Cataract Surgery Prices in Turkey: Costs, Factors, and Considerations

Le 1 July 2024

Cataract surgery stands as one of the most common and successful surgical procedures worldwide, aimed at restoring clear vision by removing the cloudy lens affected by cataracts.

Turkey has become a renowned destination for medical tourism, offering advanced healthcare infrastructure, experienced surgeons, and competitive pricing.

This comprehensive guide explores all aspects of cataract surgery costs in Turkey, providing detailed insights into the factors influencing prices and helping patients navigate their treatment decisions with confidence.

Surgeon looking into the microscope at the eye of female patient at the operating room

Factors Influencing Cataract Surgery Costs

Choice of Hospital or Clinic:

Public vs. Private Facilities: The choice between public hospitals and private clinics in Turkey can affect pricing.

Public hospitals generally offer lower costs, catering primarily to local residents. In contrast, private clinics, especially those that cater to international patients, may charge higher fees but often provide more personalized care, enhanced amenities, and English-speaking staff.

Surgeon’s Expertise and Reputation:

Experience and Qualifications: The skill and reputation of the surgeon performing the procedure can impact costs.

Highly experienced surgeons with advanced training, certifications, and a strong track record of successful surgeries may command higher fees for their expertise and the quality of care they provide.

Geographical Location:

Major Cities vs. Regional Areas: Prices for cataract surgery in Turkey vary depending on the city and region.

Major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir generally have higher costs due to greater demand, higher operational expenses, and the concentration of top-tier medical facilities. Prices in smaller towns or rural areas may be lower but could also mean fewer options for specialized care.

Pre-Operative Examinations and Post-Operative Care:

Diagnostic Tests and Consultations: Comprehensive pre-operative evaluations, including eye examinations, biometry, and consultations with the surgeon, are typically included in the total package price of cataract surgery.

Post-operative care, which may include medications, follow-up appointments, and adjustments to the IOL if necessary, also contributes to the overall cost.

Prices of all types of the cataract surgery in Turkey.

Standard Cataract Surgery (Phacoemulsification)

Definition and Details:

Standard cataract surgery, also known as phacoemulsification, is the most commonly performed procedure for removing cataracts. It involves several precise steps to restore clear vision affected by a clouded lens due to cataracts.

During this surgery, the ophthalmologist makes a small incision in the cornea to access the eye’s lens. Through this incision, an ultrasonic probe is inserted to break up the clouded lens into tiny fragments using high-frequency sound waves, a process known as emulsification.

The emulsified lens fragments are then suctioned out of the eye.

Following the removal of the cataractous lens, an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted into the eye. The IOL serves as a permanent replacement for the natural lens, focusing light onto the retina and restoring clear vision.

Standard IOLs are typically monofocal, meaning they correct vision at a single distance (usually distance vision), requiring patients to use reading glasses for near tasks after surgery. The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort and minimizing recovery time.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Range from $500 to $1500 per eye, depending on the surgeon’s experience and reputation.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Approximately $500 to $1000, covering operating room use, equipment, and recovery room costs.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia used (local or general).
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Advanced IOLs such as toric or multifocal lenses can cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the complexity and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation: Includes comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and diagnostic tests, costing approximately $100 to $300.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, covering prescription eye drops and follow-up consultations.

Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery (LACS)

Definition and Details:

Laser-assisted cataract surgery (LACS) represents a significant advancement in cataract treatment, combining traditional phacoemulsification with laser technology for enhanced precision and outcomes.

The procedure begins with the use of a femtosecond laser to create precise incisions in the cornea and lens capsule, as well as to soften and break up the cataractous lens into smaller, more manageable fragments.

This initial laser step reduces the amount of ultrasonic energy required during the emulsification phase, potentially minimizing trauma to the eye and accelerating recovery.

After the laser has prepared the eye, the surgeon proceeds with phacoemulsification to remove the fragmented lens pieces and suction them out of the eye.

The final step involves implanting an intraocular lens (IOL) to replace the cloudy natural lens, correcting vision based on the patient’s specific needs.

