Comprehensive Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Under Eye Fat Removal in Turkey: Prices, Factors, and Considerations

Le 10 July 2024

Under eye fat removal surgery, also known as lower eyelid blepharoplasty or under eye bag surgery, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at reducing puffiness and fat deposits beneath the eyes.

This comprehensive guide delves into the costs associated with this procedure in Turkey, covering various aspects that patients should consider before making a decision.

Average Cost of Under Eye Fat Removal in Turkey

The cost of under eye fat removal surgery in Turkey varies depending on several factors, including the clinic, the surgeon’s expertise, the technique used, and the city where the procedure is performed. On average, the cost ranges from approximately $1,500 to $3,000 per eye.

Prices can be higher in major cities like Istanbul, where premium clinics and renowned surgeons charge up to $4,500 per eye.

Factors Influencing Pricing Variations

Several factors influence the variation in prices for under eye fat removal surgery across different clinics and cities in Turkey:

Clinic Reputation and Location

Premium clinics located in metropolitan areas such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir tend to charge higher fees due to higher overhead costs and the demand for experienced surgeons.

Surgeon’s Expertise and Experience

The reputation and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure significantly impact the cost. Surgeons with extensive experience and a high success rate often command higher fees.

Type of Procedure and Technique Used

The specific technique used for under eye fat removal, such as transconjunctival blepharoplasty or laser-assisted techniques, can affect the cost.

Laser procedures, for example, may be more expensive due to advanced technology usage.

Inclusions in the Package

Clinics may offer different packages that include pre-operative consultations, post-operative care, medications, and follow-up visits.

Comprehensive packages generally cost more but provide greater convenience and assurance.

Additional Fees

Additional costs may include anesthesia fees, facility fees, and any necessary medications or medical tests before the surgery.

These should be discussed upfront to avoid surprises.

Prices of all types of the Cosmetic surgery to remove fat lumps under the eye.

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty

Definition and Details:

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is a specialized surgical procedure aimed at reducing under eye fat deposits without the need for external incisions.

This technique is particularly suitable for patients with minimal skin laxity who primarily seek to address puffiness caused by excess fat under the eyes.

The procedure begins with the patient under local anesthesia to ensure comfort throughout. The surgeon accesses the fat pads beneath the eye through an incision made inside the lower eyelid, specifically through the conjunctiva.

This approach minimizes the risk of visible scarring, as no external incisions are made. Through this incision, the surgeon can either remove or reposition the excess fat to achieve a smoother contour and more rejuvenated appearance.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty offers several advantages over traditional approaches. By avoiding external incisions, it reduces the likelihood of visible scars and shortens the recovery period. Patients typically experience less post-operative bruising and discomfort compared to methods that involve external skin manipulation.

The procedure is highly customizable, allowing surgeons to precisely address each patient’s unique aesthetic concerns.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fee: The surgeon’s fee for transconjunctival blepharoplasty in Turkey ranges from $1,000 to $2,000 per eye, depending on the surgeon’s experience and reputation.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia costs approximately $200 to $500.
  • Facility Fee: The facility fee, covering the operating room and recovery facilities, ranges from $500 to $1,000.
  • Medications: Post-operative medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, typically cost between $50 and $200.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for transconjunctival blepharoplasty in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $1,750 to $3,700 per eye, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Laser-Assisted Lower Blepharoplasty

Definition and Details:

Laser-assisted lower blepharoplasty is an advanced surgical technique used to remove under eye fat deposits and tighten the surrounding skin using laser technology.

This method is particularly beneficial for patients seeking enhanced precision and skin rejuvenation effects.

The procedure typically begins with the administration of local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. The surgeon then utilizes a laser device to precisely target and melt away excess fat deposits beneath the eyes.

The laser energy not only facilitates fat removal but also stimulates collagen production in the skin, promoting natural tightening and smoothing effects.

Laser-assisted lower blepharoplasty offers several advantages over traditional methods. The laser’s precision reduces bleeding and tissue trauma, leading to quicker recovery times and potentially less post-operative swelling.

The skin around the eyes may appear firmer and more youthful due to the collagen stimulation induced by the laser.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fee: Surgeon fees for laser-assisted lower blepharoplasty in Turkey typically range from $1,500 to $3,000 per eye, depending on the surgeon’s expertise and the complexity of the procedure.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia costs approximately $200 to $500.
  • Laser Equipment Fee: The use of laser equipment adds an additional cost ranging from $500 to $1,000.
  • Facility Fee: Facility fees, covering the operating room and recovery facilities, range from $500 to $1,000.
  • Medications: Post-operative medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, typically cost between $50 and $200.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for laser-assisted lower blepharoplasty in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $2,750 to $5,700 per eye, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Transcutaneous Lower Blepharoplasty

Definition and Details:

Transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to address under eye fat deposits and excess skin through an external incision made just below the lower lash line. This approach allows surgeons to directly access and remove or reposition fat deposits and tighten loose skin for a rejuvenated appearance.

The procedure typically begins with the administration of local anesthesia or sedation to ensure patient comfort.

The surgeon then makes a carefully planned incision below the lash line, extending into natural skin creases to minimize visible scarring.

Through this incision, the excess fat is either excised or redistributed, and the skin is tightened as needed to achieve a smoother contour.

Transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty is suitable for patients with moderate to severe under eye bags and skin laxity.

