Everything You Need to Know About Prices, Factors, and Choosing the Best Clinics for A Penoplasty in Turkey.

Le 27 June 2024

As with many elective surgeries, the cost can vary significantly depending on a variety of factors, including geographic location, the expertise of the surgeon, and the specifics of the procedure itself.

In recent years, Turkey has emerged as a popular destination for medical tourism, offering high-quality healthcare services at competitive prices.

By providing a comprehensive overview, we aim to equip readers with the necessary information to make an informed decision about undergoing penoplasty surgery in Turkey.

What is a penoplasty procedure?

Penoplasty, also known as penile enhancement surgery or phalloplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at altering the size, shape, or appearance of the penis.

It is typically performed to address both aesthetic concerns and functional improvements related to sexual performance and psychological well-being.

Indications for Penoplasty:

Penoplasty procedures are typically considered for men who:

  • Have a congenital micropenis or feel dissatisfied with the size of their penis.
  • Experience psychological distress or low self-esteem related to their penile appearance.
  • Desire to improve sexual confidence and satisfaction, both for themselves and their partners.

Risks and Complications:

Like any surgical procedure, penoplasty carries risks, including infection, bleeding, scarring, and potential dissatisfaction with results.

Patients are advised to undergo thorough pre-operative evaluations and discussions with their surgeons to understand the risks and benefits associated with penoplasty.

Why choose Turkey to have a penoplasty procedure?

Medical Expertise and Advanced Facilities

Highly Skilled Surgeons and Specialization:

  • Turkey boasts a cadre of specialized surgeons in cosmetic and reconstructive urology, renowned for their expertise in penoplasty procedures.
  • Surgeons undergo rigorous training and often possess extensive experience, utilizing advanced surgical techniques to achieve both aesthetic and functional improvements for patients.

Internationally Accredited Clinics and Hospitals:

  • Major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir host internationally accredited clinics and hospitals, ensuring adherence to rigorous standards of healthcare excellence.
  • Accreditation signifies facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technology, modern infrastructure, and comprehensive medical services tailored to meet the diverse needs of penoplasty patients.

Innovative Surgical Techniques and Technology:

  • Turkish medical centers are at the forefront of adopting innovative surgical techniques and advanced technologies in penoplasty.
  • Procedures range from penile lengthening through ligament release to girth enhancement techniques such as fat grafting, dermal fillers, and surgical implants, providing patients with a wide array of options customized to their specific anatomical and aesthetic goals.

Cost-Effectiveness and Value

Affordable Treatment Packages:

  • Penoplasty procedures in Turkey offer significant cost savings compared to Western countries, with comprehensive treatment packages that include all aspects of care.
  • Packages typically cover procedure costs, pre-operative consultations, anesthesia, hospital stay, and post-operative care, ensuring transparency and financial predictability for patients.

Favorable Exchange Rates and Financial Accessibility:

  • The favorable exchange rates for major international currencies against the Turkish Lira (TRY) further enhance cost-effectiveness for international patients seeking penoplasty in Turkey.
  • Patients benefit from competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of medical services, making Turkey an economically advantageous choice for medical tourism.

Touristic and Cultural Appeal

Strategic Geographic Location and Accessibility:

  • Turkey’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia ensures easy accessibility for patients traveling from diverse global locations.
  • Major international airports and well-developed transportation networks facilitate seamless travel to urban medical centers, enhancing convenience for medical tourists.

Rich Cultural Heritage and Hospitality:

  • Beyond medical considerations, Turkey offers a rich tapestry of cultural experiences, historical landmarks, and natural beauty that enrich the medical tourism journey.
  • Patients can explore iconic sites, vibrant cities, and scenic landscapes, complementing their recovery period with memorable travel experiences and cultural immersion.

Comprehensive Patient Support and Care

Multilingual Medical Staff and Personalized Service:

  • Many medical facilities in Turkey employ multilingual staff proficient in English and other languages, facilitating clear communication and personalized patient care.
  • From initial consultations to post-operative follow-ups, patients benefit from attentive support, ensuring comfort, confidence, and satisfaction throughout their treatment journey.

Tailored Treatment Plans and Patient-Centric Approach:

  • Surgeons in Turkey prioritize individualized care, conducting thorough assessments and consultations to understand patient goals, preferences, and medical histories.
  • Tailored treatment plans address specific needs, aligning surgical objectives with realistic expectations and optimal outcomes for penoplasty procedures.