LACS is particularly beneficial for patients with complex cataracts or those seeking reduced dependency on glasses post-surgery, as it allows for precise customization of incisions and lens placement.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Typically higher than standard surgery, ranging from $1000 to $2500 per eye, reflecting the advanced technology and expertise required.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Similar to standard surgery, ranging from $500 to $1000, covering the use of laser equipment and surgical suite.
  • Laser Technology Fee: Additional costs of $1000 to $3000 per eye may apply for the use of the femtosecond laser, depending on the facility and laser platform used.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia administered.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Advanced premium IOLs, including toric and multifocal lenses, can cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: Approximately $100 to $300, covering comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and imaging studies.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, including prescription eye drops and subsequent consultations to monitor healing and vision stability.

Extracapsular Cataract Surgery (ECCE)

Definition and Details:

Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) is an alternative surgical technique used when phacoemulsification is not suitable due to advanced cataracts or other eye conditions.

Unlike phacoemulsification, which breaks the cataract into tiny pieces for removal, ECCE involves making a larger incision in the cornea to manually remove the clouded lens intact.

Once the lens is extracted, an intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted to restore vision.

This method may be preferred in cases where the cataract is too dense or hard for phacoemulsification, or when additional surgical maneuvers are needed due to complications such as a ruptured lens capsule.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Range from $800 to $2000 per eye, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon’s expertise.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Approximately $600 to $1200, covering operating room use, equipment, and recovery room costs.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia administered.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Premium IOLs like toric or multifocal lenses may cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the specific features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation: Includes comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and diagnostic tests, costing approximately $100 to $300.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, covering prescription eye drops and follow-up consultations.

Intracapsular Cataract Surgery

Definition and Details:

Intracapsular cataract surgery involves removing the entire lens, including its surrounding capsule, through a large incision in the cornea.

This technique is less commonly performed today compared to phacoemulsification and ECCE due to its higher risk of complications, including damage to the delicate structures of the eye and increased inflammation post-operatively. Intracapsular surgery requires a larger incision and is associated with a longer recovery period.

During the procedure, the lens and its capsule are carefully extracted intact from the eye. Unlike other methods where an intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted into the capsular bag, intracapsular surgery involves placing the IOL in front of the iris or securing it to the iris or sclera (white part of the eye) with sutures.

This technique is reserved for specific cases where preserving the lens capsule is deemed beneficial, such as in cases of traumatic cataracts or in developing countries with limited access to advanced surgical technology.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Range from $1000 to $3000 per eye, reflecting the complexity and specialized skills required for intracapsular surgery.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Approximately $800 to $1500, covering operating room use, equipment, and recovery room costs.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia administered.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Premium IOLs such as toric or multifocal lenses can cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: Approximately $100 to $300, covering comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and imaging studies.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, including prescription eye drops and subsequent consultations to monitor healing and vision stability.

Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery (FLACS)

Definition and Details:

Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) combines the precision of laser technology with the benefits of phacoemulsification, offering improved surgical outcomes and reduced recovery times compared to traditional techniques.

The procedure begins with the femtosecond laser creating precise incisions in the cornea and lens capsule, as well as fragmenting the cataractous lens into small pieces.

This preparatory step facilitates easier and safer removal of the lens fragments during the subsequent phacoemulsification phase.


FLACS enhances surgical accuracy by allowing customized incisions and reducing the amount of ultrasonic energy needed to emulsify the lens, potentially minimizing trauma to surrounding eye tissues.

The laser’s ability to soften the cataract and create precise capsulotomies (openings in the lens capsule) enhances the placement and alignment of the intraocular lens (IOL), optimizing visual outcomes for patients.

This advanced technology is particularly beneficial for patients with complex cataracts, astigmatism, or those seeking reduced dependence on corrective eyewear post-surgery.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Typically higher than standard surgery, ranging from $1500 to $3500 per eye, reflecting the advanced technology and expertise required for FLACS.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Similar to standard cataract surgery, ranging from $600 to $1200, covering the use of laser equipment and surgical suite.
  • Laser Technology Fee: Additional costs of $1500 to $4000 per eye may apply for the use of femtosecond laser technology, depending on the facility and laser platform used.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia administered.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Premium IOLs like toric or multifocal lenses can cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: Approximately $100 to $300, covering comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and imaging studies.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, including prescription eye drops and subsequent consultations to monitor healing and vision stability.

