Extensive Comparison of Penoplasty Procedure Costs in Qatar vs Turkey: Detailed Insights and Comprehensive Analysis

Le 24 June 2024

Penoplasty, a surgical procedure aimed at altering the size or shape of the penis, has gained popularity globally for its cosmetic and functional benefits.

This article provides an extensive analysis of Penoplasty costs in Qatar versus Turkey, highlighting key factors that influence pricing and the overall value proposition in each country.

Understanding Penoplasty

Penoplasty, also known as penile enhancement surgery, encompasses various techniques such as lengthening, girth enhancement, and correction of penile curvature.

It addresses both aesthetic concerns and functional improvements, catering to a diverse range of patient needs and desires.

Types of Penoplasty Procedures

Penile Lengthening Surgery


Penile lengthening surgery is a procedure designed to increase the length of the penis, addressing concerns related to perceived size and self-confidence.

This surgery can involve releasing ligaments that tether the penis to the pubic bone or using tissue grafts to augment length.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Assessment: Extensive discussion with the surgeon to understand patient expectations, physical examination including measurement of penile length and assessment of anatomical features.
  • Pre-operative Preparation: Detailed health assessment, including blood tests, imaging studies, and evaluation of medical history to ensure suitability for surgery.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Ligament Release: Involves cutting the suspensory ligament that attaches the base of the penis to the pubic bone. This can allow the penis to extend further outside the body, enhancing its visible length.
  • Tissue Grafting: Utilizing grafts from the patient’s own body (autologous grafts) or synthetic materials to add length to the penis. This technique is more invasive and requires meticulous surgical skill to ensure natural-looking results.
  • Post-operative Care: Monitoring for complications such as swelling, bruising, and infection. Patients are advised on wound care, pain management, and gradual return to normal activities.


  • Enhanced Length: Provides visible improvement in the length of the penis, which can boost self-esteem and sexual confidence.
  • Psychological Well-being: May alleviate psychological distress associated with perceived inadequacy in penile size.
  • Functional Improvement: Potential improvement in sexual function and satisfaction for both the patient and their partner.


  • Surgical Risks: Includes infection, bleeding, scarring, and changes in penile sensation.
  • Recovery Period: Requires downtime for healing, during which physical activities, including sexual intercourse, may be restricted.
  • Realistic Expectations: Results vary among individuals, and achieving natural-looking outcomes depends on surgical technique and patient anatomy.

Penile Girth Enhancement (Penile Thickening)


Penile girth enhancement aims to increase the circumference or thickness of the penis, addressing concerns related to girth and symmetry.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Planning: In-depth discussion to understand patient goals, assessing the current girth of the penis, and discussing suitable enhancement options.
  • Pre-operative Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation of overall health status, ensuring optimal conditions for surgery.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Fat Transfer (Lipofilling): Involves harvesting fat from donor sites on the patient’s body (such as abdomen or thighs), processing it, and injecting it into the penile shaft to increase girth. This technique utilizes the patient’s own tissue for a natural feel and appearance.
  • Dermal Fillers: Injection of hyaluronic acid or other biocompatible fillers directly into the penile tissue to add volume and girth. This method offers immediate results but requires periodic maintenance injections for long-term effectiveness.
  • Recovery and Follow-up: Post-operative care involves monitoring for complications, managing swelling and discomfort, and providing guidance on resuming normal activities.


  • Increased Girth: Provides a noticeable increase in penile circumference, enhancing sexual satisfaction and aesthetic appearance.
  • Customization: Tailored treatment options allow patients to achieve their desired level of enhancement based on individual preferences and anatomical considerations.
  • Minimal Downtime: Compared to more invasive procedures, such as surgical grafting, fat transfer and dermal fillers typically involve shorter recovery periods.


  • Longevity of Results: Fat transfer results can vary as some of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by the body over time, requiring potential touch-up procedures.
  • Safety Profile: Risks include temporary swelling, bruising, and in rare cases, allergic reactions to dermal fillers.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Managing expectations regarding achievable outcomes and understanding that individual results may vary based on anatomy and healing responses.

Penile Curvature Correction (Peyronie’s Disease Surgery)


Penile curvature correction surgery addresses Peyronie’s disease, a condition characterized by abnormal penile curvature that can cause pain and affect sexual function.