It provides more extensive access compared to transconjunctival techniques, allowing for more comprehensive fat removal and skin tightening. However, it may involve a longer recovery period and a higher risk of visible scarring due to the external incision.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fee: Surgeon fees for transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty in Turkey typically range from $1,500 to $3,500 per eye, depending on the surgeon’s experience and the complexity of the procedure.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia or sedation costs approximately $200 to $500.
  • Facility Fee: Facility fees, covering the operating room and recovery facilities, range from $500 to $1,000.
  • Medications: Post-operative medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, typically cost between $50 and $200.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $2,750 to $5,200 per eye, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Fat Repositioning Lower Blepharoplasty

Definition and Details:

Fat repositioning lower blepharoplasty is a specialized surgical technique aimed at redistributing under eye fat rather than removing it entirely.

This approach is suitable for patients who desire a natural-looking improvement in under eye contour while maintaining volume in the area.

The procedure begins with the administration of local anesthesia or sedation to ensure patient comfort.

The surgeon makes an incision either inside the lower eyelid (transconjunctival) or externally below the lash line (transcutaneous) to access the fat pads. Instead of excising the fat, the surgeon repositions it to fill hollow areas or smooth out bulges, achieving a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Fat repositioning lower blepharoplasty offers several advantages over traditional fat removal techniques.

By preserving or redistributing natural fat deposits, it helps maintain facial harmony and avoids a hollow or overly sculpted appearance. This method can address both under eye bags and hollows, providing a balanced aesthetic outcome.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fee: Surgeon fees for fat repositioning lower blepharoplasty in Turkey typically range from $2,000 to $4,000 per eye, depending on the surgeon’s expertise and the complexity of the procedure.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia or sedation costs approximately $200 to $500.
  • Facility Fee: Facility fees, covering the operating room and recovery facilities, range from $500 to $1,000.
  • Medications: Post-operative medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, typically cost between $50 and $200.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for fat repositioning lower blepharoplasty in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $3,000 to $5,700 per eye, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Injectable Fillers for Under Eye Fat Pads

Definition and Details:

Injectable fillers for under eye fat pads involve using dermal fillers to fill hollow areas or smooth out under eye bulges caused by fat deposits.

This non-surgical approach is suitable for patients seeking temporary improvement in under eye contour without undergoing invasive surgery.

The procedure begins with a consultation to determine the appropriate type and amount of dermal filler needed.

Common fillers used include hyaluronic acid-based products, which are injected beneath the skin to add volume and smooth out wrinkles or depressions. The treatment is performed in-office and typically requires minimal downtime.

Injectable fillers for under eye fat pads offer immediate results with minimal recovery time. However, the effects are temporary, lasting from several months to over a year depending on the type of filler used.

Repeat treatments are necessary to maintain results, making this option ideal for patients seeking a non-permanent solution to under eye concerns.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Cost per Syringe: Hyaluronic acid fillers for under eye fat pads in Turkey typically range from $300 to $800 per syringe, depending on the brand and volume of filler used.
  • Number of Syringes: On average, 1 to 2 syringes are required per under eye area, depending on the severity of the concern and desired results.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for injectable fillers for under eye fat pads in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $600 to $1,600 per treatment session, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Micro-fat Injections for Under Eye Hollows

Definition and Details:

Micro-fat injections for under eye hollows involve using the patient’s own fat harvested from donor areas (such as the abdomen or thighs) to fill in hollow areas or smooth out under eye contours. This procedure offers a natural alternative to synthetic fillers, utilizing autologous fat for long-lasting results.

The procedure begins with the extraction of fat through a gentle liposuction technique from the donor site under local anesthesia.

The harvested fat is then processed to remove impurities and excess fluids before being injected into the under eye area through tiny cannulas. This technique allows for precise placement of fat grafts to achieve a smooth and natural-looking result.

Micro-fat injections for under eye hollows offer several advantages, including natural-looking results and the potential for long-term enhancement.

Because the patient’s own fat cells are used, there is minimal risk of allergic reaction or rejection.

Over time, the injected fat integrates with surrounding tissues, providing lasting volumizing effects.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fee: Surgeon fees for micro-fat injections for under eye hollows in Turkey typically range from $2,000 to $4,500 per eye, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the amount of fat transferred.
  • Liposuction Fee: Liposuction fees for fat harvesting range from $1,000 to $2,000 per donor area (e.g., abdomen, thighs).
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia costs approximately $200 to $500.
  • Facility Fee: Facility fees, covering the operating room and recovery facilities, range from $500 to $1,000.
  • Medications: Post-operative medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, typically cost between $50 and $200.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for micro-fat injections for under eye hollows in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $3,750 to $8,200 per eye, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Orbital Fat Repositioning Surgery

Definition and Details:

Orbital fat repositioning surgery is a specialized procedure aimed at addressing prominent or bulging under eye fat pads by repositioning them deeper within the eye socket. This technique helps achieve a smoother and more balanced under eye contour while preserving natural fat volume.

The procedure begins with the administration of local anesthesia or sedation to ensure patient comfort.

The surgeon makes an incision either inside the lower eyelid (transconjunctival) or externally below the lash line (transcutaneous) to access the orbital fat pads.

Instead of removing or adding fat, the surgeon carefully repositions the existing fat deposits to fill hollow areas or smooth out bulges.

