Comprehensive Guide to LASIK Surgery Prices in Turkey: Everything You Need to Know

Le 1 July 2024

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) surgery has gained popularity worldwide as a reliable solution for correcting refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

In Turkey, LASIK surgery is not only widely available but also known for its affordability and high medical standards.

This detailed guide explores every aspect of LASIK surgery prices in Turkey, empowering prospective patients with essential information to make informed decisions.

Eye doctor during the treatment of vision refractive surgery

What is LASIK surgery?

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) surgery is a specialized refractive surgical procedure aimed at correcting common vision problems such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism.

It is one of the most commonly performed elective surgeries globally and has revolutionized vision correction since its introduction.

Benefits of LASIK Surgery

  • Improved Vision: LASIK surgery aims to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses, providing clearer vision.
  • Quick Recovery: Most patients experience rapid visual recovery, often achieving improved vision within hours to days after surgery.
  • Minimal Discomfort: The procedure is generally well-tolerated, with mild discomfort and dryness typically resolving quickly.
  • Long-Term Results: LASIK surgery offers long-lasting results, with many patients maintaining improved vision for years post-surgery.

Risks and Complications

While LASIK surgery is considered safe and effective for the majority of patients, potential risks and complications include:

  • Dry Eyes: Temporary or persistent dryness of the eyes is common post-surgery and can be managed with lubricating eye drops.
  • Undercorrection or Overcorrection: In some cases, the desired level of vision correction may not be achieved initially, requiring enhancement procedures or continued use of corrective lenses.
  • Visual Disturbances: Patients may experience glare, halos, or difficulty with night vision, particularly during the initial healing period.

Why choose Turkey to undergo the LASKI eye surgery?

Advanced Medical Facilities and Technology

  • State-of-the-Art Clinics: Turkey boasts modern medical facilities equipped with advanced technologies for LASIK surgery. Many clinics in major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir invest in cutting-edge equipment such as femtosecond lasers and wavefront technology, ensuring precise and effective vision correction procedures.
  • Experienced Surgeons: Turkish LASIK surgeons are renowned for their expertise and experience in refractive surgery. Many have received training both domestically and internationally, adhering to rigorous standards of medical education and practice.

Affordability and Cost-Effectiveness

  • Competitive Pricing: LASIK surgery costs in Turkey are significantly lower compared to Western countries and other medical tourism destinations. Prices typically range from 3,000 to 5,000 Turkish Lira per eye for standard LASIK procedures, making it an attractive option for patients seeking affordable yet high-quality healthcare.
  • Inclusive Packages: Many Turkish LASIK clinics offer comprehensive packages that include pre-operative evaluations, the surgical procedure, post-operative care, medications, and follow-up visits. These packages provide transparency in pricing and ensure patients receive comprehensive care without hidden costs.

Accessibility and Convenience

  • Geographical Advantage: Turkey’s strategic location bridges Europe and Asia, making it easily accessible from various parts of the world. Major international airports in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir facilitate seamless travel for medical tourists seeking LASIK surgery.
  • Tourism Opportunities: Beyond medical care, Turkey offers rich cultural experiences, historical sites, and natural attractions. Patients can combine their LASIK surgery with leisure activities, enhancing their overall medical tourism experience.

Quality of Care and Safety Standards

  • Accredited Facilities: Many LASIK clinics in Turkey adhere to international healthcare standards and are accredited by reputable organizations. This ensures adherence to strict protocols for patient safety, infection control, and quality management.
  • Multilingual Staff: Medical tourism in Turkey is well-supported by healthcare professionals fluent in multiple languages, including English, Arabic, Russian, and more. This linguistic diversity facilitates effective communication and enhances the overall patient experience.

Positive Patient Experiences and Testimonials

  • Patient-Centric Approach: Turkish LASIK clinics prioritize patient satisfaction and personalized care. Many patients share positive testimonials regarding their treatment outcomes, the professionalism of medical staff, and the overall quality of services received.
  • Robust Medical Tourism Infrastructure: Turkey has developed a robust infrastructure to support medical tourism, including specialized travel agencies, accommodation options near medical facilities, and dedicated patient coordinators who assist with logistics and arrangements.