Average Cost of Penoplasty in Turkey

Understanding the cost dynamics of penoplasty in Turkey requires an exploration of various influencing factors. On average, the cost of penoplasty procedures in Turkey can range significantly, starting from approximately €3,000 and potentially exceeding €8,000, encompassing all associated fees and services.

Prices of all types of penoplasty procedure in Turkey.

Penile Lengthening Surgery

Definition and Details:

Penile lengthening surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the visible length of the penis, primarily in its flaccid state.

The procedure typically involves releasing the suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone.

By severing or lengthening this ligament, the part of the penis that is normally hidden within the body can extend outward, resulting in a longer appearance. It’s important to note that penile lengthening surgery mainly affects flaccid length and may not significantly impact erect length.

Surgeons may also combine techniques like pubic liposuction to enhance the aesthetic outcome by reducing the fat pad above the penis, further enhancing visible length.

Penile lengthening surgery is performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and safety. Depending on individual anatomy and goals, surgeons may recommend additional procedures to achieve desired outcomes.

Post-operative care includes managing pain, monitoring for complications such as infection or bleeding, and following specific instructions for optimal healing.

Patients typically undergo follow-up consultations to assess healing progress and address any concerns regarding surgical outcomes or recovery.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgical Procedure: €3,000 – €5,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Penile Girth Enhancement with Fat Grafting (Autologous Fat Transfer)

Definition and Details:

Penile girth enhancement with fat grafting, also known as autologous fat transfer, is a procedure designed to increase the circumference or girth of the penis.

It involves harvesting fat from one part of the patient’s body, such as the abdomen or thighs, through liposuction. The harvested fat is then processed to remove impurities and concentrated before being injected into the shaft of the penis.

This technique aims to augment penile girth in a natural-feeling and aesthetically pleasing manner, providing a permanent enhancement.

The procedure begins with the liposuction phase, where fat cells are gently suctioned out using specialized cannulas.

These fat cells are then purified to retain viable fat grafts for injection. Surgeons strategically inject the processed fat into multiple layers of the penile shaft to achieve uniform augmentation. The process may be repeated in subsequent sessions to achieve desired girth results, depending on individual anatomy and the initial amount of fat harvested.

Penile girth enhancement with fat grafting is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and patient preference.

Aftercare involves managing post-operative discomfort, monitoring for complications like swelling or bruising, and following specific instructions for optimal recovery.

Patients typically experience gradual fat reabsorption over time, necessitating periodic follow-up appointments to assess and potentially enhance results if desired.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,500 – €2,500
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €500 – €1,000
  • Fat Injection into Penis: €2,500 – €4,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Penile Implants (Penile Prosthesis)

Definition and Details:

Penile implants, also known as penile prostheses, are devices surgically implanted into the penis to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) or achieve penile enhancement.

There are two main types of penile implants:

  • Inflatable Penile Implants: These devices consist of inflatable cylinders placed within the penis. They can be filled with saline solution to create an erection and deflated when not in use. Inflatable implants allow for a more natural erection mechanism and can provide greater rigidity compared to other options.
  • Semi-Rigid or Malleable Penile Implants: These are flexible rods implanted into the penis. Unlike inflatable implants, semi-rigid implants are always firm but can be bent downwards for concealment under clothing. They are simpler in design and easier to use but may not offer the same level of concealment flexibility as inflatable implants.

The procedure involves making an incision in the penis or scrotum to insert the implant. It is typically performed under general or spinal anesthesia.

Penile implants offer a reliable solution for men with ED who do not respond to other treatments or desire enhanced rigidity and control over their erections.

The choice between inflatable and semi-rigid implants depends on patient preference, anatomy, and the surgeon’s recommendation based on medical considerations.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Cost of Implant Device: €4,000 – €8,000 (depending on type and brand)
  • Surgical Procedure: €5,000 – €8,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Dermal Fillers (Hyaluronic Acid Injections)

Definition and Details:

Dermal fillers, specifically hyaluronic acid injections, are used for penile girth enhancement. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body that attracts water and adds volume.

In penoplasty, hyaluronic acid gel is injected into the shaft of the penis to increase girth and enhance the overall appearance.

This procedure is ideal for men seeking temporary enhancement without invasive surgery.

The process begins with a thorough consultation to assess the patient’s goals and ensure suitability for the procedure.