Orbital fat repositioning surgery is suitable for patients seeking a natural-looking improvement in under eye contour without significantly altering facial volume.

By redistributing orbital fat, this technique can address both under eye bags and hollows, providing a balanced and rejuvenated appearance.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fee: Surgeon fees for orbital fat repositioning surgery in Turkey typically range from $2,500 to $5,000 per eye, depending on the surgeon’s expertise and the complexity of the procedure.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia or sedation costs approximately $200 to $500.
  • Facility Fee: Facility fees, covering the operating room and recovery facilities, range from $500 to $1,000.
  • Medications: Post-operative medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, typically cost between $50 and $200.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for orbital fat repositioning surgery in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $3,750 to $6,700 per eye, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Lower Blepharoplasty with Canthopexy

Definition and Details:

Lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy combines traditional lower blepharoplasty techniques with canthopexy, a procedure designed to provide additional support and stability to the lower eyelid.

This approach helps prevent post-operative complications such as lower eyelid malposition while addressing under eye fat deposits.

The procedure begins with the administration of local anesthesia or sedation to ensure patient comfort.

The surgeon may choose either a transconjunctival or transcutaneous approach to access the under eye fat pads and tighten the lower eyelid tissues.

Canthopexy involves repositioning and securing the lower eyelid tendon to the bone or adjacent tissue, providing long-term support.

Lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy is suitable for patients with moderate to severe under eye bags and skin laxity. It offers enhanced structural support and stability to the lower eyelid while achieving a smoother under eye contour.

This combined approach can help minimize the risk of lower eyelid malposition and optimize aesthetic outcomes.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fee: Surgeon fees for lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy in Turkey typically range from $2,000 to $4,500 per eye, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the inclusion of canthopexy.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia or sedation costs approximately $200 to $500.
  • Facility Fee: Facility fees, covering the operating room and recovery facilities, range from $500 to $1,000.
  • Medications: Post-operative medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, typically cost between $50 and $200.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $3,750 to $8,200 per eye, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Non-Surgical Radiofrequency (RF) Treatments

Definition and Details:

Non-surgical radiofrequency (RF) treatments for under eye fat pads utilize RF energy to heat and contract collagen fibers beneath the skin, resulting in skin tightening and reduction of fat bulges. This non-invasive approach is suitable for patients seeking mild to moderate improvement in under eye contour without surgery.

The procedure begins with the application of a topical numbing cream to minimize discomfort during treatment.

The RF device is then applied to the under eye area, delivering controlled energy pulses to heat the deep layers of skin and stimulate collagen production. This process promotes skin tightening and gradual reduction in under eye puffiness over time.

Non-surgical RF treatments for under eye fat pads offer several advantages, including minimal downtime and no need for anesthesia.

The gradual collagen remodeling can lead to natural-looking results with continued improvement over several months. However, multiple treatment sessions may be required to achieve optimal results.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Cost per Treatment Session: Non-surgical RF treatments for under eye fat pads in Turkey typically range from $300 to $1,000 per session, depending on the type of device used and the clinic’s pricing structure.
  • Number of Sessions: On average, 3 to 5 sessions spaced several weeks apart are recommended to achieve desired results.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for non-surgical RF treatments for under eye fat pads in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $900 to $5,000, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Chemical Peel for Under Eye Bags

Definition and Details:

Chemical peels for under eye bags involve the application of a chemical solution to the under eye area to exfoliate dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production.

This non-surgical approach can help improve skin texture and reduce mild under eye puffiness caused by fluid retention.

The procedure begins with a thorough cleansing of the under eye area to remove any makeup or impurities.

A gentle chemical solution, such as glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), is then applied to the skin surface. The solution is left on for a specified period before being neutralized and washed off.

Chemical peels for under eye bags offer several advantages, including minimal downtime and a rejuvenated appearance.

The exfoliation process can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles while promoting collagen production for firmer skin. However, multiple treatment sessions may be required to achieve optimal results, depending on the severity of under eye concerns.

Procedure Pricing Breakdown:

  • Cost per Treatment Session: Chemical peels for under eye bags in Turkey typically range from $100 to $500 per session, depending on the type of peel used and the clinic’s pricing structure.
  • Number of Sessions: On average, 3 to 6 sessions spaced several weeks apart are recommended to achieve desired results.
  • Total Cost: The total cost for chemical peels for under eye bags in Turkey generally ranges from approximately $300 to $3,000, inclusive of all associated fees and expenses.

Price Comparison of Under Eye Fat Removal Procedures in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, Turkey.

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,000 – $2,000 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $200 – $500
  • Facility Fee: $500 – $1,000
  • Medications: $50 – $200
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,750 – $3,700


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $900 – $1,800 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $150 – $400
  • Facility Fee: $400 – $900
  • Medications: $50 – $180
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,500 – $3,280


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,100 – $2,200 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $600
  • Facility Fee: $450 – $1,200
  • Medications: $50 – $220
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,850 – $4,220

Transcutaneous Blepharoplasty


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,200 – $2,500 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $200 – $500
  • Facility Fee: $500 – $1,000
  • Medications: $50 – $200
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,950 – $4,200


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,000 – $2,000 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $150 – $400
  • Facility Fee: $400 – $900
  • Medications: $50 – $180
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,600 – $3,480


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,300 – $2,700 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $600
  • Facility Fee: $450 – $1,200
  • Medications: $50 – $220
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,050 – $4,720