Understanding LASIK Surgery Costs

The cost of LASIK surgery in Turkey varies based on several critical factors:

Surgeon Expertise and Experience:

Fees may vary based on the surgeon’s experience and reputation. Experienced LASIK surgeons in Turkey may charge between 4,000 to 6,000 Turkish Lira per eye, reflecting their skill level and success rate.

Technology Used in the Procedure:

Advanced LASIK technologies such as Wavefront-guided LASIK or Femtosecond LASIK may cost between 5,000 to 7,000 Turkish Lira per eye.

These technologies offer enhanced precision and customization, contributing to higher procedure costs compared to traditional LASIK methods.

Inclusions in the Package:

Comprehensive LASIK surgery packages in Turkey typically include pre-operative evaluations, the surgical procedure, post-operative care, medications, and follow-up visits.

Prices for inclusive packages range from 3,500 to 6,000 Turkish Lira per eye, depending on the clinic and the extent of services provided.

Additional Costs and Considerations:

Patients should budget for additional expenses such as travel, accommodation, meals, and local transportation. These incidental costs can vary based on the patient’s location and preferences, adding to the overall cost of undergoing LASIK surgery in Turkey.

Average Cost of LASIK Surgery in Turkey

On average, the cost of LASIK surgery in Turkey ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 Turkish Lira per eye for standard procedures.

Prices can be higher, up to 7,000 Turkish Lira per eye, for advanced LASIK technologies and comprehensive surgery packages that include additional services and amenities.

Factors Influencing LASIK Surgery Prices

Clinic Facilities and Equipment:

Clinics equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced laser technologies may charge higher fees to cover operational costs and investments in cutting-edge equipment.

Customization and Enhancement Options:

Additional enhancements such as monovision LASIK for presbyopia correction or intraoperative adjustments may incur extra costs, typically ranging from 500 to 1,500 Turkish Lira per eye.

Patient Eligibility and Eye Condition:

Complex cases or patients with severe refractive errors may require specialized LASIK procedures, potentially increasing the overall cost of treatment based on the complexity and additional care required.

Prices of all types of the LASIK procedure in Turkey.

Standard LASIK

Definition and Details:

Standard LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a widely performed refractive surgery aimed at correcting common vision problems such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism.

It is a precise surgical procedure that reshapes the cornea to improve how light is focused on the retina, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses.

The procedure begins with a detailed pre-operative evaluation to assess the patient’s eye health and determine their suitability for LASIK surgery.

This evaluation includes comprehensive eye exams, corneal topography, and measurements of pupil size and corneal thickness.

Candidates must have stable vision for at least one year before surgery and be free from certain eye conditions like cataracts or glaucoma.

On the day of surgery, numbing drops are applied to the eye to ensure comfort. A thin flap is then created on the surface of the cornea, either with a microkeratome blade or a femtosecond laser. This flap is gently lifted to expose the underlying corneal tissue.

An excimer laser is then used to precisely reshape the cornea based on the patient’s specific prescription.

The laser removes microscopic amounts of tissue, altering the curvature of the cornea to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

After the cornea is reshaped, the flap is carefully repositioned. It adheres naturally within minutes, without the need for stitches, and begins to heal immediately. Patients typically experience improved vision almost immediately after surgery, with many achieving their desired vision within a few days to weeks as the eye continues to heal.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,000 to 5,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye
  • Custom LASIK options (Wavefront-guided or Wavefront-optimized LASIK): 5,000 to 6,500 Turkish Lira per eye
  • Total Package Costs (including all above): 3,500 to 6,500 Turkish Lira per eye

Wavefront-guided LASIK

Definition and Details:

Wavefront-guided LASIK is an advanced form of LASIK surgery that incorporates wavefront technology to create a personalized treatment plan based on the unique characteristics of the patient’s eye.

This technology maps the precise imperfections in the eye’s optical system, known as higher-order aberrations, which are not corrected by traditional glasses or contact lenses.

By addressing these subtle imperfections, wavefront-guided LASIK aims to improve visual outcomes and reduce the risk of side effects such as glare and halos.

Before surgery, patients undergo a thorough pre-operative evaluation to assess their candidacy for wavefront-guided LASIK.

