000.
  • Balloon Cost: TRY 7,000 to TRY 10,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: TRY 3,000 to TRY 5,000.
  • Follow-up Care: Additional costs may apply.

Reshape Duo Gastric Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Turkey:

  • Procedure Cost: The Reshape Duo gastric balloon procedure in Turkey ranges from TRY 17,000 to TRY 24,000.
  • Balloon Cost: Typically, the cost of the Reshape Duo balloons is around TRY 8,000 to TRY 12,000.
  • Endoscopic Procedure: Costs approximately TRY 4,000 to TRY 6,000, covering the insertion procedure and anesthesia.
  • Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up appointments, including adjustments and monitoring, may be additional.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to TRY 500 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: TRY 17,000 to TRY 24,000.
  • Balloon Cost: TRY 8,000 to TRY 12,000.
  • Endoscopic Procedure: TRY 4,000 to TRY 6,000.
  • Follow-up Care: Additional costs may apply.

ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon

Cost Breakdown in Turkey:

  • Procedure Cost: The ReShape Integrated Dual Balloon procedure in Turkey is priced between TRY 18,000 to TRY 25,000.
  • Balloon Cost: Typically, the cost of the ReShape Dual Balloons is around TRY 9,000 to TRY 13,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: Costs approximately TRY 4,000 to TRY 6,000, covering the insertion procedure and anesthesia.
  • Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up appointments, including adjustments and monitoring, may be additional.

Financial Plan Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Free to TRY 500 (depending on the clinic).
  • Procedure Costs: TRY 18,000 to TRY 25,000.
  • Balloon Cost: TRY 9,000 to TRY 13,000.
  • Endoscopic Insertion: TRY 4,000 to TRY 6,000.
  • Follow-up Care: Additional costs may apply.

Cost Analysis: Qatar

Qatar, renowned for its high-quality healthcare system, offers gastric balloon procedures across various specialized clinics and hospitals.

The overall cost in Qatar encompasses several key components:

Hospital or Clinic Costs

The pricing structure for gastric balloon procedures in Qatar varies depending on the institution chosen.

Hospitals such as Hamad Medical Corporation, Al Emadi Hospital, and Doha Clinic Hospital are prominent providers of this procedure, each offering different packages tailored to patient needs and preferences.

  • Hamad Medical Corporation: As a leading public healthcare provider in Qatar, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) offers competitive pricing for gastric balloon procedures. Prices typically range from QAR 20,000 to QAR 30,000, inclusive of medical consultations, procedure costs, and follow-up care.
  • Private Clinics: Private healthcare facilities like Al Emadi Hospital and Doha Clinic Hospital offer gastric balloon packages that may vary in cost based on the type of balloon used, surgeon’s expertise, and additional services provided.

Surgeon’s Fee

The surgeon’s fee is a significant component of the total cost and varies based on factors such as experience, reputation, and the complexity of the procedure:

  • Experienced Surgeons: Surgeons with extensive experience in performing gastric balloon procedures may charge higher fees ranging from QAR 8,000 to QAR 15,000.
  • Hospital Affiliation: Surgeons affiliated with prestigious hospitals or clinics often command higher fees due to their expertise and the advanced facilities available for patient care.

Anesthesia and Hospitalization Costs

Anesthesia administration and hospitalization costs are additional considerations when budgeting for a gastric balloon procedure:

  • Anesthesia: The cost of anesthesia in Qatar typically ranges from QAR 3,000 to QAR 6,000, depending on the type and duration required for the procedure.
  • Hospitalization: While gastric balloon procedures are minimally invasive and often performed on an outpatient basis, some patients may require brief hospitalization for monitoring. Hospitalization costs can range from QAR 5,000 to QAR 10,000, covering overnight stays and post-procedural care.

Additional Expenses

Beyond the primary costs mentioned, patients should factor in other potential expenses associated with the procedure:

  • Pre-operative Tests: Before undergoing a gastric balloon procedure, patients may need to undergo medical tests such as blood work (QAR 500 to QAR 1,000) and imaging studies (QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000) to assess their suitability for the procedure.
  • Post-operative Care: Comprehensive post-operative care is essential for monitoring weight loss progress and ensuring the patient’s health and well-being. Costs for follow-up consultations and nutritional counseling may range from QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000, depending on the clinic’s policies and services provided.

Cost Analysis: Turkey

Turkey has emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism, offering competitive pricing for gastric balloon procedures alongside world-class healthcare facilities. Factors influencing costs in Turkey include:

Hospital or Clinic Costs

Turkey’s healthcare sector boasts a diverse array of hospitals and clinics specializing in weight loss treatments, including gastric balloon procedures:

  • Acibadem Hospitals: With branches across major cities like Istanbul, Acibadem Hospitals offer comprehensive packages for gastric balloon procedures. Prices generally start from TRY 15,000 to TRY 25,000, depending on the location and specific services included in the package.
  • Memorial Hospitals: Memorial Şişli Hospital in Istanbul is renowned for its advanced medical infrastructure and skilled healthcare professionals. Gastric balloon procedures at Memorial Hospitals typically range in price, reflecting the hospital’s reputation and service quality.