Laser Blepharoplasty


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,500 – $3,000 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $200 – $500
  • Facility Fee: $500 – $1,000
  • Medications: $50 – $200
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,250 – $4,700


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,200 – $2,500 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $150 – $400
  • Facility Fee: $400 – $900
  • Medications: $50 – $180
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,800 – $4,080


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,600 – $3,200 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $600
  • Facility Fee: $450 – $1,200
  • Medications: $50 – $220
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,350 – $5,220

Orbital Fat Repositioning


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,500 – $3,000 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $200 – $500
  • Facility Fee: $500 – $1,000
  • Medications: $50 – $200
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,250 – $4,700


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,200 – $2,500 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $150 – $400
  • Facility Fee: $400 – $900
  • Medications: $50 – $180
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,800 – $4,080


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,600 – $3,200 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $600
  • Facility Fee: $450 – $1,200
  • Medications: $50 – $220
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,350 – $5,220

Injectable Fillers (Hyaluronic Acid)


  • Per Syringe Cost: $400 – $800
  • Average Number of Syringes: 1 – 2
  • Total Cost: $400 – $1,600 per session


  • Per Syringe Cost: $350 – $700
  • Average Number of Syringes: 1 – 2
  • Total Cost: $350 – $1,400 per session


  • Per Syringe Cost: $450 – $900
  • Average Number of Syringes: 1 – 2
  • Total Cost: $450 – $1,800 per session

Lower Eyelid Surgery (Lower Blepharoplasty)


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,200 – $2,500 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $200 – $500
  • Facility Fee: $500 – $1,000
  • Medications: $50 – $200
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,950 – $4,200


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,000 – $2,000 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $150 – $400
  • Facility Fee: $400 – $900
  • Medications: $50 – $180
  • Total Cost per Eye: $1,600 – $3,480


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,300 – $2,700 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $600
  • Facility Fee: $450 – $1,200
  • Medications: $50 – $220
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,050 – $4,720

Fat Grafting (Fat Transfer)


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,800 – $3,500 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $200 – $500
  • Facility Fee: $500 – $1,000
  • Medications: $50 – $200
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,550 – $5,200


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $1,600 – $3,000 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $150 – $400
  • Facility Fee: $400 – $900
  • Medications: $50 – $180
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,200 – $4,480


  • Surgeon’s Fee: $2,000 – $3,800 per eye
  • Anesthesia: $250 – $600
  • Facility Fee: $450 – $1,200
  • Medications: $50 – $220
  • Total Cost per Eye: $2,750 – $5,820

Radiofrequency (RF) Treatment


  • Per Session Cost: $300 – $600
  • Average Number of Sessions: 3 – 5
  • Total Cost: $900 – $3,000


  • Per Session Cost: $250 – $500
  • Average Number of Sessions: 3 – 5
  • Total Cost: $750 – $2,500


  • Per Session Cost: $350 – $700
  • Average Number of Sessions: 3 – 5
  • Total Cost: $1,050 – $3,500

Chemical Peel


  • Per Session Cost: $200 – $400
  • Average Number of Sessions: 3 – 6
  • Total Cost: $600 – $2,400


  • Per Session Cost: $180 – $350
  • Average Number of Sessions: 3 – 6
  • Total Cost: $540 – $2,100


  • Per Session Cost: $220 – $450
  • Average Number of Sessions: 3 – 6
  • Total Cost: $660 – $2,700



  • Per Session Cost: $100 – $200
  • Average Number of Sessions: 5 – 8
  • Total Cost: $500 – $1,600


  • Per Session Cost: $80 – $150
  • Average Number of Sessions: 5 – 8
  • Total Cost: $400 – $1,200


  • Per Session Cost: $120 – $250
  • Average Number of Sessions: 5 – 8
  • Total Cost: $600 – $2,000

Factors Influencing Price Differences in Cosmetic Procedures Between Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, Turkey

Economic Factors

Cost of Living and Overhead Expenses:

Istanbul, as Turkey’s largest city and economic center, generally exhibits a higher cost of living compared to Ankara and Izmir.

This higher cost of living extends to operational expenses for medical facilities, including rent, utilities, and staff salaries.

Clinics in Istanbul may face higher overhead costs, influencing their pricing strategies for cosmetic procedures.

In contrast, Ankara and Izmir, while also major urban centers, may have slightly lower living costs, contributing to potentially lower operational expenses for healthcare providers.

Market Competition and Pricing Strategies:

The competitive landscape in Istanbul is notably intense, with numerous clinics vying for a diverse clientele that includes both local residents and international patients.

This competition can drive clinics to adopt competitive pricing strategies to attract patients, offering a range of services at varying price points.

In Ankara and Izmir, while competition exists, it may not be as fierce as in Istanbul, potentially allowing clinics to maintain stable pricing structures that reflect local market demands and economic conditions.

Economic Activity and Demand for Cosmetic Services:

Istanbul’s robust economic activity and status as a global hub for medical tourism contribute significantly to the demand for cosmetic procedures.

The city attracts a large number of international patients seeking high-quality care at competitive prices, which can influence the pricing of services offered by clinics catering to both domestic and international markets.

Ankara and Izmir, while also experiencing demand for cosmetic services, may cater more to local residents and regional patients, impacting their pricing strategies based on localized economic factors and patient demographics.