This evaluation includes detailed wavefront measurements, in addition to the standard assessments for LASIK surgery. Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During wavefront-guided LASIK, the initial steps mirror those of standard LASIK: a corneal flap is created, and an excimer laser reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors. However, the treatment plan is customized based on the wavefront data, allowing the surgeon to address both lower and higher-order aberrations. This customization enhances the precision of the procedure, potentially improving visual acuity and reducing the risk of post-operative complications.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,000 to 6,000 Turkish Lira
  • Wavefront Mapping Technology: Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira

Wavefront-optimized LASIK

Definition and Details:

Wavefront-optimized LASIK is designed to maintain the natural curvature of the cornea while correcting refractive errors. This type of LASIK aims to preserve the shape of the cornea’s front surface, which can reduce the risk of inducing higher-order aberrations (HOAs) that may affect night vision or cause glare.

Unlike wavefront-guided LASIK, which prioritizes correcting aberrations, wavefront-optimized LASIK adjusts the laser treatment to maintain the cornea’s natural shape, potentially leading to improved visual outcomes and reduced side effects.

Before surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive evaluation to assess their eligibility for wavefront-optimized LASIK.

This evaluation includes detailed measurements of the cornea’s curvature and thickness, along with standard assessments for LASIK surgery. Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During wavefront-optimized LASIK, the initial steps are similar to those of standard LASIK: a corneal flap is created using a microkeratome blade or femtosecond laser, followed by reshaping the cornea using an excimer laser.

However, the treatment plan is optimized to maintain the cornea’s natural shape while correcting refractive errors based on the patient’s prescription.

Wavefront-optimized LASIK is suitable for patients with mild to moderate refractive errors who wish to enhance their visual acuity without compromising the natural curvature of their corneas.

It is associated with high patient satisfaction rates and may be recommended for individuals seeking improved visual clarity and reduced dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,500 to 5,500 Turkish Lira
  • Wavefront Mapping Technology: Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye

Topography-guided LASIK

Definition and Details:

Topography-guided LASIK utilizes advanced corneal mapping technology to create a customized treatment plan based on the unique topography of the patient’s cornea.

This type of LASIK addresses irregularities in the corneal surface, such as uneven curvatures or asymmetrical astigmatism, which may not be fully corrected by standard LASIK or other forms of refractive surgery.

Before surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation to assess their suitability for topography-guided LASIK.

This evaluation includes detailed measurements of the corneal surface using topography mapping technology, in addition to standard assessments for LASIK surgery. Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During topography-guided LASIK, the initial steps are similar to those of standard LASIK: a corneal flap is created using a microkeratome blade or femtosecond laser, followed by reshaping the cornea using an excimer laser.

However, the treatment plan is customized based on the topographic data, allowing the surgeon to precisely correct irregularities in the corneal surface and optimize visual outcomes.

Topography-guided LASIK is particularly beneficial for patients with irregular corneas, including those with keratoconus or previous corneal surgeries, seeking improved visual acuity and reduced higher-order aberrations.

It is associated with high patient satisfaction rates and may be recommended for individuals who require a more personalized approach to refractive surgery.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,000 to 6,000 Turkish Lira
  • Topography Mapping Technology: Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye

Bladeless LASIK (All-Laser LASIK)

Definition and Details:

Bladeless LASIK, also known as All-Laser LASIK, utilizes advanced femtosecond laser technology to create the corneal flap instead of a traditional microkeratome blade.

This technology provides greater precision and customization in creating a thin flap on the surface of the cornea, which is then lifted to perform the laser reshaping of the underlying corneal tissue.

By using a femtosecond laser for both flap creation and corneal reshaping, bladeless LASIK enhances safety, reduces the risk of complications, and allows for faster healing.

Before surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation to assess their eligibility for bladeless LASIK.

This evaluation includes detailed measurements of the cornea’s thickness, curvature, and topography, in addition to standard assessments for LASIK surgery. Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During bladeless LASIK, the femtosecond laser creates a precise, ultra-thin flap on the cornea, which is gently lifted to expose the underlying tissue. An excimer laser is then used to reshape the cornea based on the patient’s specific prescription, correcting refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

The flap is then repositioned, where it adheres naturally without the need for stitches.

Bladeless LASIK offers enhanced safety and precision compared to traditional LASIK procedures involving a microkeratome blade. It is suitable for patients seeking optimal visual outcomes with reduced risk of flap-related complications.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,500 to 6,500 Turkish Lira
  • Femtosecond Laser Technology (for flap creation): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Excimer Laser Technology (for corneal reshaping): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye

Blade LASIK (Traditional LASIK)

Definition and Details:

Blade LASIK, also known as Traditional LASIK, involves using a mechanical microkeratome blade to create the corneal flap during surgery. This method has been used successfully for many years and is still considered a safe and effective option for refractive surgery.