Phacofracture Cataract Surgery

Definition and Details:

Phacofracture cataract surgery is a technique used to remove dense or mature cataracts that cannot be effectively managed with traditional phacoemulsification alone.

This procedure involves mechanically fracturing the cataractous lens into smaller pieces within the eye, facilitating easier removal through a smaller incision compared to extracapsular techniques. Phacofracture may be performed manually or assisted by ultrasonic energy to break up the cataract into manageable fragments.

The surgeon begins by creating a small incision in the cornea and inserting a specialized phacofracture probe or instrument to fracture the lens.

Once the lens is sufficiently fragmented, the pieces are emulsified and aspirated from the eye using phacoemulsification technology. After clearing the lens fragments, an intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted to restore vision.

This technique minimizes trauma to the eye and surrounding tissues, allowing for faster recovery and reduced risk of complications compared to older extracapsular methods.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Range from $1000 to $2500 per eye, depending on the complexity of the cataract and the surgical technique employed.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Approximately $600 to $1000, covering operating room use, equipment, and recovery room costs.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia administered.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Advanced premium IOLs, including toric or multifocal lenses, may cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: Approximately $100 to $300, covering comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and imaging studies.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, including prescription eye drops and subsequent consultations to monitor healing and vision stability.

Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS)

Definition and Details:

Manual small-incision cataract surgery (MSICS) is a cost-effective alternative to phacoemulsification, particularly in regions with limited access to advanced surgical technology or resources.

This technique involves creating a small self-sealing incision (usually 6 to 7 mm) in the cornea to access and remove the cataractous lens.

Unlike phacoemulsification, which requires ultrasonic energy to emulsify the lens, MSICS uses a manual or mechanical technique to extract the lens intact through the incision.

The surgeon may use a small incision extracapsular technique to remove the cataract, minimizing trauma to the eye and reducing the risk of complications such as posterior capsular rupture. Once the lens is removed, an intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted to replace the natural lens and restore clear vision.

MSICS is associated with a shorter learning curve for surgeons compared to phacoemulsification, making it accessible in settings where surgical expertise may be limited.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Range from $800 to $1500 per eye, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon’s experience.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Approximately $500 to $800, covering operating room use, equipment, and recovery room costs.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia administered.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Premium IOLs like toric or multifocal lenses can cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: Approximately $100 to $300, covering comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and imaging studies.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, including prescription eye drops and subsequent consultations to monitor healing and vision stability.

Robotic-Assisted Cataract Surgery

Definition and Details:

Robotic-assisted cataract surgery integrates advanced robotics with precision imaging technology to enhance surgical outcomes and patient safety during cataract removal.

This cutting-edge approach begins with high-resolution imaging of the eye to create a 3D map of the cataractous lens and surrounding structures.

Using this detailed map, a robotic system assists the surgeon in creating precise incisions in the cornea and lens capsule, as well as in fragmenting and removing the cataract.

The robotic system uses real-time feedback to adjust to the patient’s eye movements, ensuring accurate placement of surgical instruments and minimizing the risk of complications.

Once the cataract is fragmented and removed, an intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted to restore clear vision based on the patient’s specific visual needs.

Robotic-assisted surgery offers unparalleled precision and customization, making it particularly beneficial for patients with complex cataracts, astigmatism, or those seeking optimal visual outcomes.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Typically higher than standard surgery, ranging from $2000 to $4000 per eye, reflecting the advanced technology and expertise required for robotic-assisted procedures.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Similar to standard cataract surgery, ranging from $800 to $1500, covering the use of robotic equipment and surgical suite.
  • Robotic System Fee: Additional costs of $2000 to $5000 per eye may apply for the use of robotic technology, depending on the facility and robotic platform used.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia administered.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Premium IOLs like toric or multifocal lenses can cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: Approximately $100 to $300, covering comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and imaging studies.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, including prescription eye drops and subsequent consultations to monitor healing and vision stability.