Healthcare Infrastructure

Clinic Prestige and Accreditation Standards:

The prestige and accreditation of cosmetic clinics play a crucial role in determining pricing structures. In Istanbul, prestigious clinics with international accreditation often invest in advanced medical technologies and maintain high standards of care, which can result in higher procedural costs.

These clinics attract patients seeking top-tier services and are willing to pay premium prices for assured quality and safety.

In Ankara and Izmir, clinics may vary in accreditation and prestige levels, influencing their pricing relative to their perceived quality and service offerings.

Technological Advancements and Equipment Availability:

Istanbul benefits from its position as a leading hub for medical innovation and technology adoption.

Clinics in the city often have access to state-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities, which can contribute to higher procedural costs due to the capital investment required for maintaining cutting-edge technologies.

Ankara and Izmir, while also equipped with modern medical facilities, may not always have the same breadth of technological advancements available, potentially impacting the scope and cost of services offered to patients.

Medical Tourism Infrastructure and Global Appeal:

Istanbul’s well-established medical tourism infrastructure enhances its global appeal, attracting patients from across the world seeking cosmetic procedures.

This influx of international patients contributes to the diversity of services offered and the competitive pricing strategies adopted by clinics looking to attract a global clientele.

Ankara and Izmir, while developing their medical tourism sectors, may focus more on regional patients and domestic medical tourism, offering competitive pricing tailored to local and regional market demands.

Regulatory and Legal Considerations

Compliance with Turkish Medical Regulations:

All cosmetic clinics in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir must adhere to Turkish medical regulations and licensing requirements.

Compliance with these standards is non-negotiable and influences the operational costs associated with maintaining legal status and ensuring patient safety.

Clinics that invest in rigorous regulatory compliance may reflect these efforts in their pricing structures, ensuring transparency and adherence to legal standards in the provision of cosmetic procedures.

Malpractice Insurance and Risk Management:

Istanbul’s higher patient volumes and the diversity of procedures performed may result in higher malpractice insurance premiums for healthcare providers.

Clinics in the city often prioritize robust risk management practices and comprehensive insurance coverage to mitigate potential liabilities, which can impact the overall cost of services offered to patients.

Ankara and Izmir, while also prioritizing patient safety and risk management, may experience different insurance cost dynamics based on regional risk factors and insurance market conditions.

Demographic and Cultural Factors

Patient Demographics and Preferences:

Istanbul’s cosmopolitan population and diverse demographic profile influence the demand for various cosmetic procedures.

Patients in the city may have varying aesthetic preferences and cultural attitudes towards cosmetic enhancements, shaping the popularity and pricing of specific treatments.

Ankara and Izmir, while also culturally diverse, may cater more to regional aesthetic preferences and demographic characteristics, impacting the types of procedures offered and their corresponding pricing strategies.

Regional Cosmetic Trends and Preferences:

Istanbul’s position as a trendsetter in cosmetic surgery trends and innovations often leads to the introduction of new procedures and techniques.

Clinics in the city may adapt quickly to emerging trends and consumer preferences, influencing their service offerings and pricing strategies accordingly.

Ankara and Izmir, while innovative in their own right, may experience different trends in cosmetic preferences and procedural demands based on regional influences and patient demographics.

Logistics and Operational Efficiency

Supply Chain Management and Logistical Challenges:

Istanbul’s status as a major logistical hub can impact the supply chain management of medical supplies and equipment.

Clinics in the city may face logistical challenges such as transportation costs and supply chain disruptions, which can affect operational efficiency and overall service costs.

Ankara and Izmir, while also managing logistical considerations, may benefit from more localized supply chain networks and efficiencies that contribute to stable pricing structures for cosmetic procedures.

Staffing and Labor Costs:

The availability and cost of skilled medical professionals, including surgeons, nurses, and support staff, significantly influence the pricing of cosmetic procedures. Istanbul’s competitive labor market for healthcare professionals may result in higher wages and staffing costs for clinics, which are reflected in their service pricing.

Ankara and Izmir, while also attracting skilled professionals, may experience varying labor cost dynamics based on regional economic conditions and workforce availability, impacting their operational expenses and service pricing.

Preparation Before Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery to Remove Fat Lumps Under the Eye.

Personal Preparations

Research and Education:

Before committing to any cosmetic procedure, it’s essential to educate yourself thoroughly. Research the specific treatment, such as lower eyelid blepharoplasty or fat repositioning, and understand its purpose, benefits, potential risks, recovery expectations, and realistic outcomes.

Knowing what to expect can help you mentally prepare for the surgery and manage post-operative expectations effectively.

Consultation with Surgeon:

Scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon or oculoplastic specialist is critical. During this consultation:

  • Discuss your aesthetic concerns regarding the fat lumps under your eyes and articulate your desired outcomes.
  • Provide a comprehensive medical history, including previous surgeries, medical conditions, allergies, current medications, and lifestyle habits such as smoking or alcohol consumption.
  • Your surgeon will conduct a thorough examination of your eye area, assessing skin elasticity, fat distribution, and overall facial harmony to determine the most suitable surgical approach.
  • Ask about the surgeon’s experience with similar procedures, view before-and-after photos of previous patients, and inquire about potential complications and their management.