During the treatment session, the practitioner injects hyaluronic acid gel into multiple layers of the penile tissue to achieve symmetrical and natural-looking results.

The injections are strategically placed to ensure even distribution and optimal aesthetic outcome.

Hyaluronic acid injections for penile enhancement are performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. The procedure typically takes about 30-60 minutes to complete, depending on the extent of augmentation desired.

Results are visible immediately after treatment and can last up to 18 months, with potential for touch-up injections to maintain results over time.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections: €2,000 – €4,000 (depending on amount and number of sessions)
  • Anesthesia Fees (if applicable): €200 – €400
  • Post-Procedure Medications: €50 – €100
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Definition and Details:

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy for penile enhancement involves using the patient’s own blood-derived plasma to stimulate tissue growth and improve penile function.

PRP contains growth factors that promote cell proliferation, collagen production, and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), which can enhance penile sensitivity and overall sexual performance.

The procedure begins with a blood draw from the patient’s arm, typically in the same way blood is drawn for a standard blood test.

The blood is then processed using a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other components.

The concentrated PRP is then injected into specific areas of the penis, targeting tissues responsible for erectile function and sensitivity.

PRP therapy for penile enhancement is performed in-office and does not require general anesthesia. Local anesthesia may be used to minimize discomfort during the injection process.

Patients may undergo multiple PRP sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. The therapy is favored for its natural approach and potential benefits in improving erectile function, penile sensitivity, and overall sexual satisfaction.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • PRP Therapy Sessions: €1,500 – €3,000 (multiple sessions may be recommended)
  • Anesthesia Fees (if applicable): €200 – €400
  • Post-Procedure Medications: €50 – €100
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Penile Fat Transfer (Autologous Fat Injection)

Definition and Details:

Penile fat transfer, also known as autologous fat injection, is a surgical procedure that involves harvesting fat from the patient’s own body, processing it, and then injecting it into the penis to increase girth.

This technique aims to provide a natural-feeling enhancement and is suitable for patients looking for a permanent solution to penile augmentation.

The procedure begins with liposuction to collect excess fat from donor sites such as the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks.

The harvested fat is then purified to remove impurities and concentrate viable fat cells. Using specialized techniques, the purified fat is carefully injected into multiple layers of the penile shaft to achieve desired girth enhancement.

Penile fat transfer is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and patient preference.

The surgical approach ensures even distribution of fat grafts and minimal risk of complications. Patients may experience temporary swelling or bruising at the injection sites, which typically resolves within a few weeks.

Multiple sessions of fat transfer may be required to achieve optimal results, tailored to individual anatomy and aesthetic goals.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,500 – €3,000
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €500 – €1,000
  • Fat Injection into Penis: €2,500 – €4,500
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Ligamentolysis (Ligament Release Surgery)

Definition and Details:

Ligamentolysis, or ligament release surgery, is a penoplasty procedure aimed at increasing the visible length of the penis by releasing the suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone. This ligament normally restricts the penile length, particularly in its flaccid state.

By releasing this ligament, more of the penile shaft that is typically hidden within the body can extend outward, resulting in a longer appearance.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. Surgeons make an incision above the pubic bone to access the suspensory ligament, which is then cut or lengthened to allow the penis to extend further outside the body.

This surgical technique primarily affects flaccid length and may not significantly impact erect length. Post-operative care involves managing pain, monitoring for complications such as infection or bleeding, and following specific instructions for optimal healing.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgical Procedure: €3,000 – €5,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Alloderm Implant (Dermal Matrix Graft)

Definition and Details:

An Alloderm implant, or dermal matrix graft, involves using acellular dermal matrix (ADM) to increase the girth of the penis.

ADM is a sterile tissue matrix derived from human cadaver skin that has been processed to remove cells while retaining the structural and functional integrity of the dermis.

This material is biocompatible and used in various reconstructive and cosmetic procedures.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the penis and places the Alloderm implant under the penile skin to augment girth.

The implant integrates with the patient’s tissues over time, providing a natural-feeling enhancement. Alloderm implants are favored for their safety profile and ability to achieve predictable outcomes in penile augmentation.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Cost of Alloderm Implant: €3,000 – €6,000 (depending on size and thickness)
  • Surgical Procedure: €4,000 – €7,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Penile Dermal Fat Grafting

Definition and Details:

Penile dermal fat grafting involves using a combination of dermal tissue and fat harvested from the patient’s own body to enhance both length and girth of the penis.