Topical Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery

Definition and Details:

Topical phacoemulsification cataract surgery is a variation of standard phacoemulsification that eliminates the need for injectable anesthesia, relying solely on topical (surface) anesthesia drops to numb the eye.

This technique enhances patient comfort and reduces the risk of complications associated with needle injections.

The procedure begins with the application of numbing eye drops to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the surgery.

Once the eye is adequately numbed, the surgeon makes a small incision in the cornea to access the cataractous lens. Phacoemulsification is then performed using ultrasonic energy to break up the lens into tiny fragments, which are suctioned out of the eye. An intraocular lens (IOL) is subsequently implanted to replace the cloudy natural lens and restore clear vision.

Topical phacoemulsification is suitable for patients who prefer to avoid needle injections or have contraindications to injectable anesthesia.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Similar to standard phacoemulsification, ranging from $800 to $2000 per eye, depending on the surgeon’s expertise and the complexity of the procedure.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Approximately $500 to $1000, covering operating room use, equipment, and recovery room costs.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Generally lower, around $50 to $150 per eye, for topical anesthesia drops compared to injectable anesthesia.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Premium IOLs like toric or multifocal lenses can cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: Approximately $100 to $300, covering comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and imaging studies.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, including prescription eye drops and subsequent consultations to monitor healing and vision stability.

Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS)

Definition and Details:

Microincision cataract surgery (MICS) is a minimally invasive technique that uses incisions smaller than 2.2 mm in size to remove cataracts, offering quicker recovery times and reduced risk of induced astigmatism compared to traditional methods.

This procedure involves making a tiny self-sealing incision in the cornea to access and emulsify the cataractous lens using phacoemulsification technology.

The fragmented lens pieces are then suctioned out of the eye through the same microincision.

MICS minimizes trauma to the eye and surrounding tissues, allowing for faster visual recovery and a lower incidence of post-operative complications such as infection or corneal edema.

Due to the smaller incision size, MICS is associated with less induced astigmatism, making it suitable for patients with pre-existing corneal conditions or those seeking enhanced refractive outcomes. An intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted to replace the natural lens and restore clear vision based on the patient’s visual requirements.

Pricing Breakdown:

  • Surgeon’s Fees: Range from $1000 to $2500 per eye, depending on the complexity of the cataract and the surgeon’s experience with microincision techniques.
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: Approximately $600 to $1200, covering operating room use, equipment, and recovery room costs.
  • Anesthesia Fees: Around $100 to $300 per eye, depending on the type of anesthesia administered.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: Basic monofocal IOLs range from $100 to $500 per lens. Premium IOLs like toric or multifocal lenses can cost between $500 to $2500 per lens, depending on the features and manufacturer.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: Approximately $100 to $300, covering comprehensive eye exams, biometry, and imaging studies.
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: Range from $50 to $200, including prescription eye drops and subsequent consultations to monitor healing and vision stability.

Detailed Breakdown of Costs by City: Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir


As Turkey’s largest city and a global hub for medical tourism, Istanbul offers a wide range of options for cataract surgery.

Prices here can start from approximately $1000 per eye for standard surgery with a monofocal IOL in reputable private hospitals. Advanced procedures or the use of premium IOLs can increase costs significantly, often reaching up to $2500 or more per eye.


Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, also boasts numerous facilities specializing in cataract surgery. Prices in Ankara may start slightly lower compared to Istanbul, ranging from $800 to $2000 per eye depending on the facility’s reputation, the surgeon’s expertise, and the specifics of the treatment plan chosen by the patient.


Izmir, located on Turkey’s western coast and known for its advanced healthcare infrastructure and scenic surroundings, offers competitive pricing for cataract surgery.

Costs in Izmir typically range between $900 and $2200 per eye, with variations based on the hospital’s location, facilities, and the complexity of the procedure required.