Surgeon’s Fee

The cost of surgical services in Turkey varies depending on the surgeon’s experience, qualifications, and the complexity of the procedure:

  • Experienced Surgeons: Surgeons specializing in weight loss treatments and minimally invasive procedures typically charge fees ranging from TRY 4,000 to TRY 10,000. Patients may opt for consultations with renowned surgeons to discuss their medical history and treatment goals.
  • Clinic Affiliation: The surgeon’s association with reputable hospitals or clinics may influence fees. Patients seeking treatment at internationally accredited facilities benefit from comprehensive care and ongoing support throughout the treatment process.

Anesthesia and Hospitalization Costs

Anesthesia administration and hospitalization costs are essential factors when considering the overall cost of a gastric balloon procedure in Turkey:

  • Anesthesia Services: The cost of anesthesia in Turkey is generally lower compared to Western countries, ranging from TRY 1,000 to TRY 3,000. Anesthesia professionals monitor patient vital signs during the procedure and ensure optimal comfort and safety throughout the treatment session.
  • Hospitalization Expenses: While most gastric balloon procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, patients requiring extended medical observation may incur additional expenses for hospitalization. Hospitalization costs typically range from TRY 3,000 to TRY 8,000, covering post-procedure care and monitoring.

Additional Expenses

In addition to primary procedural costs, patients should anticipate additional expenses associated with the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey:

  • Diagnostic Tests: Pre-operative assessments, including blood tests (TRY 300 to TRY 600) and imaging studies (TRY 500 to TRY 1,000), ensure patient suitability for the procedure and optimize treatment outcomes.
  • Post-operative Care: Ongoing medical supervision and dietary counseling contribute to successful weight loss outcomes following a gastric balloon procedure. Post-operative care costs may range from TRY 1,000 to TRY 5,000, depending on the clinic’s post-procedure protocols and patient-specific needs.

Factors Influencing Cost Disparities

Several factors contribute to the cost disparities between Qatar and Turkey for gastric balloon procedures:

  • Healthcare Infrastructure: Qatar’s investment in state-of-the-art medical facilities and advanced technologies reflects in the pricing of healthcare services, including gastric balloon procedures. Turkey’s robust medical tourism sector leverages competitive pricing strategies to attract international patients seeking affordable treatment options.
  • Economic Considerations: Differences in the overall cost of living, healthcare expenditure, and government healthcare policies influence pricing models in Qatar and Turkey. Patients benefit from transparent pricing structures and comprehensive treatment packages tailored to individual health needs and preferences.
  • Regulatory Framework: Healthcare regulations and accreditation standards in Qatar and Turkey ensure patient safety and treatment quality. Internationally accredited hospitals and certified healthcare professionals uphold stringent guidelines for delivering superior medical care and achieving favorable treatment outcomes.
  • Currency Exchange Rates: Fluctuations in currency exchange rates impact the overall cost of healthcare services for international patients seeking treatment abroad. Qatar’s stable economy and strategic healthcare initiatives support sustainable growth in the healthcare sector, whereas Turkey’s competitive pricing and diverse healthcare offerings enhance patient accessibility to innovative medical treatments.

Choosing Between Qatar and Turkey

When contemplating a gastric balloon procedure in Qatar or Turkey, patients should evaluate various factors to make an informed decision:

Cost Considerations:

Compare total package costs, encompassing hospital fees, surgeon’s fees, anesthesia services, and additional procedural expenses.

Assess the value proposition of each treatment option based on comprehensive cost-benefit analysis and anticipated treatment outcomes.

Quality of Care:

Evaluate the reputation and accreditation of hospitals and clinics in Qatar and Turkey to ensure compliance with international healthcare standards.

Consult with healthcare professionals to discuss treatment expectations, recovery protocols, and long-term management strategies for achieving sustainable weight loss goals.

Travel Logistics:

Plan travel arrangements, including transportation, accommodation, and visa requirements, when traveling abroad for medical treatment.

Utilize medical tourism services to streamline the logistical aspects of healthcare travel and access personalized support throughout the treatment journey.

Patient Experience:

Prioritize patient-centered care and personalized treatment approaches when selecting a healthcare provider for a gastric balloon procedure.

Engage in open communication with healthcare professionals to address concerns, clarify treatment options, and make well-informed decisions regarding medical care and treatment planning.


In conclusion, the decision to undergo a gastric balloon procedure involves careful consideration of cost, quality of care, and patient-specific preferences.

Qatar and Turkey emerge as leading destinations for medical tourism, offering competitive pricing and specialized healthcare services for weight loss treatments.

By understanding the detailed cost breakdown and factors influencing pricing in both countries, patients can make informed decisions that align with their healthcare needs and financial considerations.

Whether opting for Qatar’s renowned healthcare infrastructure or Turkey’s vibrant medical tourism sector, patients benefit from accessible treatment options, skilled healthcare professionals, and comprehensive support services throughout the treatment journey.

Consult with healthcare providers, explore treatment alternatives, and prioritize patient safety and treatment efficacy to achieve optimal health outcomes and long-term wellness goals.