The procedure begins with liposuction to extract excess fat from donor sites, followed by processing and purification of the fat cells.

Dermal tissue may also be harvested from other areas to provide additional structural support and enhance penile aesthetics.

The processed fat and dermal tissue are then meticulously injected and layered into the penile shaft to achieve desired enhancement.

This technique allows for tailored augmentation based on individual anatomy and aesthetic goals. Penile dermal fat grafting is performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and patient preference.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,500 – €3,000
  • Dermal Tissue Harvesting (if applicable): €500 – €1,000
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €500 – €1,000
  • Fat and Dermal Tissue Injection into Penis: €3,000 – €5,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Penile Skin Flap Surgery

Definition and Details:

Penile skin flap surgery is a reconstructive procedure used to correct penile defects or enhance penile length and girth.

It involves transferring skin tissue from one part of the body to the penis to cover defects or increase size.

Various types of flaps may be utilized, including local skin flaps and distant flaps taken from other areas of the body.

The procedure begins with careful planning and marking of the donor site and recipient site on the penis. Skin flaps are harvested and meticulously transferred to the penile area, ensuring adequate blood supply and viability.

This technique requires precise surgical skill and may involve multiple stages depending on the complexity of the case.

Penile skin flap surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia to optimize surgical conditions and patient comfort.

Post-operative care includes monitoring for flap viability, managing pain, and ensuring proper wound healing. Follow-up consultations are essential to assess outcomes and address any concerns during the recovery period.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgical Procedure: €4,000 – €8,000 (depending on complexity and number of stages)
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session

Price Comparison of Penoplasty Procedures in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, Turkey

Penile Implants (Penile Prosthesis)


  • Cost of Implant Device: €4,500 – €7,500
  • Surgical Procedure: €6,000 – €9,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €600 – €900
  • Hospital Stay: €400 – €600 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €120 – €250
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €120 – €180 per session


  • Cost of Implant Device: €4,000 – €7,000
  • Surgical Procedure: €5,500 – €8,500
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay: €350 – €550 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session


  • Cost of Implant Device: €4,200 – €7,000
  • Surgical Procedure: €5,800 – €8,500
  • Anesthesia Fees: €550 – €850
  • Hospital Stay: €380 – €600 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €110 – €220
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €110 – €170 per session

Dermal Fillers (Hyaluronic Acid Injections)


  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections: €2,500 – €4,500
  • Anesthesia Fees: €250 – €400
  • Post-Procedure Medications: €70 – €150
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €120 – €180 per session


  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections: €2,200 – €4,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €200 – €350
  • Post-Procedure Medications: €60 – €120
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session


  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections: €2,300 – €4,200
  • Anesthesia Fees: €220 – €380
  • Post-Procedure Medications: €65 – €130
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €110 – €160 per session

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy


  • PRP Therapy Sessions: €1,800 – €3,200
  • Anesthesia Fees: €200 – €350
  • Post-Procedure Medications: €50 – €100
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session


  • PRP Therapy Sessions: €1,600 – €2,800
  • Anesthesia Fees: €180 – €300
  • Post-Procedure Medications: €45 – €90
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €90 – €130 per session


  • PRP Therapy Sessions: €1,700 – €3,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €190 – €320
  • Post-Procedure Medications: €48 – €95
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €95 – €140 per session

Penile Fat Transfer (Autologous Fat Injection)


  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,800 – €3,500
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €600 – €1,200
  • Fat Injection into Penis: €3,200 – €5,500
  • Anesthesia Fees: €550 – €900
  • Hospital Stay: €350 – €550 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €120 – €180 per session


  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,600 – €3,200
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €550 – €1,000
  • Fat Injection into Penis: €2,800 – €5,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay: €320 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €90 – €180
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session


  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,700 – €3,300
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €580 – €1,100
  • Fat Injection into Penis: €3,000 – €5,200
  • Anesthesia Fees: €520 – €850
  • Hospital Stay: €340 – €520 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €95 – €190
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €110 – €170 per session

Alloderm Implant (Dermal Matrix Graft)


  • Cost of Alloderm Implant: €3,000 – €6,000
  • Surgical Procedure: €4,000 – €7,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session