Lifestyle Adjustments:

Adopting a healthy lifestyle in the weeks leading up to surgery can significantly impact your recovery and surgical outcomes:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and lean proteins to support healing and immune function.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, which helps maintain skin elasticity and overall health.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption, as these habits can impair circulation, delay healing, and increase the risk of complications.

Arrange Support:

Planning for post-operative care and support is crucial, especially if you live alone or have dependents:

  • Arrange for a responsible adult to drive you to and from the surgical facility on the day of the procedure.
  • Enlist a friend or family member to stay with you during the initial recovery period to assist with household chores, meal preparation, and medication reminders.
  • Inform your employer or school about your upcoming surgery to arrange for adequate time off work or academic responsibilities.

Prepare Your Recovery Space:

Creating a comfortable and conducive recovery environment at home is essential for a smooth recuperation:

  • Stock up on necessary supplies, including prescribed medications, ice packs or cold compresses, gauze pads, and comfortable clothing that does not need to be pulled over the head.
  • Set up a designated recovery area with ample pillows to elevate your head, which can help reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Ensure the room is clean, well-lit, and equipped with entertainment options to keep you comfortable during rest periods.

Mental and Emotional Preparation:

Undergoing cosmetic surgery, like any medical procedure, can evoke a range of emotions. To maintain a positive mindset:

  • Communicate openly with your surgeon, expressing any anxieties or concerns you may have.
  • Seek support from loved ones who can provide encouragement, understanding, and practical assistance during your recovery journey.
  • Consider consulting with a therapist or counselor if you experience heightened stress or anxiety related to the surgery, ensuring you approach the procedure with a calm and confident mindset.

Preparations with the Doctor

Pre-Surgical Medical Evaluation:

  • Before your scheduled surgery date, your surgeon will conduct a comprehensive medical evaluation to assess your overall health and suitability for the procedure:
  • Complete any necessary pre-operative tests, such as blood work, electrocardiogram (ECG), or imaging studies of the eye area.
  • Provide a list of all current medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter supplements, and herbal remedies. Your surgeon may recommend adjusting certain medications to minimize surgical risks, such as blood thinners that can increase bleeding during and after surgery.

Detailed Pre-Operative Instructions:

Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines to follow in the days leading up to your cosmetic procedure:

  • Follow instructions regarding fasting before surgery, typically abstaining from food and drink after midnight on the day of your procedure to ensure an empty stomach for anesthesia safety.
  • Discontinue smoking and avoid nicotine products for at least two weeks before surgery to improve circulation, reduce anesthesia risks, and enhance healing outcomes.
  • Inform your surgeon of any changes in your health, such as cold symptoms, fever, or infections, as these may necessitate rescheduling your surgery to ensure optimal safety and results.

Discussion of Potential Risks and Complications:

As part of informed consent, your surgeon will discuss potential risks associated with eyelid surgery and how these risks are managed:

  • Common risks include temporary bruising, swelling, discomfort, and sensitivity to light.
  • More serious complications, although rare, may include infection, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, asymmetry, dry eyes, or dissatisfaction with cosmetic results.
  • Your surgeon will explain preventive measures taken during surgery, post-operative care protocols, and when to seek medical attention if complications arise.

Surgical Consent and Financial Arrangements:

Before proceeding with surgery, you will review and sign a surgical consent form that outlines the procedure details, associated risks, expected outcomes, and post-operative care instructions:

  • Discuss financial considerations, including the total cost of surgery, payment options, insurance coverage (if applicable), and any additional fees for anesthesia, surgical facility use, or follow-up appointments.
  • Obtain a clear understanding of refund policies, cancellation fees, and the surgeon’s policies regarding revisions or touch-up procedures if needed after your initial surgery.

Post-Operative Care Planning:

Prepare for the immediate recovery period and ongoing care following your eyelid surgery:

  • Understand the expected recovery timeline, which typically includes initial healing within one to two weeks and gradual improvement in bruising and swelling over several weeks.
  • Schedule post-operative appointments with your surgeon to monitor healing progress, remove sutures if necessary, and assess your cosmetic results.
  • Plan for any necessary adjustments to your daily routine, work obligations, or social engagements to accommodate the recovery process and allow adequate rest and healing time.

Emergency and After-Hours Contact Information:

Ensure you have access to your surgeon’s contact information and understand how to reach them in case of urgent questions, concerns, or post-operative emergencies:

  • Obtain after-hours contact details for the surgical facility or hospital where your procedure will be performed in case you require immediate medical assistance outside of regular office hours.
  • Keep a list of prescribed medications, dosages, and instructions readily available for reference during your recovery, and notify your surgeon promptly of any unexpected symptoms or changes in your healing progress.

What happens during the Cosmetic Surgery to Remove Fat Lumps Under the Eye

Anesthesia Administration

The first crucial step in lower eyelid blepharoplasty is the administration of anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

Anesthesia options include:

  • Local Anesthesia with Sedation: This common approach involves injecting numbing medication directly into the surgical area (lidocaine with epinephrine) to block sensation. Sedatives are also administered intravenously to induce relaxation and reduce anxiety without causing unconsciousness.
  • General Anesthesia: Reserved for more extensive procedures or patients who prefer to be asleep during surgery. It renders the patient unconscious and ensures they feel no pain throughout the operation.

The choice of anesthesia depends on the extent of the surgery, patient preference, and the surgeon’s recommendation based on medical history and overall health.