Procedure Steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Detailed discussion to assess the severity of penile curvature, impact on sexual function, and overall health status.
  • Diagnostic Evaluation: Utilization of imaging studies, such as ultrasound, to evaluate the extent and location of fibrous plaques causing penile curvature.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Incision and Plaque Excision: Surgical approach involves making incisions along the length of the penis to access and remove the fibrous plaques causing curvature. This technique aims to straighten the penis and restore normal function.
  • Grafting or Plication: In cases where significant tissue removal is required, grafting techniques may be used to replace excised tissue. Plication involves suturing the unaffected side of the tunica albuginea to correct curvature without tissue removal.
  • Post-operative Care: Monitoring for complications, such as hematoma or infection, and providing instructions for wound care, pain management, and gradual resumption of sexual activity.


  • Correction of Curvature: Effective reduction of penile curvature, which can alleviate pain and improve sexual function.
  • Restoration of Function: Enhances erectile function and overall sexual satisfaction for both the patient and their partner.
  • Psychosocial Benefits: Improves body image and confidence, addressing psychological distress associated with Peyronie’s disease.


  • Risk of Complications: Potential risks include erectile dysfunction, penile shortening, and recurrence of curvature.
  • Recovery Period: Patients may experience temporary bruising, swelling, and discomfort following surgery, requiring adherence to post-operative care instructions for optimal healing.
  • Long-term Outcomes: Success of surgery depends on the severity of Peyronie’s disease, surgical technique, and individual healing response, necessitating realistic expectations regarding post-operative results.

Penile Implants (Penile Prosthesis Surgery)


Penile implants, or penile prostheses, are surgically placed devices designed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) when other treatments have failed. They enable men to achieve an erection suitable for sexual intercourse.

Procedure Steps:

  • Patient Evaluation: Comprehensive assessment of erectile function, medical history, and suitability for penile implant surgery.
  • Pre-operative Preparation: Coordination with healthcare providers to optimize general health, manage underlying conditions, and ensure readiness for surgery.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Inflatable Penile Implants: Consist of inflatable cylinders placed within the corpora cavernosa of the penis. These cylinders are connected to a fluid reservoir and a pump placed in the scrotum, allowing the patient to manually inflate and deflate the device to achieve an erection.
  • Semi-Rigid Penile Implants: Made of bendable rods inserted into the corpora cavernosa. These rods maintain a constant semi-rigid state, allowing for adequate rigidity during intercourse and discreet concealment when not in use.
  • Post-operative Care: Guidance on device usage, management of post-operative pain, and monitoring for complications such as infection or device malfunction.


  • Restored Erectile Function: Enables spontaneous and reliable erections, improving sexual satisfaction and intimacy.
  • Concealable: Provides a discreet solution for managing erectile dysfunction, allowing for normal appearance when the penis is flaccid.
  • Durable and Long-lasting: Modern penile implants are designed to be reliable and durable, offering long-term management of ED.


  • Surgical Risks: Potential complications include infection, device malfunction, erosion of penile tissue, and mechanical failure.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Requires patient education and training on device usage, including inflation and deflation techniques.
  • Psychosocial Impact: Improves quality of life by restoring sexual function and addressing the emotional impact of erectile dysfunction on relationships.

Penile Skin Bridge Removal


Penile skin bridge removal is a surgical procedure to correct or remove skin bridges that may form on the shaft of the penis, often as a result of circumcision or trauma.

Procedure Steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Examination to assess the location, size, and impact of the skin bridge on penile function and aesthetics.
  • Pre-operative Preparation: Evaluation of overall health status and discussion of surgical goals and expectations.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Excision: Surgical removal of the skin bridge using precise techniques to preserve surrounding tissue and ensure cosmetically pleasing results.
  • Closure: Closure of the incision with fine sutures to promote optimal healing and minimize scarring.
  • Post-operative Care: Monitoring for complications such as infection, hematoma, or delayed wound healing. Instructions for wound care and recommendations for resuming normal activities.


  • Improved Aesthetics: Enhances the appearance of the penis by eliminating unsightly skin bridges.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Alleviates discomfort or irritation caused by friction between the skin bridge and surrounding tissue.
  • Restoration of Function: May improve sexual function and sensation by removing impediments to normal penile movement.


  • Surgical Risks: Potential risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, and changes in penile sensation.
  • Healing Process: Requires adherence to post-operative care instructions to promote proper wound healing and minimize complications.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Aesthetic outcomes may vary based on the size and location of the skin bridge, necessitating realistic expectations regarding post-operative appearance.

Penile Reconstruction Surgery


Penile reconstruction surgery encompasses a range of procedures aimed at restoring or enhancing the form and function of the penis following trauma, congenital abnormalities, or surgical complications.