Price Comparison of Cataract Surgery Types in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir

Standard Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1000 – $2000 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $1000
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $900 – $1800 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $400 – $800
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $800 – $1600 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $400 – $700
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery (FLACS)


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1500 – $3500 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $600 – $1200
  • Laser Technology Fee: $1500 – $4000 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1400 – $3200 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $1000
  • Laser Technology Fee: $1300 – $3500 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1300 – $3000 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $900
  • Laser Technology Fee: $1200 – $3000 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Extracapsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE)


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $800 – $1800 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $400 – $800
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $700 – $1600 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $300 – $700
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $600 – $1400 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $300 – $600
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Intracapsular Cataract Extraction (ICCE)


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $700 – $1500 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $300 – $600
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $600 – $1400 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $300 – $500
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $500 – $1200 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $250 – $500
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Laser-Assisted Capsulotomy Cataract Surgery


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1200 – $2500 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $900
  • Laser Technology Fee: $1000 – $3000 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2000 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1100 – $2300 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $400 – $800
  • Laser Technology Fee: $900 – $2500 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2000 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1000 – $2200 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $400 – $700
  • Laser Technology Fee: $800 – $2000 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2000 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Phacofracture Cataract Surgery


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1000 – $2500 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $600 – $1000
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $900 – $2200 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $800
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $800 – $2000 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $700
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS)


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $900 – $2000 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $900
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $800 – $1800 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $400 – $700
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $700 – $1600 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $400 – $600
  • Anesthesia Fees: $50 – $200 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Laser Thermal Keratoplasty (LTK) for Cataract Surgery


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1200 – $2800 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $600 – $1100
  • Laser Technology Fee: $1000 – $3500 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1100 – $2600 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $1000
  • Laser Technology Fee: $900 – $3000 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1000 – $2400 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $900
  • Laser Technology Fee: $800 – $2500 per eye
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Accommodative Intraocular Lens (AIOL) Cataract Surgery


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $2000 – $4000 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $800 – $1500
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $1000 – $3500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1800 – $3600 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $700 – $1200
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $1000 – $3000 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1600 – $3200 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $600 – $1100
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $1000 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS)


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $1000 – $2500 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $600 – $1200
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $900 – $2200 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $1000
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200


  • Surgeon’s Fees: $800 – $2000 per eye
  • Hospital or Clinic Facility Fees: $500 – $900
  • Anesthesia Fees: $100 – $300 per eye
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Cost: $100 – $2500 per lens
  • Pre-operative Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests: $100 – $300
  • Post-operative Medications and Follow-up Visits: $50 – $200

Key Considerations for Foreign Patients Planning to have a Cataract Surgery in Turkey.

Medical Expertise and Accreditation

Surgeon Qualifications and Experience:

  • Credentials and Specialization: Before selecting a surgeon for cataract surgery in Turkey, verify their credentials, specialization in ophthalmology, and specific experience with cataract procedures. Look for board-certified ophthalmologists who have undergone extensive training and regularly perform cataract surgeries.
  • Professional Affiliations: Surgeons affiliated with reputable medical associations or societies demonstrate a commitment to continuing education and adherence to high standards of medical practice.

Hospital or Clinic Accreditation:

  • Accreditation Standards: Choose hospitals or clinics accredited by internationally recognized bodies such as the Joint Commission International (JCI) or national accreditation bodies. Accredited facilities adhere to stringent guidelines for patient safety, quality of care, infection control, and operational excellence.
  • Facility Infrastructure: Assess the hospital’s infrastructure, including the availability of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, advanced surgical technology (such as laser-assisted cataract surgery), and specialized ophthalmic units. Modern facilities enhance surgical precision and post-operative care quality.

Patient Reviews and Testimonials:

  • Online Resources: Utilize online platforms, hospital websites, and medical tourism directories to access patient reviews and testimonials. Feedback from previous patients provides insights into the surgeon’s bedside manner, communication skills, surgical outcomes, and overall patient satisfaction.
  • Referrals and Recommendations: Seek referrals from trusted healthcare providers or friends who have undergone successful cataract surgery in Turkey. Personal recommendations can guide you towards reputable surgeons and facilities known for delivering exceptional care.

Treatment Options and Technology

Advanced Treatment Techniques:

  • Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery (LACS): Inquire about the availability of LACS, a sophisticated technique that uses laser technology to perform precise incisions and fragmentation of the cataractous lens. LACS may offer improved visual outcomes, faster recovery times, and reduced risk of complications compared to traditional manual techniques.
  • Intraocular Lens (IOL) Options: Discuss the range of IOL options available, including standard monofocal lenses and premium lenses such as multifocal, accommodative, or toric lenses. Premium IOLs can correct presbyopia (age-related near vision loss) and astigmatism, potentially reducing the need for glasses or contact lenses post-surgery.