  • Cost of Alloderm Implant: €2,800 – €5,500
  • Surgical Procedure: €3,800 – €6,500
  • Anesthesia Fees: €450 – €750
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €280 – €480 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €90 – €180
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €90 – €140 per session


  • Cost of Alloderm Implant: €2,900 – €5,700
  • Surgical Procedure: €3,900 – €6,700
  • Anesthesia Fees: €470 – €780
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €290 – €510 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €95 – €190
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €95 – €145 per session

Penile Dermal Fat Grafting


  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,500 – €3,000
  • Dermal Tissue Harvesting (if applicable): €500 – €1,000
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €500 – €1,000
  • Fat and Dermal Tissue Injection into Penis: €3,000 – €5,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session


  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,400 – €2,800
  • Dermal Tissue Harvesting (if applicable): €480 – €950
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €480 – €950
  • Fat and Dermal Tissue Injection into Penis: €2,800 – €4,800
  • Anesthesia Fees: €450 – €750
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €280 – €480 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €90 – €180
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €90 – €140 per session


  • Fat Harvesting (Liposuction): €1,450 – €2,900
  • Dermal Tissue Harvesting (if applicable): €490 – €980
  • Fat Processing and Purification: €490 – €980
  • Fat and Dermal Tissue Injection into Penis: €2,900 – €5,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €470 – €780
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €290 – €510 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €95 – €190
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €95 – €145 per session

Penile Skin Flap Surgery


  • Surgical Procedure: €4,000 – €8,000 (depending on complexity and number of stages)
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session


  • Surgical Procedure: €3,600 – €7,500 (depending on complexity and number of stages)
  • Anesthesia Fees: €480 – €750
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €280 – €470 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €90 – €180
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €90 – €140 per session


  • Surgical Procedure: €3,800 – €7,800 (depending on complexity and number of stages)
  • Anesthesia Fees: €490 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €290 – €520 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €95 – €190
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €95 – €145 per session

Penile Lengthening Surgery (Suspensory Ligament Release with Grafting)


  • Surgical Procedure: €3,500 – €6,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €500 – €800
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €300 – €500 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €100 – €200
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €100 – €150 per session


  • Surgical Procedure: €3,200 – €5,500
  • Anesthesia Fees: €480 – €750
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €280 – €470 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €90 – €180
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €90 – €140 per session


  • Surgical Procedure: €3,400 – €5,800
  • Anesthesia Fees: €490 – €780
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €290 – €510 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €95 – €190
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €95 – €145 per session

Penile Vascular Surgery (Microvascular Penile Revascularization)


  • Surgical Procedure: €5,000 – €8,000
  • Anesthesia Fees: €600 – €900
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €400 – €600 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €120 – €250
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €120 – €180 per session


  • Surgical Procedure: €4,800 – €7,500
  • Anesthesia Fees: €580 – €880
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €380 – €550 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €110 – €220
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €110 – €170 per session


  • Surgical Procedure: €5,200 – €8,200
  • Anesthesia Fees: €620 – €950
  • Hospital Stay (if required): €420 – €620 per day
  • Post-Operative Medications: €130 – €260
  • Follow-Up Consultations: €130 – €200 per session

Factors Influencing Price Variations of Penoplasty Procedures in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, Turkey

Clinic Reputation and Accreditation

Clinic reputation plays a crucial role in determining the price of penoplasty procedures.

Established clinics with a history of successful outcomes and positive patient testimonials often command higher fees due to their perceived reliability and quality of care.

Accreditation by recognized medical bodies and certifications can also contribute to higher costs as they reflect adherence to strict medical standards and patient safety protocols.

Surgeon’s Expertise and Experience

The experience and skill level of the surgeon performing the penoplasty procedure directly impact pricing.

Surgeons with extensive training, specialization in genital surgeries, and a track record of successful outcomes typically charge higher fees.

Their expertise ensures precision during the procedure, reducing the risk of complications and ensuring satisfactory results, which patients often prioritize over cost considerations.

Procedure Complexity and Customization

The complexity of the penoplasty procedure and the level of customization required for each patient’s unique anatomy influence pricing.

Procedures that involve intricate techniques, such as ligamentolysis or skin flap surgeries, may require more time in the operating room and specialized equipment, thereby increasing costs.

Customized treatments tailored to individual patient needs also contribute to higher pricing due to the personalized approach and attention to detail required.