Procedure Steps:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Detailed assessment of the specific condition or injury affecting the penis, including functional deficits and aesthetic concerns.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Collaboration with urologists, plastic surgeons, and other specialists to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Microsurgical Techniques: Utilization of advanced microsurgical methods to repair damaged tissues, restore blood flow, and achieve optimal functional outcomes.
  • Tissue Flaps: Transfer of healthy tissue from other parts of the body to reconstruct penile structures, such as the urethra or erectile tissue.
  • Implantation: Placement of prosthetic devices or tissue-engineered constructs to restore erectile function or enhance penile appearance.
  • Post-operative Care: Intensive monitoring in the early post-operative period to detect and manage complications, followed by long-term follow-up to assess functional and cosmetic outcomes.


  • Functional Restoration: Improves urinary and sexual function, enhancing quality of life and self-esteem.
  • Aesthetic Improvement: Enhances the appearance of the penis, addressing cosmetic concerns resulting from trauma or congenital abnormalities.
  • Psychosocial Well-being: Addresses psychological distress associated with penile disfigurement or dysfunction, promoting overall emotional health.


  • Complexity of Surgery: Requires specialized expertise and advanced surgical techniques, often involving lengthy procedures and staged reconstructions.
  • Risk of Complications: Potential risks include infection, tissue necrosis, urinary complications, and unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes.
  • Long-term Monitoring: Requires ongoing surveillance to monitor for potential complications and optimize functional outcomes over time.

Penile Glans Enhancement


Penile glans enhancement involves procedures aimed at increasing the size, symmetry, or appearance of the glans penis, enhancing overall penile aesthetics.

Procedure Steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Assessment of patient concerns regarding glans size, shape, or appearance, and discussion of treatment options.
  • Pre-operative Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation of penile anatomy, health status, and suitability for surgical intervention.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections: Injectable fillers such as hyaluronic acid are used to augment the glans, providing immediate enhancement with minimal downtime. Results are temporary and require periodic touch-up injections.
  • Surgical Reshaping: Surgical techniques such as glans sculpting or reduction procedures may be performed to achieve a more symmetrical or proportionate appearance.
  • Fat Transfer: Utilization of autologous fat transfer to increase the volume and contour of the glans, offering natural-feeling results with potential long-term enhancement.
  • Post-operative Care: Monitoring for complications such as swelling, bruising, or infection. Instructions for wound care and recommendations for gradual return to normal activities.


  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Improves the appearance of the penis by increasing glans size, enhancing symmetry, or correcting irregularities.
  • Customized Treatment: Tailored to individual preferences and aesthetic goals, allowing for personalized enhancement.
  • Minimal Downtime: Depending on the technique used, recovery is generally quick, with immediate or gradual improvement in glans appearance.


  • Temporary vs Permanent Results: Injectable fillers offer temporary enhancement, requiring maintenance injections for sustained results. Surgical techniques may provide more permanent outcomes but involve longer recovery periods.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Realistic expectations are crucial, as individual responses to treatment and aesthetic outcomes may vary.
  • Safety Profile: Risks include allergic reactions to fillers, infection, and asymmetrical results, necessitating careful patient selection and skilled surgical execution.

Penile Skin Reconstruction (Circumcision Revision)


Penile skin reconstruction, often performed as a circumcision revision, involves correcting or revising the appearance of the penile skin following previous surgical procedures or congenital anomalies.

Procedure Steps:

  • Consultation and Evaluation: Assessment of penile skin appearance, functionality, and patient concerns regarding previous circumcision or congenital anomalies.
  • Pre-operative Planning: Discussion of surgical goals, review of medical history, and determination of the most appropriate technique for skin reconstruction.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Frenuloplasty: Surgical revision of the frenulum, the band of tissue connecting the glans to the foreskin, to improve penile function and appearance.
  • Preputioplasty: Surgical technique aimed at preserving the foreskin while correcting issues such as tightness or asymmetry resulting from previous circumcision.
  • Skin Grafting: Utilization of skin grafts from other areas of the body to reconstruct damaged or deficient penile skin, restoring natural appearance and functionality.
  • Post-operative Care: Monitoring for complications such as infection, bleeding, or delayed wound healing. Instructions for wound care and recommendations for post-operative follow-up.


  • Improved Aesthetics: Enhances the appearance of the penile skin, addressing irregularities or asymmetries resulting from previous surgical procedures.
  • Functional Restoration: Improves penile function and comfort, particularly in cases of tight foreskin or scarring following circumcision.
  • Psychosocial Benefits: Alleviates psychological distress associated with dissatisfaction over penile appearance or function.