Incision Placement and Approach

Once anesthesia takes effect, the surgeon begins the procedure by carefully planning and executing the incision pattern:

  • Transconjunctival Incision: Often preferred for patients with minimal skin laxity and excess fat beneath the lower eyelid. This incision is made on the inner surface of the lower eyelid (conjunctiva), concealing any visible scars externally.
  • Subciliary Incision: Suitable for patients with moderate to significant skin sagging and excess fat. The incision is made just below the lower lash line, allowing direct access to fat pads and facilitating skin removal or redraping.

The choice of incision type is tailored to each patient’s anatomy and cosmetic goals, aiming to achieve natural-looking results with minimal scarring.

Fat Pad Removal or Repositioning

The core objective of lower eyelid blepharoplasty is to address protruding fat deposits responsible for under-eye bags:

  • Fat Removal (Excision): In cases where excess fat pads contribute to a bulging appearance, the surgeon carefully excises or trims the protruding fat tissue. This step involves precise techniques to sculpt a smoother contour under the eyes, enhancing facial harmony and rejuvenating the lower eyelid area.
  • Fat Repositioning: Alternatively, rather than removing fat entirely, the surgeon may redistribute excess fat to fill hollow areas or depressions around the eyes. This technique can restore volume loss and achieve a more youthful, refreshed appearance without the need for external fillers.

The decision between fat removal and repositioning depends on individual anatomical considerations, desired aesthetic outcomes, and the surgeon’s expertise in achieving balanced results.

Muscle and Tissue Adjustment

To optimize eyelid contour and support, adjustments are often made to underlying tissues and muscles:

  • Muscle Tightening (Canthopexy or Canthoplasty): If the orbicularis oculi muscle is lax or contributing to lower eyelid sagging, the surgeon may perform canthopexy (reinforcing existing support) or canthoplasty (shortening and repositioning the muscle). These techniques enhance eyelid tone and prevent post-operative ectropion (outward eyelid turning).
  • Tissue Suspension: Supporting structures such as the orbital septum may be reinforced or tightened to maintain the newly contoured fat pads in their optimal position. This step ensures long-term stability and prevents recurrent bulging or drooping of the lower eyelid.

Precise tissue handling and meticulous suturing techniques are critical to achieving symmetrical, natural-looking results and minimizing potential complications.

Skin Removal and Redraping

Excess skin is carefully excised and redraped to achieve a smooth, youthful eyelid contour:

  • Skin Excision: Once fat repositioning or removal is complete, the surgeon trims away surplus skin to eliminate wrinkles, fine lines, and excess tissue that contribute to under-eye bags and a tired appearance.
  • Skin Redraping: The remaining skin is delicately redraped over the newly contoured lower eyelid, ensuring a tension-free closure. Special attention is paid to maintaining natural eyelid creases and avoiding overcorrection, which can result in an unnatural or hollow-eyed appearance.

The goal of skin management during lower eyelid blepharoplasty is to achieve balanced tension, optimal wound healing, and minimal scarring for aesthetically pleasing outcomes.

Closure and Wound Care

Following the surgical adjustments, the incisions are meticulously closed to promote optimal healing and minimize visible scars:

  • Suture Techniques: Fine, absorbable sutures are typically used to close incisions, ensuring minimal scarring and allowing for gradual dissipation over time. Alternatively, non-absorbable sutures may be used for precise wound alignment and long-term stability.
  • Topical Ointment Application: Antibiotic ointment or soothing eye drops are applied to the surgical area to prevent infection and reduce post-operative discomfort. These medications promote healing and help maintain moisture balance in the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • Sterile Dressing: A sterile, non-adherent dressing or gentle tape may be applied to protect the incision site and provide support during the initial healing phase. This dressing minimizes friction, reduces swelling, and supports tissue adherence to underlying structures.

Proper wound care and attentive post-operative management are essential to achieving optimal cosmetic outcomes and ensuring patient comfort throughout the recovery process.

Post-Operative Assessment and Recovery

Immediately following lower eyelid blepharoplasty, patients are closely monitored in a recovery area to ensure safe emergence from anesthesia and initial post-operative stability:

  • Monitoring Vital Signs: Blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation levels are monitored to detect any signs of post-operative complications promptly.
  • Pain Management: Pain relief medications are administered as needed to alleviate discomfort and ensure patient comfort during the initial recovery phase.
  • Discharge Instructions: Detailed post-operative instructions are provided, outlining wound care protocols, medication administration schedules, activity restrictions, and anticipated recovery milestones.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Scheduled follow-up visits with the surgeon allow for ongoing assessment of healing progress, removal of sutures if necessary, and evaluation of cosmetic results. These appointments are crucial for addressing any concerns and optimizing long-term outcomes.

Long-Term Results and Follow-Up Care

Over the ensuing weeks and months, patients experience gradual improvement in eyelid contour and overall facial appearance:

  • Resolution of Swelling and Bruising: Post-operative swelling and bruising typically diminish within 1-2 weeks, revealing initial cosmetic improvements.
  • Final Results: Final outcomes become apparent as residual swelling subsides completely, usually within 3-6 months post-surgery. Patients enjoy a rejuvenated lower eyelid contour, enhanced facial symmetry, and a refreshed, youthful appearance.
  • Routine Eye Care: Long-term eye health and cosmetic results are maintained through routine eye care practices, including regular examinations, sun protection, and healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Revision Surgery (if needed): In rare cases where additional refinement is desired or unforeseen asymmetry occurs, revision surgery may be considered after adequate healing and consultation with your surgeon.