Before surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation to assess their eligibility for blade LASIK.

This evaluation includes standard measurements of the cornea’s curvature, thickness, and topography. Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During blade LASIK, the microkeratome blade creates a thin flap on the surface of the cornea, which is then gently lifted to expose the underlying tissue.

An excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea based on the patient’s specific refractive error, correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. The flap is repositioned after corneal reshaping and adheres naturally without the need for stitches.

Blade LASIK has a long track record of success in improving visual acuity and reducing dependence on glasses or contact lenses. It is suitable for patients seeking an effective and time-tested approach to refractive surgery.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,000 to 5,000 Turkish Lira
  • Microkeratome Blade Technology (for flap creation): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Excimer Laser Technology (for corneal reshaping): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye

Monovision LASIK

Definition and Details:

Monovision LASIK is a specialized approach to LASIK surgery designed to correct one eye for distance vision and the other eye for near vision.

This technique is commonly used to address presbyopia, an age-related condition where the eye’s ability to focus on close objects diminishes.

By correcting one eye for distance vision (typically the dominant eye) and the other eye for near vision, monovision LASIK aims to reduce or eliminate the need for reading glasses or bifocals.

Before surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation to assess their eligibility for monovision LASIK.

This evaluation includes detailed measurements of both eyes’ refractive errors, in addition to standard assessments for LASIK surgery. Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During monovision LASIK, the surgical steps are similar to standard LASIK: a corneal flap is created using either a microkeratome blade or femtosecond laser, followed by reshaping the cornea with an excimer laser.

The difference lies in the treatment plan, which is customized to correct one eye for distance vision and the other eye for near vision based on the patient’s individual needs and preferences.

Monovision LASIK offers patients flexibility in their visual acuity, allowing them to see clearly at different distances without relying on corrective lenses. It is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing presbyopia who wish to maintain visual independence.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,500 to 5,500 Turkish Lira
  • Microkeratome Blade or Femtosecond Laser Technology (for flap creation): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Excimer Laser Technology (for corneal reshaping): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye

PresbyLASIK (Multifocal LASIK)

Definition and Details:

PresbyLASIK, also known as Multifocal LASIK or Multifocal Excimer Laser Ablation, is a specialized form of LASIK surgery designed to correct presbyopia by creating multiple focal points on the cornea.

This approach allows patients to achieve clear vision at varying distances, including near, intermediate, and distance vision, reducing or eliminating the need for reading glasses or bifocals.

Before surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation to assess their eligibility for PresbyLASIK. This evaluation includes detailed measurements of the refractive errors in both eyes, in addition to standard assessments for LASIK surgery.

Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During PresbyLASIK, the surgical steps are similar to standard LASIK: a corneal flap is created using either a microkeratome blade or femtosecond laser, followed by reshaping the cornea with an excimer laser.

The treatment plan is customized to create multiple focal points on the cornea, allowing for enhanced visual acuity at different distances based on the patient’s individual visual needs.

PresbyLASIK offers patients a comprehensive solution to presbyopia, providing clear vision across multiple distances without the need for corrective lenses. It is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking visual independence from reading glasses or bifocals.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,000 to 6,000 Turkish Lira
  • Microkeratome Blade or Femtosecond Laser Technology (for flap creation): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Excimer Laser Technology (for corneal reshaping): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye

Custom LASIK (Wavefront LASIK)

Definition and Details:

Custom LASIK, also known as Wavefront LASIK, utilizes advanced wavefront technology to create a personalized treatment plan based on the unique characteristics of the patient’s eyes.

This technology maps the entire optical pathway of the eye, including higher-order aberrations (HOAs) that may contribute to visual disturbances such as glare or halos.

By addressing these aberrations along with traditional refractive errors, Custom LASIK aims to improve visual outcomes and reduce the risk of side effects compared to standard LASIK procedures.

Before surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation to assess their eligibility for Custom LASIK.

This evaluation includes detailed measurements of the cornea’s curvature, thickness, and wavefront analysis, in addition to standard assessments for LASIK surgery. Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During Custom LASIK, the initial steps are similar to standard LASIK: a corneal flap is created using either a microkeratome blade or femtosecond laser, followed by reshaping the cornea with an excimer laser.