  • Patient-specific Factors: Individual anatomy and previous surgical history influence the choice of technique and expected outcomes.
  • Surgical Complexity: Some procedures, such as skin grafting, may require advanced surgical skills and prolonged recovery periods.
  • Long-term Outcomes: Success of skin reconstruction depends on careful surgical planning and patient adherence to post-operative care instructions to optimize healing and minimize complications.

Penile Vascular Surgery (Penile Revascularization)


Penile vascular surgery, also known as penile revascularization, aims to improve blood flow to the penis, enhancing erectile function in patients with arterial insufficiency or vascular-related erectile dysfunction.

Procedure Steps:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Assessment of erectile function, including diagnostic tests to identify vascular abnormalities contributing to erectile dysfunction.
  • Medical Optimization: Management of underlying conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension, to optimize general health and improve outcomes following surgery.

Surgical Techniques:

  • Microvascular Bypass: Utilization of microsurgical techniques to create bypasses or grafts that restore blood flow to the penile arteries, bypassing areas of blockage or narrowing.
  • Penile Artery Ligation: Surgical ligation or closure of abnormal arterial connections contributing to venous leakage, thereby enhancing penile rigidity and duration of erections.
  • Post-operative Care: Monitoring for complications such as thrombosis, infection, or ischemia. Instructions for wound care and recommendations for gradual resumption of sexual activity.


  • Improved Erectile Function: Restores or enhances erectile function by improving blood flow to the penis, resulting in stronger and longer-lasting erections.
  • Long-term Solution: Provides a durable solution for patients with vascular-related erectile dysfunction, reducing reliance on medications or temporary interventions.
  • Quality of Life Improvement: Enhances sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life for affected individuals and their partners.


  • Surgical Risks: Potential complications include thrombosis, infection, hematoma, or failure to achieve desired improvements in erectile function.
  • Patient Selection: Suitable candidates for penile revascularization have identifiable vascular abnormalities contributing to erectile dysfunction and realistic expectations regarding surgical outcomes.
  • Multidisciplinary Care: Collaboration with vascular specialists and urologists ensures comprehensive evaluation and management of underlying vascular conditions impacting erectile function.

Penile Sensation Restoration


Penile sensation restoration involves surgical techniques aimed at improving or restoring tactile sensation and sexual pleasure in individuals experiencing reduced penile sensitivity due to trauma, surgery, or neurological conditions.

Procedure Steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Detailed assessment of penile sensation deficits, including patient-reported symptoms and impact on sexual function and intimacy.
  • Diagnostic Evaluation: Utilization of sensory tests and neurological assessments to identify the extent and nature of sensory impairment affecting the penis.
  • Surgical Techniques:
  • Nerve Repair: Microsurgical techniques to repair or reconstruct damaged or severed nerves responsible for penile sensation, promoting neural regeneration and restoration of tactile sensitivity.
  • Tissue Grafting: Utilization of nerve grafts or tissue flaps to bridge gaps in damaged nerves, facilitating nerve regeneration and improving sensory function.
  • Post-operative Care: Monitoring for signs of nerve regeneration, such as gradual return of sensation or changes in sensitivity. Instructions for wound care and recommendations for rehabilitation exercises to promote nerve healing.


  • Improved Sexual Function: Enhances sexual pleasure and satisfaction by restoring or improving penile sensation, facilitating normal responses to sexual stimulation.
  • Psychological Well-being: Alleviates distress and frustration associated with diminished penile sensitivity, enhancing overall sexual confidence and intimacy.
  • Long-term Results: Provides lasting improvements in penile sensation, promoting enhanced quality of life and emotional well-being for affected individuals.


  • Complexity of Surgery: Requires specialized surgical skills and careful nerve manipulation to minimize the risk of nerve damage and optimize outcomes.
  • Gradual Recovery: Sensory improvements may occur gradually over several months following surgery, requiring patience and adherence to post-operative care instructions.
  • Patient Expectations: Realistic expectations are essential, as outcomes may vary based on the extent of nerve damage, patient age, and overall health status

Financial Plan: Penoplasty Procedure Costs in Qatar and Turkey

Penile Lengthening Surgery


  • Consultation: Generally included in the overall surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Ligament Release: Approximately QAR 30,000 to QAR 40,000.
  • Tissue Grafting: QAR 35,000 to QAR 45,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 68,000 to QAR 92,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Ligament Release: Approximately TRY 25,000 to TRY 35,000.
  • Tissue Grafting: TRY 30,000 to TRY 40,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 57,500 to TRY 81,000.