Post-operative Period of Cosmetic Surgery to Remove Fat Lumps Under the Eye.

Short-Term Healing Period (Immediate Post-Operative Care)

Immediately after surgery, patients require careful monitoring and supportive care to ensure comfort, prevent complications, and facilitate initial healing:

Recovery Room Care

  • Monitoring Vital Signs: Patients are closely monitored in a recovery area to assess vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation levels. This vigilant monitoring helps detect any early signs of complications and ensures a safe recovery from anesthesia.
  • Pain Management: Adequate pain relief is provided to alleviate discomfort and promote patient comfort during the immediate post-operative period. Pain medications are administered intravenously or orally as needed, tailored to individual pain tolerance and surgical complexity.
  • Nausea Control: Some patients may experience nausea or grogginess due to anesthesia. Medications are administered to manage these symptoms until they subside, ensuring a smoother recovery experience.

Wound Care and Dressings

  • Application of Topical Medications: Immediately after surgery, antibiotic ointment or eye drops are applied to the surgical incisions to prevent infection and promote healing. These medications also help maintain moisture balance in the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • Sterile Dressing: A sterile, non-adherent dressing or gentle tape is applied over the incision sites to protect them and provide support during the initial healing phase. This dressing minimizes friction, reduces swelling, and supports tissue adherence to underlying structures, enhancing wound healing.

Post-Operative Instructions

  • Wound Care Guidelines: Detailed instructions are provided on how to care for the surgical wounds at home. Patients are advised to avoid rubbing or touching the surgical area to prevent irritation or disruption of sutures.
  • Medication Schedule: Patients receive a prescribed schedule for taking antibiotics, pain relievers, and any other medications necessary for post-operative care. Adhering to this schedule helps manage pain, minimize swelling, and promote optimal healing.
  • Activity Restrictions: Physical activities, particularly strenuous exercise and heavy lifting, should be avoided during the initial recovery phase to prevent strain on healing tissues and minimize the risk of complications.

Initial Follow-Up Appointment

  • Review of Surgical Results: The first follow-up appointment is typically scheduled within the first week after surgery. During this visit, the surgeon evaluates the initial surgical results, assesses wound healing progress, and addresses any concerns or questions the patient may have.
  • Suture Removal (if applicable): If non-absorbable sutures were used during surgery, they are usually removed within 5-7 days post-operatively. This step ensures proper wound closure and allows for optimal scar healing over time, under the careful supervision of the surgeon.

Long-Term Healing Period (Weeks to Months Post-Operatively)

As the initial healing phase progresses, patients continue to experience gradual improvement in eyelid contour and overall facial appearance:

Resolution of Swelling and Bruising

  • Normal Post-Operative Symptoms: Swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort are common in the first few days following surgery. These symptoms gradually diminish within 1-2 weeks as the body’s natural healing processes take effect.
  • Cold Compress Application: Applying cold compresses to the eyes intermittently during the initial days post-surgery can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort. Patients are advised to use gentle, lightweight compresses and avoid direct pressure on the surgical site to promote optimal healing.

Suture Removal and Wound Assessment

  • Timing of Suture Removal: The surgeon carefully monitors wound healing progress during follow-up appointments. Non-absorbable sutures, if used, are removed within the specified timeframe to minimize scar visibility and support the healing process.
  • Careful Wound Assessment: During suture removal, the surgeon inspects the incision sites for signs of infection, proper healing, and symmetry. Any concerns are addressed promptly to optimize cosmetic outcomes and ensure patient satisfaction.

Gradual Return to Normal Activities

  • Activity Gradation: Patients gradually resume normal activities, including work, social engagements, and light exercise, within 1-2 weeks post-surgery. Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should still be avoided during the early recovery phase to prevent strain on healing tissues and promote optimal recovery.
  • Sun Protection: Protecting the delicate skin around the eyes from sun exposure is crucial during the healing phase. Patients are advised to wear sunglasses and apply sunscreen with a high SPF to minimize UV radiation damage and support scar healing.

Final Cosmetic Results and Long-Term Care

  • Long-Term Healing Timeline: Final cosmetic results become more apparent as residual swelling resolves completely, typically within 3-6 months after surgery. Patients notice a rejuvenated lower eyelid contour, enhanced facial symmetry, and a refreshed, youthful appearance.
  • Routine Eye Care: Ongoing eye health maintenance involves regular eye examinations, sun protection practices, and adherence to a healthy lifestyle. These measures help sustain long-term cosmetic results and ensure overall eye health.
  • Revision Surgery (if needed): In rare instances where additional refinement is desired or unexpected asymmetry occurs, revision surgery may be considered after adequate healing and consultation with the surgeon. Revision procedures aim to achieve further cosmetic enhancement and address specific patient concerns effectively.

Financing Options and Payment Plans

Patients seeking under eye fat removal surgery in Turkey may explore financing options offered by clinics or third-party financial institutions.

Payment plans can help manage the upfront costs of the procedure.


Choosing to undergo under eye fat removal surgery in Turkey involves understanding the various costs and factors that influence pricing.

By researching clinics, consulting with experienced surgeons, and considering all financial aspects, patients can make informed decisions that align with their expectations and budget.