Customized Treatment Plans:

  • Comprehensive Consultations: Schedule personalized consultations with the surgeon to discuss your visual goals, medical history, lifestyle preferences, and expectations from cataract surgery. A thorough assessment allows the surgeon to tailor a treatment plan that addresses your individual needs and maximizes visual outcomes.
  • Pre-Operative Assessments: Ensure that pre-operative evaluations, including comprehensive eye exams, biometric measurements, and assessment of ocular health, are conducted to assess candidacy for surgery and determine the most suitable surgical approach.

Financial Considerations and Insurance Coverage

Transparent Pricing Structure:

  • Detailed Cost Breakdown: Request a detailed estimate of the total cost of cataract surgery, encompassing surgical fees, anesthesia charges, facility fees, pre-operative diagnostics, medications, and post-operative follow-up care. Clarify any additional fees or optional services that may impact the final cost.
  • Currency Exchange and Payment Options: Understand the accepted payment methods (cash, credit card, wire transfer) and inquire about currency exchange rates if paying in a foreign currency. Some hospitals may offer financial assistance or installment payment plans to facilitate affordability for international patients.

Insurance Coverage and Reimbursement:

  • International Insurance Policies: Review your international health insurance coverage to determine if cataract surgery performed abroad, specifically in Turkey, is included in your policy. Verify coverage details, reimbursement procedures, and any documentation required to file a claim for medical expenses incurred during treatment.
  • Direct Billing Options: Explore hospitals or clinics in Turkey that offer direct billing services with international insurance providers. Direct billing streamlines the payment process by allowing the hospital to bill your insurance company directly for covered services, minimizing out-of-pocket expenses.

Travel Logistics and Support Services

Travel Arrangements:

  • Flight and Accommodation: Plan your travel itinerary, including flight bookings and accommodation arrangements, well in advance of your scheduled surgery date. Consider proximity to the hospital or clinic, accessibility of public transportation, and accommodation options that cater to medical tourists.
  • Airport Transfers: Coordinate airport transfers and ground transportation services with the hospital or arrange for reliable local transportation services to facilitate seamless travel between your accommodation and medical appointments.

Language and Cultural Considerations:

  • Language Accessibility: Confirm that the hospital or clinic employs English-speaking staff or provides interpreter services to facilitate clear communication with healthcare providers. Effective communication ensures that you fully understand treatment options, pre-operative instructions, and post-operative care guidelines.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Familiarize yourself with Turkish cultural norms, etiquette, and healthcare practices to navigate interactions with local staff and enhance your overall experience as an international patient receiving medical care in Turkey.

Post-Operative Care and Follow-Up

Post-Surgical Recovery Plan:

  • Medications and Eye Care: Obtain detailed instructions on post-operative medications, eye care routines, and activity restrictions following cataract surgery. Adhere to prescribed medication schedules and attend scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and address any concerns promptly.
  • Complications Management: Discuss potential complications or side effects associated with cataract surgery, such as infection, inflammation, or temporary visual disturbances. Understand the signs and symptoms that warrant immediate medical attention and have contact information for the hospital’s emergency department or after-hours clinic.

Long-Term Vision Maintenance:

  • Ongoing Eye Health: Commit to regular eye exams and continued follow-up care with an ophthalmologist to monitor your eye health and evaluate the long-term stability of your visual outcomes post-surgery. Routine eye exams are essential for detecting age-related eye conditions, adjusting corrective prescriptions, and maintaining optimal vision quality throughout your lifetime.


Opting for cataract surgery in Turkey presents patients with a compelling combination of affordability, high-quality medical care, and a welcoming environment for medical tourism.

By understanding the diverse factors influencing costs, from surgical techniques to geographical variations and choice of intraocular lenses, patients can make well-informed decisions that align with their medical needs and financial considerations.

Whether choosing Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, or other regions in Turkey, thorough research and consultation with healthcare providers ensure a positive experience and successful outcomes for cataract surgery patients.