  • Prices in Qatar are generally higher due to the cost of living and healthcare standards.
  • Costs can vary based on the surgeon’s expertise, hospital facilities, and specific patient requirements.
  • Additional costs may include anesthesia fees, hospital stay (if required), and any unforeseen medical complications.

Penile Girth Enhancement (Penile Thickening)


  • Consultation: Typically included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Fat Transfer: QAR 25,000 to QAR 35,000.
  • Dermal Fillers: QAR 20,000 to QAR 30,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 48,000 to QAR 70,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Fat Transfer: TRY 20,000 to TRY 30,000.
  • Dermal Fillers: TRY 15,000 to TRY 25,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 37,500 to TRY 61,000.


  • Prices may vary based on the volume of fat or filler required, as well as the complexity of the procedure.
  • Dermal fillers offer immediate results but may require periodic maintenance, impacting long-term costs.
  • Additional costs may include compression garments (for fat transfer), special medications, and fees for anesthesia.

Penile Curvature Correction (Peyronie’s Disease Surgery)


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Plaque Excision: QAR 35,000 to QAR 45,000.
  • Grafting or Plication: QAR 40,000 to QAR 50,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 78,000 to QAR 102,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Plaque Excision: TRY 30,000 to TRY 40,000.
  • Grafting or Plication: TRY 35,000 to TRY 45,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 67,500 to TRY 91,000.


  • Costs are influenced by the severity of Peyronie’s disease, the extent of plaque excision, and the complexity of grafting procedures.
  • Surgical outcomes and recovery may vary, impacting the overall value proposition for patients.
  • Additional costs may include erectile dysfunction treatments, if needed, and psychological counseling for sexual health.

Penile Implants (Penile Prosthesis Surgery)


  • Consultation: Typically included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Inflatable Penile Implants: QAR 70,000 to QAR 90,000.
  • Semi-Rigid Penile Implants: QAR 60,000 to QAR 80,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 133,000 to QAR 177,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Inflatable Penile Implants: TRY 60,000 to TRY 80,000.
  • Semi-Rigid Penile Implants: TRY 50,000 to TRY 70,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 112,500 to TRY 156,000.


  • Costs vary based on the type of penile implant chosen (inflatable vs semi-rigid) and the brand/model selected.
  • Additional costs may include device warranties, surgical facility fees, and anesthesia charges.
  • Patients should consider the long-term durability and maintenance requirements of penile implants, which may involve periodic adjustments or replacements.

Penile Skin Bridge Removal


  • Consultation: Typically included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
  • Surgical Procedure: QAR 20,000 to QAR 30,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 23,000 to QAR 37,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
  • Surgical Procedure: TRY 15,000 to TRY 25,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 17,500 to TRY 31,000.


  • Costs depend on the size and location of the skin bridge, as well as the complexity of the surgical excision.
  • Patients should consider potential risks, such as recurrence of skin bridges or changes in penile sensitivity, when evaluating the overall value of the procedure.
  • Additional costs may include histopathological examination (if indicated) and specialized wound care products.

Penile Reconstruction Surgery


  • Consultation: Generally included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Microsurgical Techniques: QAR 80,000 to QAR 100,000.
  • Tissue Flaps or Implantation: QAR 90,000 to QAR 120,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 173,000 to QAR 227,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Microsurgical Techniques: TRY 70,000 to TRY 90,000.
  • Tissue Flaps or Implantation: TRY 80,000 to TRY 110,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 152,500 to TRY 206,000.


  • Costs vary based on the complexity of reconstruction needed and the surgical techniques employed (microsurgery vs tissue flaps).
  • Patients should consider potential outcomes, such as functional restoration and aesthetic improvements, when evaluating the overall value of reconstructive surgery.
  • Additional costs may include hospitalization fees, specialized nursing care, and rehabilitation services.

Penile Glans Enhancement


  • Consultation: Typically included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections: QAR 15,000 to QAR 25,000 per session (multiple sessions may be required).
  • Surgical Reshaping or Fat Transfer: QAR 30,000 to QAR 40,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 47,000 to QAR 75,000 (depending on technique and number of sessions).


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections: TRY 10,000 to TRY 20,000 per session (multiple sessions may be required).
  • Surgical Reshaping or Fat Transfer: TRY 20,000 to TRY 30,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 31,500 to TRY 54,000 (depending on technique and number of sessions).