However, the treatment plan is customized based on wavefront data, allowing for precise correction of both lower and higher-order aberrations that can impact visual clarity.

Custom LASIK is suitable for patients seeking optimized visual outcomes with reduced risk of visual disturbances such as glare or halos.

It is associated with high patient satisfaction rates and may be recommended for individuals who prioritize personalized treatment plans for their refractive surgery.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,500 to 6,500 Turkish Lira
  • Microkeratome Blade or Femtosecond Laser Technology (for flap creation): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Excimer Laser Technology (for corneal reshaping): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Wavefront Technology (for custom treatment plan): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye

Supracor LASIK

Definition and Details:

Supracor LASIK is a specialized form of LASIK surgery designed to address presbyopia by creating a multifocal corneal profile.

This approach allows patients to achieve clear vision at near, intermediate, and distance distances without the need for reading glasses or bifocals.

Supracor LASIK utilizes a unique ablation profile that creates multiple zones on the cornea, each with a different focusing power, to improve overall visual acuity.

Before surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation to assess their eligibility for Supracor LASIK.

This evaluation includes detailed measurements of the refractive errors in both eyes, in addition to standard assessments for LASIK surgery. Candidates must have stable vision and healthy corneas to qualify for the procedure.

During Supracor LASIK, the surgical steps are similar to standard LASIK: a corneal flap is created using either a microkeratome blade or femtosecond laser, followed by reshaping the cornea with an excimer laser.

The treatment plan is customized to create a multifocal corneal profile that enhances visual acuity across multiple distances based on the patient’s individual visual needs.

Supracor LASIK offers patients a comprehensive solution to presbyopia, providing clear vision at all distances without the need for corrective lenses.

It is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking visual independence from reading glasses or bifocals.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200 to 500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,500 to 6,500 Turkish Lira
  • Microkeratome Blade or Femtosecond Laser Technology (for flap creation): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Excimer Laser Technology (for corneal reshaping): Included in surgical procedure cost
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100 to 300 Turkish Lira
  • Additional Costs (if applicable):
  • Enhancement procedures for fine-tuning vision: 500 to 1,000 Turkish Lira per eye

Price Comparison of LASIK Procedures in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, Turkey

Standard LASIK


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,000-5,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,200-10,600 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 2,800-4,800 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 5,900-10,100 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,200-5,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,700-11,500 Turkish Lira

Wavefront-guided LASIK


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,500-6,500 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 9,300-13,300 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,000-6,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 8,300-12,800 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,200-6,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 8,700-12,800 Turkish Lira

Bladeless LASIK (All-Laser LASIK)


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,500-6,500 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 9,300-13,300 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,500-5,500 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 7,700-11,300 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,200-6,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 8,700-12,800 Turkish Lira

Blade LASIK (Traditional LASIK)


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,000-5,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,200-10,600 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 2,800-4,800 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 5,900-10,100 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,200-5,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,700-11,500 Turkish Lira

Monovision LASIK


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,500-5,500 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 7,300-11,300 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,200-5,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,700-11,500 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,800-5,800 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 7,900-12,100 Turkish Lira

PresbyLASIK (Multifocal LASIK)


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,000-6,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 8,300-12,800 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,500-5,500 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 7,300-11,300 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,800-5,800 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 7,900-12,100 Turkish Lira

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,500-5,500 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 7,300-11,300 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,000-5,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,200-10,600 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,200-5,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,700-11,500 Turkish Lira

LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis)


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,200-5,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,700-11,500 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 2,800-4,800 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 5,900-10,100 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,000-5,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,200-10,600 Turkish Lira

Epi-LASIK (Epithelial LASIK)


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,500-5,500 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 7,300-11,300 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,000-5,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,200-10,600 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 3,200-5,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 6,700-11,500 Turkish Lira

Topography-guided LASIK (Contoura Vision)


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,500-6,500 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 9,300-13,300 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,000-6,000 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 8,300-12,800 Turkish Lira


  • Consultation and Pre-Operative Evaluation: 200-500 Turkish Lira
  • Surgical Procedure (Per Eye): 4,200-6,200 Turkish Lira
  • Medications and Post-Operative Care: 100-300 Turkish Lira
  • Total Estimated Cost (Both Eyes): 8,700-12,800 Turkish Lira