Technology and Equipment Used

Advanced medical technology and state-of-the-art equipment used during penoplasty procedures contribute to higher costs.

Clinics that invest in modern surgical tools, including minimally invasive devices, robotic-assisted surgery systems, and advanced imaging technologies, may charge premium fees.

These technologies often enhance surgical precision, reduce recovery times, and improve overall patient outcomes, factors that are valued by patients seeking optimal results.

Location of the Clinic

The geographical location of the clinic within Turkey, such as Istanbul, Ankara, or Izmir, significantly influences pricing due to regional economic factors and local market dynamics.

Istanbul, as Turkey’s largest city and a major healthcare hub, generally has higher living costs and overhead expenses for medical facilities, which can translate into higher procedure costs.

In contrast, Ankara and Izmir, while still metropolitan areas with reputable healthcare services, may offer slightly lower pricing due to comparatively lower operating costs and competition among clinics.

Inclusion of Additional Services

The inclusion of additional services in the penoplasty treatment package can impact overall pricing.

Comprehensive packages that incorporate pre-operative consultations, post-operative care, medications, follow-up appointments, and ancillary services such as accommodation arrangements or transportation may have higher total costs.

These inclusive packages provide convenience and peace of mind to patients but may come at a higher price compared to basic treatment options.

Patient Amenities and Comfort

The level of patient amenities and comfort provided by the clinic can influence pricing.

Facilities that offer luxurious accommodations, private recovery rooms, personalized nursing care, and concierge services typically charge higher fees.

These amenities enhance the patient experience, offering a more comfortable and supportive environment during the recovery period, which some patients prioritize despite the higher costs involved.

Currency Exchange Rates and Economic Factors

Currency exchange rates and economic conditions can impact the pricing of penoplasty procedures, especially for international patients paying in foreign currencies.

Fluctuations in exchange rates between the patient’s home currency and the Turkish Lira (TRY) can affect the overall cost of treatment.

Economic stability, inflation rates, and governmental policies may also indirectly influence clinic pricing strategies and cost structures.

Demand and Supply Dynamics

Market demand and supply dynamics within each city can influence pricing variations for penoplasty procedures.

High demand for certain types of penile enhancement surgeries in a particular location may drive up prices due to limited availability of experienced surgeons or specialized clinics offering those procedures.

Conversely, competitive market conditions with numerous clinics offering similar services can lead to price competitiveness and potentially lower costs for patients.

Marketing and Branding Strategies

Clinic marketing and branding strategies play a role in shaping pricing decisions for penoplasty procedures.

Clinics investing in extensive marketing campaigns, digital presence, and branding efforts to promote their services as exclusive or premium may justify higher pricing to reflect perceived value and attract a specific clientele seeking quality and reputation.

Brand equity and perceived prestige can influence patient decisions despite higher costs.

Choosing the Right Clinic in Turkey

Researching Clinics

Clinic Accreditation and Credentials:

  • Importance of Accreditation: Highlighting the significance of selecting clinics accredited by reputable medical boards or associations to ensure adherence to stringent standards of care and patient safety.
  • Reviewing Surgeon Credentials: Guidance on researching surgeon qualifications, board certifications, professional affiliations, and patient reviews to gauge expertise and reliability in performing penoplasty procedures.

Consultation Process

Initial Consultation Expectations:

  • Patient Assessment: Detailed overview of what patients can expect during the initial consultation, including comprehensive physical examinations, candid discussions about surgical goals and expectations, and the formulation of personalized treatment plans.
  • Cost Discussion: Strategic recommendations for discussing procedural costs, inclusions, potential additional expenses (e.g., anesthesia fees, facility charges), and payment options during consultations to ensure transparency and informed decision-making.

Questions to Ask:

  • Procedure-Specific Inquiries: Providing a list of pertinent questions to ask regarding surgical techniques, anticipated recovery timelines, potential risks or complications, and expected outcomes based on individual anatomical considerations.
  • Financial Clarity: Encouraging patients to seek clarification on comprehensive pricing breakdowns, flexible financing options, and post-operative care protocols to mitigate uncertainties and foster confidence in their chosen surgical team and treatment plan.


Penoplasty procedures in Turkey offer a diverse array of surgical solutions tailored to address individual aesthetic preferences and functional enhancements.

By gaining a thorough understanding of the multifaceted factors influencing procedural costs, prospective patients can navigate their penile enhancement journey with informed decision-making and confidence.