  • Costs vary based on the chosen technique (injectable vs surgical) and the volume of filler or fat required for enhancement.
  • Injectable fillers offer temporary results and may require maintenance sessions, impacting long-term costs.
  • Additional costs may include anesthesia fees (if applicable) and specialized imaging studies for treatment planning.

Penile Skin Reconstruction (Circumcision Revision)


  • Consultation: Typically included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Frenuloplasty or Preputioplasty: QAR 25,000 to QAR 35,000.
  • Skin Grafting: QAR 30,000 to QAR 40,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 58,000 to QAR 82,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Frenuloplasty or Preputioplasty: TRY 20,000 to TRY 30,000.
  • Skin Grafting: TRY 25,000 to TRY 35,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 47,500 to TRY 71,000.


  • Costs are influenced by the extent of skin revision needed and the complexity of surgical techniques employed.
  • Patients should consider potential outcomes, such as improved penile function and aesthetic appearance, when evaluating the overall value of circumcision revision.
  • Additional costs may include wound care supplies, specialized dressings, and consultations with anesthesiologists (if required).

Penile Vascular Surgery (Penile Revascularization)


  • Consultation: Generally included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Microvascular Bypass: QAR 90,000 to QAR 110,000.
  • Penile Artery Ligation: QAR 80,000 to QAR 100,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 173,000 to QAR 217,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Microvascular Bypass: TRY 80,000 to TRY 100,000.
  • Penile Artery Ligation: TRY 70,000 to TRY 90,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 152,500 to TRY 196,000.


  • Costs vary based on the complexity of vascular abnormalities and the specific surgical technique chosen (microvascular bypass vs artery ligation).
  • Patients should consider the potential for improved erectile function and long-term quality of life benefits when evaluating the overall value of penile revascularization.
  • Additional costs may include duplex ultrasound examinations, cardiac assessments, and vascular imaging studies.

Penile Sensation Restoration


  • Consultation: Typically included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – QAR 1,000 to QAR 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Nerve Repair: QAR 70,000 to QAR 90,000.
  • Tissue Grafting: QAR 80,000 to QAR 100,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – QAR 2,000 to QAR 5,000.
  • Total Cost: QAR 153,000 to QAR 197,000.


  • Consultation: Included in the surgical package.
  • Pre-operative Assessments: Blood tests, imaging studies – TRY 1,000 to TRY 2,000.
Surgical Procedure:
  • Nerve Repair: TRY 60,000 to TRY 80,000.
  • Tissue Grafting: TRY 70,000 to TRY 90,000.
  • Post-operative Care: Medications, follow-up visits – TRY 1,500 to TRY 4,000.
  • Total Cost: TRY 132,500 to TRY 176,000.

Factors Influencing Penoplasty Costs

Medical Infrastructure and Expertise

Qatar and Turkey each offer distinct advantages in terms of healthcare infrastructure and expertise:

  • Qatar: Known for its advanced medical facilities and highly qualified healthcare professionals, Qatar ensures top-tier medical care. Surgeons specializing in penile surgeries undergo extensive training and adhere to stringent healthcare standards, contributing to higher overall costs.
  • Turkey: Renowned as a hub for medical tourism, Turkey combines affordability with quality healthcare services. The country boasts modern clinics and hospitals equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Surgeons in Turkey are often well-trained, with many having international qualifications and experience, offering competitive pricing due to lower operational costs compared to Western countries.

Cost Breakdown

Understanding the breakdown of Penoplasty costs helps patients evaluate their budget and make informed decisions:

  • Surgical Fees: Cover the expertise and experience of the surgical team, which may vary based on the complexity of the procedure and the reputation of the surgeon.
  • Hospital or Clinic Charges: Include facility costs such as pre-operative assessments, use of operating rooms, and post-operative care facilities.
  • Anesthesia Costs: Fees associated with anesthesia administration by qualified anesthesiologists, ensuring patient comfort and safety during surgery.
  • Medication and Supplies: Cover medications prescribed during recovery and surgical supplies used during the procedure, contributing to overall treatment costs.


Choosing the right location for Penoplasty involves careful consideration of various factors, including cost, quality of care, and personal preferences.

While Qatar offers top-tier medical services with corresponding costs, Turkey presents a compelling alternative with competitive pricing and renowned medical expertise in the field of Penoplasty.

Patients are encouraged to engage in thorough research and consultation with healthcare providers to ensure a well-informed decision that prioritizes safety, satisfaction, and desired outcomes.