Factors Influencing Price Differences in LASIK Surgery Between Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir

Healthcare Infrastructure and Facilities

The availability and quality of healthcare facilities in each city play a significant role in determining the cost of LASIK surgery:

  • Istanbul: As Turkey’s largest city and economic hub, Istanbul boasts a wide range of healthcare facilities, including state-of-the-art clinics and hospitals offering advanced LASIK technologies. The higher concentration of facilities and competition may lead to a broader spectrum of pricing options, catering to different patient needs and budgets.
  • Ankara: As the capital city, Ankara also hosts numerous reputable healthcare institutions with well-established ophthalmology departments. However, the overall cost structure may differ from Istanbul due to regional economic factors and local healthcare policies.
  • Izmir: Known for its quality healthcare services, Izmir combines a favorable geographical location with a competitive healthcare market. The city’s healthcare infrastructure, although slightly smaller compared to Istanbul and Ankara, still offers a range of LASIK surgery options with varying costs.

Technological Advancements and Equipment

The type of technology and equipment used during LASIK surgery can significantly impact pricing:

  • Advanced Technology: Cities like Istanbul often lead in adopting advanced LASIK technologies such as femtosecond lasers for bladeless procedures and wavefront-guided systems for precise vision correction. The initial investment and maintenance costs of these technologies can influence higher procedure costs.
  • Standard Technology: In contrast, cities with fewer facilities or less adoption of advanced technology, such as Izmir, may offer standard LASIK procedures at a comparatively lower cost. This can make LASIK more accessible to a broader range of patients seeking vision correction.

Surgeon Expertise and Experience

The qualifications, reputation, and experience of LASIK surgeons contribute significantly to pricing variations:

  • Highly Skilled Surgeons: Istanbul, being a cosmopolitan city attracting top medical professionals, may have higher fees associated with experienced LASIK surgeons renowned for their expertise and successful patient outcomes.
  • Regional Variations: Ankara and Izmir also host skilled LASIK surgeons with varying levels of experience and specialization. Factors like surgeon reputation, years of practice, and patient demand can influence their professional fees and overall procedure costs.

Cost of Living and Economic Factors

Local economic conditions and cost of living in each city influence overall healthcare pricing:

  • Istanbul: As the most populous and economically vibrant city in Turkey, Istanbul generally has a higher cost of living and operational expenses for healthcare providers. These factors can translate into higher LASIK procedure costs to cover overhead, rent, and staff salaries.
  • Ankara: While Ankara is also a metropolitan area, the cost of living and operational expenses may be slightly lower compared to Istanbul. This can reflect in more competitive pricing for LASIK surgery while maintaining high standards of care.
  • Izmir: Known for its relatively moderate cost of living compared to Istanbul and Ankara, Izmir offers a balanced healthcare pricing environment. LASIK providers in Izmir may leverage these factors to offer competitive pricing without compromising on service quality.

Regulatory and Licensing Requirements

Local regulations, licensing fees, and compliance standards impact healthcare service costs:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with national health regulations and licensing requirements adds to the operational costs for LASIK providers in all cities. These costs are factored into the overall pricing structure to ensure adherence to safety and quality standards.

Finding Affordable LASIK Surgery in Turkey

To find cost-effective LASIK surgery options in Turkey, consider the following strategies:

  • Research and Compare Clinics: Explore multiple LASIK clinics in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. Compare prices, read patient reviews, and evaluate each clinic’s reputation and credentials.
  • Package Deals and Inclusions: Look for clinics offering comprehensive LASIK packages that include all essential services such as consultations, surgery, medications, and follow-up visits. These packages provide transparency in pricing and ensure continuity of care.
  • Consultation and Evaluation: Schedule consultations with LASIK surgeons to discuss your candidacy for the procedure and obtain personalized treatment plans. Use this opportunity to ask detailed questions about pricing, financing options, and any additional fees that may apply.


Opting for LASIK surgery in Turkey offers a blend of affordability, advanced technology, and skilled medical professionals.

By understanding the factors influencing LASIK surgery prices and conducting thorough research, patients can make informed decisions that align with their budget and vision correction needs.

Whether choosing standard LASIK or advanced treatment options like Wavefront-guided or Femtosecond LASIK, Turkey provides diverse choices to accommodate various preferences and financial considerations.